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I would like to show on a combo graph :
my sales actuals and budget per month in column
my achievement to target YTD on a line.
I managed to do the achievement on a monthly basis with :
= sum(Actuals12)/sum(Sales2012Plan)
but this display achievement for each month only, not a cummulative YTD
how do I show for each month the YTD cummulative achievement
for month 2 for example :
(Month 1 actuals + month 2 Actuals) / (month 1 plan+ month 2 plan)-1
Month 7 would be :
(Month 1 actuals + ....+ Month 7 actuals)/(Month 1 plan +...+ Month 7 Plan)-1
Currently if I use the Full accumulation option with the above formula it display beyond the last actual month...
I found the answer via an other forum on another related topic :
Rangesum(above(Sum (Actuals12),0,rowno()))/Rangesum(above(sum(Sales2012Plan),0,rowno())))
But while it works perfectly, I don t understand the concept of Rangesum(above(
Can someone explain it to me ?
On the expressions tab on your chart there is a box middle left you can tick full accum
that is the box I was refering to. it shows data beyond the last actuals data. I would need to be able to limit the accumulation to the last actual data point
also it cummulates the % for each month, not recalcute achievement to target for the sum of the months that are actuals :
it does :
instead of
(sum(actuals1) + sum(actuals 2)+...)/((sum(plan 1)+sum(plan 2)+...)
I found the answer via an other forum on another related topic :
Rangesum(above(Sum (Actuals12),0,rowno()))/Rangesum(above(sum(Sales2012Plan),0,rowno())))
But while it works perfectly, I don t understand the concept of Rangesum(above(
Can someone explain it to me ?