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Share Date between 2 Tables

Hello guys,

I have the following problem:

I have a table with ProjectGroup, Project, Date_from, Date_to, Article, Date_Sales and Sales.

The article-sales can have a project or not.

(see attached qvw)

Now I want to get the sales from article which have a project and the sales from articles who are part of the projects and sold in the time between Date_from and Date_to.


Sales from Article with Project

Sales from Article who are part of a project


Result Screenshot.jpg

How can I get this??

Do I have to load the table 2times with "Article" as Key, but how can I share the Date_from and the Date_to in the second table?



2 Replies

How can I get this??

What exactly are you trying to get? I am not sure I understand the requirement


In Projectgroup 1709SPO I have 2 Projects:

1709FDBSPO with Date_from 02.09.2017 and Date_to 04.09.2017 and Article 123

1709PARSPO with Date_from 01.09.2017 and Date_to 06.09.2017 and Article 456

Now I want 2 columns with all Sales from Article 123:

1. All Sales with Project 1709FDBSPO (Ok, that's not a problem)

2. Alls Sales between Date_from 02.09.2017 and Date_to 04.09.2017 (with or without Project  1709FDBSPO)

I don't know how can I do this?

In qvw I can select 1709FDBSPO, so I get all Sales with this Project, then i can select all Artlices from this Project and deselect the Project. So I get all Sales with Articles who are in this project.

But how can I do this with in formula??