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I have a dimension that is composed of a list of Banks. I have then create a chart that calculates the number of workers for each bank.
What i need to do is to be able to select which banks i want to see in the chart. So i will have 10 items were i can choose up to 10 different banks, that will be displayed in the chart.
Ho can i do this?
Add the banks to a list box object and select desired ones
If your dimension in chart is Bank, just add a new list object of Bank field. The Bank values selected will be displayed in chart, and the non-selected, won't.
or if your expression is Count(Workers)
and you want to display banks where count(Workers) >50
your expression would be something like
You can first you need to use Bank dimension in chart and in the expression write count(EMPLOYEE_ID).
Its will give you total count of employees by bank . Then Create a List box So that you can select the bank name and will see only selected bank employee count.
I need 10 different items, like below. In each item i need to be able to choose from the list of banks, and only once i have selected the bank the chart shows the results.
The chart will show selected banks after you select it... I am not sure to understand your requirement.
on the right of the screenshot are 10 different items where i can select the banks name or leave them blank (the last one is blank in fact). In correspondance with the last 'not selected item' the chart does not show any sum, as i have not told it for which bank i want the information.
Basically, i choose the bank that i want to be considered in the chart. Is this something like selct in field?
Create a bar chart in which use Bank Name field in Dimension and Count(Employee) in Expression.
Now once you select the bank name chart will display same bank name and its employee names.