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Plzzz tell me how to select the previous yr week range corresponding to the curyr week range ??
Curr yr week range is :
(((sum({<Transaction_Type={'Sell In'},LinkCommonDate={">=$(vYearStartDate) <=$(vMaxMnthEndDate)"},Week={">=$(vWeekRangeStart) <=$(vWeekRangeEnd)"} >}[Sales Gross Amt]-[Sales Return Amt]))
Hard to say with so little information. Maybe it's as simple as adding an addyears function:
sum({<Transaction_Type={'Sell In'},LinkCommonDate={">=$(=addyears($(vYearStartDate),-1)) <=$(=addyears($(vMaxMnthEndDate),-1))"},Week={">=$(vWeekRangeStart) <=$(vWeekRangeEnd)"} >}[Sales Gross Amt]-[Sales Return Amt])
If that didn't work you will have to post an example document with enough data to calculate the correct results. See Preparing examples for Upload - Reduction and Data Scrambling