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I had a requirement to display the previous years LTCR cases alongwith Last Yr and Current year YTD in a single graph. Though I was able to achieve this but problem now is when I make an year selection all the bars still display for all other years whereas I would just like to see the selected year bar to be displayed.
I have attached an example file.
Looking for some immediate help!!
Try changing the expression to:
=IF(Year=$(vCYear)&' '&'YTD' or Year=$(vLYear)&' '&'YTD',(sum(LOST_TIME_CASE)*200000)/sum(HOURS_WORKED),if (only(Year), (sum({$<Year= , Quarter= ,[Month Name]= >}LOST_TIME_CASE)*200000)/sum({$<Year= , Quarter= ,[Month Name]= >}HOURS_WORKED)))
Try changing the expression to:
=IF(Year=$(vCYear)&' '&'YTD' or Year=$(vLYear)&' '&'YTD',(sum(LOST_TIME_CASE)*200000)/sum(HOURS_WORKED),if (only(Year), (sum({$<Year= , Quarter= ,[Month Name]= >}LOST_TIME_CASE)*200000)/sum({$<Year= , Quarter= ,[Month Name]= >}HOURS_WORKED)))
Thanks a lot Jordon!! You are awesome...