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I am quite new to Qlik. I Need to create a Ranking table of Customers according to Salesamount.
Customers should be ranked into first 10 and Bottom 10 percent. The left customers should be devided into 1. and 2. Quartil.
The table should look like this in the end:
Rank RankMapping CustomerID
1 First 10% 129875
2 First 10% 023948
10 1. Quartil 023455
80 2.Quartil 029354
100 Bottom 10% 485895
Thank you!
May be you need the below
Have a look at the article and it's related articles. Hopefully it helps.
I think it should be solved somehow by a rank function, but I don't know how to do the middle quartiles
SOMETHING SIMILAR TO THIS BUT WITH top top 10% ,1.quartil 2.quartil, Bottom 10%
=Avg( TOTAL<quarter> Aggr( If( Rank( Sum(result),4,0) <= Count(TOTAL<quarter>result) / 10, Sum(result) ), quarter, key))
To make it clearer it should look like this in the end
Rank RankMapping CustomerID
1 First 10% 129875
2 First 10% 023948
10 1. Quartil 023455
11 1. Quartil 023655
80 2.Quartil 029354
81 2.Quartil 029356
100 Bottom 10% 485895
101 Bottom 10% 485795
so it is something like
if rank <10% then "First10%"
else if rank>10% and <50% then "1.Quartil"
else if rank>50% and <90% then "2.Quartil"
else Bottom 10%
But I dont know the exact Expression in QlikView.
Anyone knows how it works?
Thank you