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Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
I've got a problem in combining calculated and non-calculated items.
Here is my example:
Productgroup | Product | Units | Sales Order Price |
PC | A1 | 34 | 3634 |
PC | A2 | 176 | 34622 |
Server | K3 | 231 | 232351 |
Server-Farm | SSSSE | 1 | 52233 |
Server Farm | sssxx | 34 | 5362737 |
For PC and Server no calculations are needed. But for Server-Farm the Price is not only the Server-Farm Price but in additionen
the Ratio of PC/Server for specific Products. So it would be ServerFarm=ServerFarm + Serverfarm* (Pc Type A2/Server Type K8).
This ratio is different if it's based on a specific Country and different it it's on a specfic Region (APAC, EMEA, NA etc..)
When I add a formula in the chart and select Server Farm, my calcuation disapears.
How can solve this problem, applying to the ProductGroup a calcuated Product Group which replaced the old one?
Thank you for your help.
I think you can solve this by using an IF() in your calculation.
Somthing like:
IF(Productgroup= PC, (ExpressionA) ,
IF(Productgroup= Server, (ExpressionA),
IF(Productgroup= 'Server-Farm', (ExpressionB)
IF(Productgroup <>'Server-Farm', (ExpressionA) , (ExpressionB) )
Let me know if this works for you.
Dear Dennis,
thank you for your help so far, but it does not work.
The Expression for the Servers is an AGGR:
(sum(aggr((sum({<[Main Article Group]={'PC}>}[cpa_Net Value]*CurrencyRate)/
sum({<[Productnumber]={'Server A2, Server K4, Server B2, Server H4, Servfer I6'}>}[cpa_Net Value]*CurrencyRate)*
sum({<[Main_Article Group]={''}>}[cpa_Net Value]*CurrencyRate)),[Geo 4],[Fiscal Month Name],[Fiscal Year]))),
For the rest, it's just a sum().
The Caculation of does not show the right result in this apporach with IF - Statements.
The AGGR Function is correct, I've tested many times.