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Hello People,
I have two Subs in my "Edit Module":
Sub Reaload
ActiveDocument.Reload 0,1
End Sub
Sub Run_VBS
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
ActiveDocument.WshShell.Run chr(34) & "C:\TESTE.bat" & Chr(34), 0
Set WshShell = Nothing
End Sub
Both sub work fine however I want a specific rule in execution progress:
I know that I've the ActiveDocument in firtst Sub but I've it to build the automation of the script.
How to achieve this?
Thank you very much!
Sub Reaload
ActiveDocument.Reload 0,1
End Sub
Sub Run_VBS
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
ActiveDocument.WshShell.Run chr(34) & "C:\TESTE.bat" & Chr(34), 0
Set WshShell = Nothing
End Sub
Sub RunThisOneInstead
End Sub