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Good day,
I have several qvds i read that are stored monthly with the naming as TYPE_MONTHYEAR.
I have attached example.qvw file that hosts the code I use to read all the qvds and store them into one table ML_App.
The issue i have now is, within the table i have stored data into, some attributes have -1 at the end of its name (see the attached diagram)
What could be the solution to that? and how can i get it resolved?
Your assistance will be highly appreciated.
chk with ur Qualify and UnQualify statement position?
Remove the QUALIFY *; and UNQUALIFY *;
Move your Qualify statement before for loop.
Otherwise, it will create the New table (like ML_App, ML_App-1, ML_App2 etc ) every time till the loop finish.
Sorry I put the QUALIFY and UNQUALIFY on where you suggested, I still get the same results
i did the test with my sample, It works fine.
you can try this..
How I rename the fields then?
Big issue now is, it qualifiers certain attributes within the table