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Calculated Items and non-calculated Items

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

I've got a problem in combining calculated and non-calculated items.

Here is my example:

ProductUnitsSales Order Price
Server Farmsssxx345362737

For PC and Server no calculations are needed. But for Server-Farm the Price is not only the Server-Farm Price but in additionen

the Ratio of PC/Server for specific Products. So it would be ServerFarm=ServerFarm + Serverfarm* (Pc Type A2/Server Type K8).

This ratio is different if it's based on a specific Country and different it it's on a specfic Region (APAC, EMEA, NA etc..)

When I add a formula in the chart and select Server Farm, my calcuation disapears.

How can solve this problem, applying to the ProductGroup a calcuated Product Group which replaced the old one?

Thank you for your help.

2 Replies
Not applicable

I think you can solve this by using an IF() in your calculation.

Somthing like:

IF(Productgroup= PC, (ExpressionA) ,

IF(Productgroup= Server, (ExpressionA),

IF(Productgroup= 'Server-Farm', (ExpressionB)



IF(Productgroup <>'Server-Farm', (ExpressionA) , (ExpressionB) )

Let me know if this works for you.

Not applicable

Dear Dennis,

thank you for your help so far, but it does not work.

The Expression for the Servers is an AGGR:

(sum(aggr((sum({<[Main Article Group]={'PC}>}[cpa_Net Value]*CurrencyRate)/

sum({<[Productnumber]={'Server A2, Server K4, Server B2, Server H4, Servfer I6'}>}[cpa_Net Value]*CurrencyRate)*

sum({<[Main_Article Group]={''}>}[cpa_Net Value]*CurrencyRate)),[Geo 4],[Fiscal Month Name],[Fiscal Year]))),

For the rest, it's just a sum().

The Caculation of does not show the right result in this apporach with IF - Statements.

The AGGR Function is correct, I've tested many times.