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I am new to QV and trying to create a new document. I am tryting to connect to the MS Access databae that is been supplied by default (nwind.mdb). When I hit "Connect" after selecting the local machine path, it prompts me to enter "Username" and "Password". I do not have any of these. Can anyone please tell me how to make the connection in the Script Editor?
Hi Mandy,
As a presentation, I think it's quite complete. I'd refer to the color code and the meaning of "associative logic" that the users are not accustomed to because they are not familiar to the software yet. Green means selections, white means possible and grey means excluded. And as a very simple example, show them how if you select "Quarter1" only Jan, Feb and Mar are in white, while the rest of the months are in grey.
In regards to Server, it's used as a centralized repository of data and permissions, licenses and user managements and taks scheduler (reload every day at 0600 am for example). Users do not need QlikView Desktop to visualize the reports, they can use either the Plugin or the Ajax client that does not require any kind of software installation in the client side. (Well, yes, they can use the Desktop software to connect to the Server as well).
Hope that helps.
Hi Mandy,
By default, user should be "Admin" and password empty. That should allow you to connect using ODBC drivers.
Hope that helps.
Hey Miguel,
Thanks for your prompt reply. My bad, I was hitting "Connect" while selecting Tables under "Create Select Statement". I should have hit simply "OK" rather than hitting "Connect". But its working fine now. I am able to load data.
Can I ask you one more question: What is "In-Memory Associative Database". The document says after selecting the tables, we are loading data in the above database. Is this some kind of backend server where the tables are loaded automatically? Where can we see this? Or is this QV Server/Central Repository?
Hi Mandy,
That refers to the way that QlikView stores information in its QVW files, (QlikView documents). These files store the script, variables, the charts and objects and the information itselft.
Say you have created your report and you have loaded some data into it. You can take the QVW file offline and it will keep working, because all relevant information required to do the analyses is stored in it, and there is no need to be connected to the database, except for the moment when the reload is taking place.
Hope that makes some sense.
Thanks so much Miguel!
Yes, I have created a qvw file and loaded data through ODBC connection. When I reopened the qvw file, the script and charts were intact. Yeah, I got your point. I think that is why QV is so quick in response. Then why would we need the QV Server? Is it to save bulk reports or data?
I have to give a technical presentation on the functionality of QV Tool, I am covering the following points:
1. Brief intro about the Tool and components of QV document.
2. How to make a database Connection and load data.
3. How to build end-user interface by creating charts, tables etc.
Is there anything else I can cover in my preso?
Hi Mandy,
As a presentation, I think it's quite complete. I'd refer to the color code and the meaning of "associative logic" that the users are not accustomed to because they are not familiar to the software yet. Green means selections, white means possible and grey means excluded. And as a very simple example, show them how if you select "Quarter1" only Jan, Feb and Mar are in white, while the rest of the months are in grey.
In regards to Server, it's used as a centralized repository of data and permissions, licenses and user managements and taks scheduler (reload every day at 0600 am for example). Users do not need QlikView Desktop to visualize the reports, they can use either the Plugin or the Ajax client that does not require any kind of software installation in the client side. (Well, yes, they can use the Desktop software to connect to the Server as well).
Hope that helps.
Thanks alot for your response. I really appreciate your detailed answers and the clarifications.
Yes, I would be covering the color code.