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is it possible to hard code a value based on a field weather the field is null or has some text in it?
I can see that you can do it like an if statement which works fine for example
if(Upper(CUST_REF) like 'BID*','Bidding',if(Upper(CUST_REF) like 'OTP*' or Upper(CUST_REF)='ORDER TO PLACE','Order to Place','Budget')) as [Q Type],
but i want to hard code CUST_REF weather if meets a criteria or not.
Script or User Interface?
Can you provide what values are coming in your CUST_REF and what value you want to hard code based on what condition?
If(len(trim(CUST_REF)) > 0, 'hardcode value 1', hardcode value 2')
if(isnull(CUST_REF),0,1) as HardCodeField
If(len(trim(CUST_REF)) > 0, 'hardcode value 1', hardcode value 2')
Use this code.
if(WildMatch(CUST_REF,'OTP*','ORDER TO PLACE'),'Order to Place','Budget')) as [Q Type],