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Hi guys,
I'm making a report and the amount of space on the sheet is becoming an issue. What I need to do is round a number like 13,346,890 to 13,347 and say that it's in 000's.
Anyone know how I can do that?
=(Measure / 1000)&'k'
May be this
Num(Value/1000,'#,##0 K')
Ok. I used a combination of two answers-
=Round((Sum([[Sheet1-1.CY 2017])/1000))&'k'
The problem now is that there is no comma separating the thousands. It appears as such- 18439k
I want it to look like 18,439k
=Num(18439623/1000,'#,##0 K')
Try this
=Num(Round((Sum([[Sheet1-1.CY 2017])/1000)), '#,### k')
Or this (decimal after the last # in the format
=Num(Round((Sum([[Sheet1-1.CY 2017])/1000)), '#,###. k')