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Hello guys,
I'm a little bit of blurry on the JOIN part. Say I have two table as pictured below:
The table Calendar contains the FiscalYear, FiscalMonth and Days.
Table Revenue might not have all of the revenue of a particular Fiscal Year and FiscalMonth.
To which table must a table join and what type of join must I use to derive the table Revenue1?
Thank you for your kind attention guys. Appreciate any suggestions/opinions and advices on this one. Thanks guys
You can concatenate this two tables that is Revenue and Revenue1 otherwise use simple join
1.With Concatenate
Load Country,FiscalYear,FiscalMonth, Amount
From Location;
Load Country,FiscalYear,FiscalMonth, Days, Amount
From Location;
2. With Join
Load Country&FiscalYear&FiscalMonth as %key, Amount
From Location;
Load Country&FiscalYear&FiscalMonth as %key, Days, Amount
From Location;
Hi Khairul,
just to add to anand's answer for concatenate part. add flags even to differentiate table.
1.With Concatenate
Load Country,FiscalYear,FiscalMonth, Amount, 1 as Flag
From Location;
Load Country,FiscalYear,FiscalMonth, Days, Amount, 2 as Flag.
From Location;
Your calendar should have a date field as well,
Calendar: Date, FiscalYear, FiscalMonth,Day,......
Then include the revenue date in the revenue table and combine the two revenue tables by concatenating. You may need to add a source code if you need to select data from only one of the revenue tables.
Remove the date fields other than date from the revenue table. Your revenue table is linked on date and will get the derived date fields by association.