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Hi all,
I would like to know if it is possible to highlight values that are paid into a customers account on one day, and the same or similar amount is paid out a day later.
I have the following fields:
Transaction value (e.g. 100 USD)
Inward or outward (credit or debit)
Customer name
Date of payment
Can anyone help on this one?
So you can, below toy script (note DD/MM/YYYY date format) shows how to start by identifying candidate matches. it raises the immediate questions - what is similar & what would you do if you have 2 (or more) candidate matches;
TransID, PaymentDate, Customer, DRCR, Value
1, 01/01/2019, a, dr, 10
2, 01/01/2019, b, dr, 10
3, 02/01/2019, a, cr, 11
4, 02/01/2019, b, dr, 10
left join (data)
TransID AS MatchTransID,
PaymentDate-1 AS PaymentDate,
If(DRCR='cr','dr','cr') AS DRCR,
Value AS MatchValue
Resident data;