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jagan, sunindia, tresesco, swuehl, MRKachhiaIMP
Hi all,
I have staff table as shown below,
Staff No | Name | Department | Date Joined | Contract Expiry Date |
19710 | Mark | Insurance | 30/4/2013 | 30/6/2015 |
30665 | Ross | Retail | 6/6/2012 | 30/6/2014 |
36698 | Mike | Marketing | 23/5/2014 | 30/6/2016 |
Based on the Date Joined and Contract expiry date, I need add the years between them. In short I need one more column with all the years from joined and expiry date as shown below,
Staff No | Name | Department | Date Joined | Contract Expiry Date | Year |
19710 | Mark | Insurance | 30/4/2013 | 30/6/2015 | 2013/2014 |
19710 | Mark | Insurance | 30/4/2013 | 30/6/2015 | 2014/2015 |
30665 | Ross | Retail | 6/6/2012 | 30/6/2013 | 2012/2013 |
30665 | Ross | Retail | 6/6/2012 | 30/6/2013 | 2013/2014 |
30665 | Ross | Retail | 6/6/2012 | 30/6/2013 | 2014/2015 |
36698 | Mike | Marketing | 23/5/2014 | 30/6/2016 | 2014/2015 |
36698 | Mike | Marketing | 23/5/2014 | 30/6/2016 | 2015/2016 |
Could anyone please help me on this?
Thanks & Regards,
Have a look at this.
Thanks for your response. But I am getting only start year and end year from your solurtion. I need to have all the years in between joined and expiry date.
here just a little modify file
Load *, Year([Date Joined]) as JoinedYear, Year( [Contract Expiry Date]) as ExpiryYear;
Staff No, Name, Department, Date Joined, Contract Expiry Date
19710, Mark, Insurance, 30/4/2013, 30/6/2015
30665, Ross, Retail, 6/6/2012, 30/6/2015
36698, Mike, Marketing, 23/5/2014, 30/6/2016
load *, (JoinedYear + IterNo() -1) & '/' & (JoinedYear + IterNo()) as Year
Resident T1
While JoinedYear + IterNo() - 1 < ExpiryYear;
DROP Table T1;
Try this..
SET DateFormat='D/M/YYYY';
LOAD 2011+IterNo()-1 as Year AutoGenerate 1 While IterNo()<=10;
LOAD *,Year([Date Joined]) as doj_year,Year([Contract Expiry Date]) as ced_year;
Staff No, Name, Department, Date Joined, Contract Expiry Date
19710, Mark, Insurance, 30/4/2013, 30/6/2015
30665, Ross, Retail, 6/6/2012, 30/6/2015
36698, Mike, Marketing, 23/5/2014, 30/6/2016
Inner Join(Temp)
IntervalMatch (Year) LOAD doj_year,ced_year Resident T1;
Left Join (T1)
LOAD * Resident Temp;
DROP Table Temp;
LOAD [Staff No],
Name, Department,
[Date Joined],
[Contract Expiry Date],Previous(Year)&' / '&Year as New
Resident T1 where AutoNumber(RecNo(),[Staff No])<>1 Order by [Staff No],[Date Joined] ;
DROP Table T1;