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I have the following situation.
Here is my data:
PN | Location |
12345 | 2C123 |
34567 | 2C444 |
12345 | 2C345 |
12345 | 2D567 |
12345 | 2F879 |
So in a pivot chart, i would like to get the following:
PN | Setup |
12345 | 2c setup |
34567 | 2c setup |
I tried to use the following script but it does not work. I understand the reason behind but i would like a better logic.
= pick( Match(left(Location,2),'2c'), '2c Setup')
Can someone improvise this logic to get me what i want as the result.
Rightnow, i only get the following as my result.
PN | Setup |
34567 | 2c setup |
Try this
=Pick(WildMatch(Concat(DISTINCT '|' & Location), '*|2C*'), '2C Setup')
Try this
=Pick(WildMatch(Concat(DISTINCT '|' & Location), '*|2C*'), '2C Setup')
Awesome.. It worked.
Thanks Sunny