Hi community.
I have been working on the development process for Qliksense. The process I have worked out seems ok with one minor issue. The process is that the developer works in their own Stream 'My work'. When they are happy with an app, the admin publishes it from the QMC.
The problem occurs when updates are made. This is the process I am using:
The developer makes changes to the app in their 'My work' Stream. Then the admin does a publish from the QMC. The admin selects the option Replace existing App and replaces the previous version. This all works, except that all the sheets created by users of the original app are completely broken and need to be recreated from scratch.
Does anyone know how to update an app without breaking all the sheets that users have already created? I understand that some sheets will break if a dimension is removed or whatever, but at the moment, it breaks everything in all user sheets. This makes it difficult to have a self server model as the master app needs to be updated from time to time.