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I have a bar chart showing a summed value across all the values of a text dimension. I would like to highlight/change the colour of one bar based on a selection filter. The chart is created using a set analysis - so the formula is SUM({$}Value). This creates a chart showing all the sum of Value for each dimension.
So far I have tried using a formula in the Background Colour option of the expression, and also using the formula in the 'Colors' tab. Neither if these seem to work... At the I'm using a static value to try and get it up and running - the formula I'm using is IF(Dimension='X',red(), yellow()) but it seems that the Dimension parameter isn't being passed through as all bars are yellow. Could this be because of set operator I'm using, or something else?
Unfortunately I can't paste an example as I'm using sensitive data. Any help would be much appreciated though!
Using "GetCurrentField(Group_Name)" you can achieve it..
A background color expression like
=if(Dim1 ='B',blue() )
should work. Check attached.
whatever expression/Dimension you created for chart , let say ABC
there will be + sign before it
looking like +ABC
please click on the + sign and you will get 4-5 option under it.
click on background
Give condition if(getfieldselection(field name)='xyz',RED());