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Each and Every month Data comes into Application. If suppose in march February Data will come into App.There is Eff Year Dimension which has all Financial Years in source .We have Requirement of for each time on open of App we need to show Latest data and also last Reload time
Jan 2015 data loaded on 3/24/2015.
To achieve this we have used vLoadDate=now() gives current System time and based on this we also used
=MonthName(MonthName(vLoadDate)-1) but problem we faced is when we don’t get data for 2 months i.e., we have Jan month data but in Application it shows Feb as it is wrong code.
Query 1:
I have Included one more separate Tab in Excel Source Last Updated column with ‘YYYYYMM’ on using this need to use in front end always Latest data.
Query 2:
Triggers on open of Document need to display the
[Last Updated]=Max([Last Updated])àhere need only max year
Effective Monthàall are in Triggers can any help on this
To show reload time you can use
For displaying the date/time of the last update/reload, QV has a special function called ReloadTime(). You can format the output according to your wishes with the date() function before displaying it in a text box.
ReloadTime() gives the Last Reloaded time stamp but in My case i am expecting to show the Latest data in App along with Reload Time
e.g:In attached source Excel a saparate Tab Last Update Present which has Column Last Updated with Time
BI User while giving on source will update Time Stamp with Appropriate Date based on this any possiblity to work it around