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I am able to export the same with .xls format by using the ExportBiff keyword in Macro. But, i want to export it to .xlsx format in Qlikview 12.0.
If i am doing the same by using ExportBiff it was creating the file but in invalid format.
Please reach out to me if anything disconnects.
Thanks in Advance...!
try like this:
Sub XLSX_Export Filename = "Report" set obj = ActiveDocument.GetSheetObject("CH01") set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application") objExcel.Visible = False set xlDoc= objExcel.Workbooks.Add Set ASheet = objExcel.ActiveSheet ASheet.Application.DisplayAlerts = False ASheet.Range("A1").Select obj.CopyTableToClipboard true ASheet.Paste objExcel.DisplayAlerts = FALSE ASheet.SaveAs "C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\"&Filename&".xlsx" objExcel.Quit end Sub
Thanks for the response.
When i am trying to execute the macro it was throwing error on below line.
set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Can you help me to get resolve, i am using QV12.0 SR5.