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Dear Friends,
I am take out the QVD from any model with some lines but i dont want to share this data to the user i just only want the data model qvds.
Basic requirement is that i want the fake values into the qvd columns how can i achieve this or any function for this to do the changes.
You can create the sample data model, then scramble data values using the frontend:
Setting - Document Properties - Scrambling
Or transform your QVD values using HashXXX() functions for text values and adding random numbers to numeric values.
One way here is to load the Limited Load with one or 0 line but i am looking for entering fake values
Thanks stefan i am created the QVD from any data model but how can i used the Hash() function can you please elaborate this.
Try like:
Hash256(Field1) as Field1, // For random text values
Floor(Rand()*100*Field2) as Field2 // For random numeric field
From <QVD>;
I think you would need to reload the QVD data and use the functions in the load, then you can store the transformed records to QVDs again.
(or do the transformation on a resident table before you write the initial QVDs)
Something like
Hash256(FIELD) as FIELD
STORE TMP INTO Field.qvd (qvd);
Instead of the Hash256() function, you can also use Autonumber(), which might be more user friendly than the cryptic long hash values.
Thanks Stefan if i use scrambling in front end is this similar to Hash fields or may be different with the Hash Functions.
I quote from Preparing examples for Upload - Reduction and Data Scrambling
You can protect the privacy of sensitive information, such as account numbers, revenue or customer names by using the QV Scrambling feature. In the menu bar, select Settings->Document Properties->Scrambling.
Here you can select the field(s) to scramble and press the "Scramble" button to perform a random scrambling of the field . No one can determine it's original contents. Like values will scramble to the same value which maintains the value linkages.