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QV12 SR3
I have data in a field that has the following format...
Horticulture| Housing| Human Resources| Internet/New Media| Legal| Management & Executive
So it's pipe delimited but each pipe answer (except the first one) can have any number of leading spaces
I would like to remove the leading spaces of each pipe answer somehow so i would end up with this sort of thing...
Horticulture|Housing|Human Resources|Internet/New Media|Legal|Management & Executive
Any ideas much appreciated?
Here is one option:
LOAD FieldName,
Concat(DISTINCT NewFieldName, '|') as NewFieldName
Group By FieldName;
Trim(SubField(FieldName, '|')) as NewFieldName;
LOAD * Inline [
Horticulture| Housing| Human Resources| Internet/New Media| Legal| Management & Executive
Here is one option:
LOAD FieldName,
Concat(DISTINCT NewFieldName, '|') as NewFieldName
Group By FieldName;
Trim(SubField(FieldName, '|')) as NewFieldName;
LOAD * Inline [
Horticulture| Housing| Human Resources| Internet/New Media| Legal| Management & Executive
another option might be in script:
purgechar(Data,' ') as Data
Thanks Frank - unfortunately that'll remove genuine spaces in between words too
Did you see my response Paul?
yes - thanks - looking into it now
quick question:
I've got other fields in the table too that are not delimited like UserID and Email - can i just load them in alongside the Concat in your example - will the group by affect them in any way?
You will have to add all your existing fields to the Group By clause.
Or you can do this in a resident load with a unique identifier from this table and then left join it back to your main table. Then you will only need to Group By you Unique Identifier field
Thanks for the reply
I've actually got 7 of these pipe delimited fields in this table - all with the same issue so i'm guessing your 2nd option would be better - there is no unique identifier but i can create one with RowNo() on the initial load.
I'll let you know how i get on
Perfect - Thanks again Sunny - works perfectly......
// Site, //always says 'SupplyManagement'
[User ID] as [MX JA UserID], //Link to Madgex Users
[Last update date] as [MX JA Last Update Date],
Keywords as [MX JA Keywords],
Sector as [MX JA Sector], //pipe delimited
// Function, //always blank
Role as [MX JA Job Role], //pipe delimited
Specialism as [MX JA Business Function], //pipe delimited
Location as [MX JA Location],
[Salary Band] as [MX JA Salary Band], //pipe delimited
Hours as [MX JA Working Hours], //pipe delimited
[Contract Type] as [MX JA Contract Type], //pipe delimited
[Employer Type] as [MX JA Employer Type],
[CIPS Membership] as [MX JA CIPS Membership], //pipe delimited
RowNo() as [Row#]
(txt, utf8, embedded labels, delimiter is ',', msq);
//Remove leading spaces after pipes
Left Join (JobAlerts)
,Concat(DISTINCT [MX JA Business Function New], '|') as [MX JA Business Function New]
,Concat(DISTINCT [MX JA Sector New], '|') as [MX JA Sector New]
,Concat(DISTINCT [MX JA Job Role New], '|') as [MX JA Job Role New]
,Concat(DISTINCT [MX JA Salary Band New], '|') as [MX JA Salary Band New]
,Concat(DISTINCT [MX JA Working Hours New], '|') as [MX JA Working Hours New]
,Concat(DISTINCT [MX JA Contract Type New], '|') as [MX JA Contract Type New]
,Concat(DISTINCT [MX JA CIPS Membership New], '|') as [MX JA CIPS Membership New]
Group By [Row#]
,Trim(SubField([MX JA Business Function], '|')) as [MX JA Business Function New]
,Trim(SubField([MX JA Sector], '|')) as [MX JA Sector New]
,Trim(SubField([MX JA Job Role], '|')) as [MX JA Job Role New]
,Trim(SubField([MX JA Salary Band], '|')) as [MX JA Salary Band New]
,Trim(SubField([MX JA Working Hours], '|')) as [MX JA Working Hours New]
,Trim(SubField([MX JA Contract Type], '|')) as [MX JA Contract Type New]
,Trim(SubField([MX JA CIPS Membership], '|')) as [MX JA CIPS Membership New]
Resident JobAlerts;