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hi all,
i have small issue...
i hve filter like
and bar chart i hve bars like
issue is...only one value its getting correct order...not for all values? please chk below my prevoius thread for ref
try something along the lines of
Load * Inline [
Aging Bucket, SortOrderAgingBucket
Current, 1
1-30, 2
31-60, 3
61-90, 4
91-180, 5
Over 180, 6
and thenn in the sort of the object, sort by expression
just make sure you have a link from this table to the table with data
Not really sure what you mean when you say only one value its getting correct order? Which value? What are you trying to get?
when you say correct order, or you referring the the order of the bar charts? if so, waht order do you want them in?
when i select one value in listbox...its shwng barchart bars in order lik 1day 2day 3day >3days wen i use match func in sort tab exprsion.....when i select diff value in list box the order again shwng to 1day >3days 2days 3days lik dat....
yeah..at dat time we chkd only in days chart..now its nt wrkng in weeks chart also
can you post your qvw?
it sounds like you want them in 1day 2day 3day >3days order
yes...i hve filter lik daysband with in dat ....i hve 1day 2day 3day >3days
i want the order always..... in same order like frst image
What about Dual() function??
While creating DaysBand at script, use dual() like this:
Is this you require,