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How does one implement Section Access in QV Desktop using NTDOMAINSID or NTSID loaded from an Excel file?
Have you tried entering a star symbol * for USERID and PASSWORD in the lines with a NTSID?
I don't think there is a big difference to using e.g. NTNAME, What is the issue you encounter?
NTNAME can be played around with or manipulated. I need to make sure that the document can only be opened on designated machines.
Ok, but what is your specific issue in using these FIELDS, loaded from an Excel table?
Hi Swuehl
I tried the following section access table in Excel:
and the following section access Script:
The NTSID is for my machine and i therefore expect the application to open without asking for authentification. However i am asked for USERID and PASSWORD.
Have you tried entering a star symbol * for USERID and PASSWORD in the lines with a NTSID?
Thanks Swuehl, i have done than and am reloading the application. I will advise you accordingly.
Hi Swuehl
Thank you very much, using a star symbol * for USERID AND PASSWORD for lines with NTSID/NTDOMAINSID worked.