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I am trying to take these 2 expressions and modify it to only show the previous 12 months (where CLOSE_DATE is within the last 12 months) and need some help:
Count({$<DEFECT_ID = {"=Count({<PROCESS_STEP = {'Ticket Created (Detected)', 'Ticket Closed'}, IS_IN_PROD = {'Y'}>}PROCESS_STEP) = GetSelectedCount(PROCESS_STEP)"}, PROCESS_STEP = {'Ticket Created (Detected)', 'Ticket Closed'}, IS_IN_PROD = {'Y'}>} DISTINCT DEFECT_ID)
Avg Days:
SUM({$<DEFECT_ID *= {"=Min({$}CLOSE_DATE) >= AddMonths(Today(),-12)"},PROCESS_STEP = {'Ticket Created (Detected)', 'Ticket Closed'}, IS_IN_PROD = {'Y'}>} Aggr( Max({$<PROCESS_STEP = {'Ticket Created (Detected)', 'Ticket Closed'},
IS_IN_PROD = {'Y'}>}PROCESS_STEP_START_DATE) - Min({$<PROCESS_STEP = {'Ticket Created (Detected)', 'Ticket Closed'},
(Count({$<DEFECT_ID *= {"=Min({$}CLOSE_DATE) >= AddMonths(Today(),-12)"},PROCESS_STEP = {'Ticket Created (Detected)', 'Ticket Closed'}, IS_IN_PROD = {'Y'},
DEFECT_ID = {"=Count({$<PROCESS_STEP = {'Ticket Created (Detected)', 'Ticket Closed'}, IS_IN_PROD = {'Y'}>} PROCESS_STEP) = GetSelectedCount(PROCESS_STEP)"}>} DISTINCT DEFECT_ID))
The numbers in the bottom graphs should match the numbers in the top graphs:
Message was edited by: Cassandra Baqir
They match now
I am trying to take these 2 expressions and modify it to only show the previous 12 months (where CLOSE_DATE is within the last 12 months) and need some help:
What do you mean when you say where CLOSE_DATE is within the last 12 months? What is the expected output based on the sample provided (with or without selections)
The expected output is what is in this image (also includes IS_IN_PROD = Y):
These two graphs are dependent on making two selections. The graphs I need help with have those selections hard-coded because I use them for Nprinting.
What I am looking for are tickets that were CLOSED in the specified month within the last 12 months. If we needed to add a date field, it would be CLOSE_DATE.
Edited image for expected output because I forgot that IS_IN_PROD was also hard coded.
I updated the QVW sample and screen shots. Does that make it more clear?
Checking it now
Check the attached
It's the bottom charts I am trying to see the rolling 12 months in. The ones with the process steps and is_in_prod hardcoded.
I will try adding MONTH_1 = {"$(='>=' & Date(MonthStart(Max(MONTH_1), -11), 'MM-YY') & '<' & Date(MonthStart(Max(MONTH_1), 1), 'MM-YY'))"} to them. Thanks!
How do we apply the same logic to the bottom Avg # Days chart with the values hardcoded?
SUM({$<DEFECT_ID *= {"=Min({$}PROCESS_STEP_START_DATE) >= AddMonths(Today(),-12)"},
PROCESS_STEP = {'Ticket Created (Detected)', 'Ticket Closed'}, IS_IN_PROD = {'Y'}>} Aggr( Max({$<PROCESS_STEP = {'Ticket Created (Detected)', 'Ticket Closed'},
IS_IN_PROD = {'Y'}>}PROCESS_STEP_START_DATE) - Min({$<PROCESS_STEP = {'Ticket Created (Detected)', 'Ticket Closed'},
(Count({$<DEFECT_ID *= {"=Min({$}PROCESS_STEP_START_DATE) >= AddMonths(Today(),-12)"},
PROCESS_STEP = {'Ticket Created (Detected)', 'Ticket Closed'}, IS_IN_PROD = {'Y'},
DEFECT_ID = {"=Count({$<PROCESS_STEP = {'Ticket Created (Detected)', 'Ticket Closed'},