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What is QVX_UNEXPECTED_END_OF_DATA? One of our Client is facing this problem, when they load data from Oracle.Please find the Snap Shots Attached



45 Replies
Creator III
Creator III

Go to log file and check after which table you are getting this error. and copy and paste this connection string at the start of that table.

then whenever it timed out. we have one more connection.

Partner - Contributor III
Partner - Contributor III

The script has just one table.

Creator III
Creator III

Can you tell me the number of records you are fetching from database??

If it is so big, then u need to Create 2 or 3 small QVD's.(using where condition)    Not a single QVD

Then it will work

Partner - Contributor III
Partner - Contributor III

It isn't so big! Around 2 million records.

But I'll try to create small QVD's.


Just wanted to pop in because so many believe it is the size-  it is not-  when my issue was occurring I was loading at most 2500 records.  In our case it would run fine at 9 and fail at 9:15 and run again fine at 930.

So it is not the amount of data.

Partner - Creator III
Partner - Creator III

Hi All,

There are really several reasons hidden by the error, it our case it also occurs due to problems with connectivity with DB server or other sources (e.g. Active Directory or Web).

So personally I got the error in the following cases:

1. data size

2. connectivity problems

Best regards,


Not applicable

Hi all,


In my case, I solved this issue by changing the query timeout in my connection.

Since, the default value of query timeout is 30 and if you have huge data you have to increase this value according to your data volume.


I wish this will help you.

Best regards

Creator II
Creator II

I got this error on some SQL in QlikView. When I pasted it into SSMS I got "invalid parameter used in left() or substring() function"

Contributor III
Contributor III

Old Thread but I had the same issue today. Maybe it helps someone:

In my case it was because of bad data in the connected data base. I searched in the affected table and found a row with asian symbols. It's data that got filled in today before the error occured. Couldn't solve the Problem so far (because I couldn't delete or edit it) but this is the trigger for sure.

Creator II
Creator II

@Hannah94 , did you find a workaround for your bad data?  I have the same problem, but am not sure how to get rid of the bad data.