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Anyone having problem with the container when using AJAX client? My dashboard with "hang" when the object inside the container change. (eg change selection, expanding, etc) It container will just stuck at the loading symbol and not responding to clicks. I have to refresh the page so that it works again. No problem with desktop or IE plugin.
The version I'm using: QV12.20SR6 (November 2017)
The same thing is happening to us.
Someone else happens to him and he has obtained a solution.
Same issue here. This only occurs on the QV12. Our QV11 servers are still fine.
Same issue i too have any solutions you got
it seems to be a bug that the manufacturer must fix
Are the graphs/tables in your container conditional show based? I noticed that when a container has multiple graphs, say 1 2 and 3, of which number 2 is hidden, that going to number 3 will freeze the dashboard. This only happens with graphs and tables after the hidden object.
I filed a bug report to Qlik. This is a known bug that will be fixed in the upcoming release.
Best way around it right now: get rid of the conditional object (just test it with always shows), or make a dedicate container with a subset of your graphs that you want to show in the current selection, or make sure the hiding object will always be at the end of the graph list (1 3 2).
Hope this helps
Can you help..
I am facing similar issue and have posted
Any update on this? Workarounds?