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Partner - Creator III
Partner - Creator III

Qlikview Server Error Handling - Email alert

Hi all,

I am facing a strange behaviour when trying to setup an Error Handling process which is triggered by the Qlikview Server (Version 12.1).

We setup the necessary E-mail configuration and the e-mail is sent successfully when an App reload fails.

What I would expect is that we will also get some more information about the error.

Of course we can check the generate logfile on Document level but I was expecting that also the server will send back some more detailed information.

I know there is the other option on document level to setup alerts and whatever but this would mean for the Qlikview Developer to setup it every thime in their applications (extract, transform, app). We would avoid to that, as the customer Qlikview user are more Business users and it would make all more complicated and with a big time effort.

Instead i get the following error report:

The task "Demo App/Demo App - Failed Reload.qvw" failed. Part of the log file follows:

11.08.2017 13:09:19 Warning Could not read ScriptErrorCount. The value is:

11.08.2017 13:09:19 Error The Source Document was NOT reloaded successfully. DocumentPath=C:\DOCUMENTS\QLIKVIEW\APP\Demo App - Failed Reload.qvw.

11.08.2017 13:09:20 Error The task "Demo App/Demo App - Failed Reload.qvw" failed. Exception:

QDSMain.Exceptions.TaskFailedException: Task execution failed with errors to follow. ---> QDSMain.Exceptions.ReloadFailedException: Reload failed ---> QDSMain.Exceptions.ThreadPoolJobStillRunningException: Aborting reload. Error: QDSMain.TaskResult

  at QDSMain.AbstractReloadTask.Reload(String fileName, IExecutingTaskResult executingTaskResult, String sectionAccessUserName, String sectionAccessPassword, eReloadOptions reloadOption, String variableName, String variableValue, Boolean moniterCpuUsage)

  --- End of inner exception stack trace ---

  at QDSMain.AbstractReloadTask.Reload(String fileName, IExecutingTaskResult executingTaskResult, String sectionAccessUserName, String sectionAccessPassword, eReloadOptions reloadOption, String variableName, String variableValue, Boolean moniterCpuUsage)

  at QDSMain.DistributeTask.PerformExecute(IExecutingTaskResult executingTaskResult)

  --- End of inner exception stack trace ---

  at QDSMain.DistributeTask.PerformExecute(IExecutingTaskResult executingTaskResult)

  at QDSMain.Task.AbstractTask.TaskExecution(CurrentExecutionArgs args)

Why the error is returning something about Section Access? In my Demo App i do not have any Section Access in place.

Is this just a generic error?

Thanks for your support,


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