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Show Top 10 in Straight Table


I've got a table that shows count of claims by UK area. There are 127 UK areas, but I only want the table to only show the top 10 areas by highest count. Is there a way to do this? I've tried a set statement in the calculated dimention as follows:

=aggr(if(rank(count([Claim Number]))<11, [Area Name]), [Area Name])

This almost does the job, but all the areas that are not in the top 10 are grouped together and shown on the table, whereas I only want to see the top 10.

Does anyone have any ideas?


1 Reply
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you can use a short macro:

'* Top 10
sub Top10
set f = ActiveDocument.GetField ("Company")
f.TopSelect "Sum (Amount)", 10
end sub

or modify the expression:

=aggr(if(rank(count([Claim Number]))<11, [Area Name]), 'TheRest')

or have a look in Chart Properties.

Have a nice weekend!
