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I want to count the number of times my QlikView tabs are being opened or the amount of times a button is clicked, but I don't know exactly how to do this. I was thinking about using the on activate sheet trigger but then I don't know what to do, I can't update a variable because that will refresh every session and that will only work per user.
I saw that I could also use a Macro but i'm not that familiar with that.
Can someone help me with this.
Roy van Heusden
Go to Document Properties -> General Tab -> Click on Memory Statistics -> Save the file
Create a test application and load the file which you saved.
You will find the statistics of each objects used in the application.
Hello Robert, thank you for your response, I wasn't familiar with that option. I just tried it and I don't think it offers me the information I need. It's not clear to me how I can get the opens of a specific tab.
I was hoping for a solution what can add a line to a txt file or someting with the date and the name of the tab or button. Then i will be able to see how many times a tab/button is opened over time.
Try using the QV System Monitor. It parses the log files and presents user stats.
QlikView Application: System Monitor v5.1.20
Hope this helps,
Thank you Jason, I will try to look into this, this week. I gave it a quick peek, and i saw that I need to set quite some settings.
There are a few, yes. But just set the file locations and reload - what you need might be in there already.