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Power Tools for QlikView
Version: 1.2
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In this release:
Release notes here: Power Tools 1.2 for QlikView - Release Notes
Readme here: Power Tools 1.2 for QlikView - Readme
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Power Tools are a collection of software programs and tools used for troubleshooting purposes only. Power Tools are provided free of charge and are not supported. Power Tools are not official QlikView products and are provided without warranty. Use of Power Tools is entirely at the user's own risk.
Hi can somebody help me?
I'm using QV user manager 11 and reloading the script everything work fine except the calendar code:
I know this error is related to the last row because commenting it the reload is ok, how can i fix this?
Best to post your entire script, seems that you are probably using a loop.
Error seems to be happening in the while part after rowno () <=
The script is as it comes in the tools zip:
sorry I wanted to add the script in a .txt but could attached it:
// Create CSV files with information from QMS
EXECUTE cmd.exe /C "call-qv-user-manager.bat";
LOAD Document,
if(Plugin = 1, 'Yes', 'No') as Plugin,
if(Mobile = 1, 'Yes', 'No') as Mobile,
if(AjaxZfc = 1, 'Yes', 'No') as AjaxZfc,
if(Download = 1, 'Yes', 'No') as Download,
(txt, codepage is 1252, embedded labels, delimiter is ';', msq);
LOAD Document, Server,
'Plugin' as Client
RESIDENT Documents
WHERE Plugin = 'Yes';
LOAD Document, Server,
'Mobile' as Client
RESIDENT Documents
WHERE Mobile = 'Yes';
LOAD Document, Server,
'Ajax' as Client
RESIDENT Documents
WHERE AjaxZfc = 'Yes';
LOAD Document, Server,
'Download' as Client
RESIDENT Documents
WHERE Download = 'Yes';
LOAD UserName,
Document as Document,
(txt, codepage is 1252, embedded labels, delimiter is ';', msq);
LOAD UserName as CAL,
Day(LastUsed) as Day,
Month(LastUsed) as Month,
Year(LastUsed) as Year,
Document as Document,
(txt, codepage is 1252, embedded labels, delimiter is ';', msq);
LOAD Server,
NamedAssigned & '/' & NamedInLicense as NamedCALs,
DocAssigned & '/' & DocInLicense as DocCALs,
SessionInLicense-SessionAvailable & '/' & SessionInLicense as SessionCALs,
UsageInLicense-UsageAvailable & '/' & UsageInLicense as UsageCALs
(txt, codepage is 1252, embedded labels, delimiter is ';', msq);
//use variables to set a static or dynamic date range
LET varMinDate = Round(Num(Peek('LastUsed', 0, 'CALs')));
LET varMaxDate = Round(Num(Peek('LastUsed', -1, 'CALs')));
//Build the calendar with most date dimensions
LOAD $(varMinDate)+Iterno()-1 as Date
, Week($(varMinDate)+Iterno()-1) as Week
, Year($(varMinDate)+Iterno()-1) as Year
, Month($(varMinDate)+Iterno()-1) as Month
, Day($(varMinDate)+Iterno()-1) as Day
//, Date(monthstart($(varMinDate)+Iterno()-1), 'MMM-YYYY') AS MonthYear
//, Week($(varMinDate)+Iterno()-1)&'-'&Year($(varMinDate)+Iterno()-1) as WeekYear
, Weekday($(varMinDate)+Iterno()-1) as WeekDay
, 'Q' & Ceil (Month($(varMinDate)+Iterno()-1)/3) as Quarter
WHILE RowNo() <= ($(varMaxDate)-$(varMinDate));
Everything works until that last row
Start by diagnosing the 2 variables, clearly they are returning nothing, that is why it's failing cause "WHILE RowNo() <= ($(varMaxDate)-$(varMinDate));" is not evaluating since it's only returning the - char
do you have any upgrade for this power tools ? so it can support qlikview 12 ?
i want to try qlikview Server Object Handler
Is there any similar tool for QV 12?
I need to remove unused licenses which not used more than 1 day
Hi is there still no solution to the No Nodes! cannot render list (QV 11.2 SR5 -QVP Tools 1.2)? If not, is there any other way to move all objects from one user to another?
Is there a Powertools version for Qlikview 12? I just tried to use the objectviewer in 1.2 and was told I was using Qlikview 12 which is not supported.
Hi I retake this and finally solved the issue, it was because of the regional variables in the original document:
SET ThousandSep=' ';
SET DecimalSep=',';
SET MoneyThousandSep='.';
SET MoneyDecimalSep=',';
SET MoneyFormat='#.##0,00 kr;-#.##0,00 kr';
SET TimeFormat='hh:mm:ss';
SET DateFormat='YYYY-MM-DD';
SET TimestampFormat='YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss[.fff]';
SET MonthNames='jan;feb;mar;apr;maj;jun;jul;aug;sep;okt;nov;dec';
SET DayNames='må;ti;on;to;fr;lö;sö';
I switch them to my regional vars and there it goes!
SET ThousandSep=',';
SET DecimalSep='.';
SET MoneyThousandSep=',';
SET MoneyDecimalSep='.';
SET MoneyFormat='$#,##0.00;($#,##0.00)';
SET TimeFormat='h:mm:ss TT';
SET DateFormat='M/D/YYYY';
SET TimestampFormat='M/D/YYYY h:mm:ss[.fff] TT';
SET MonthNames='Jan;Feb;Mar;Apr;May;Jun;Jul;Aug;Sep;Oct;Nov;Dec';
SET DayNames='Mon;Tue;Wed;Thu;Fri;Sat;Sun';
thanks for your advice
Hi Vlad,
I want to add/assign the cal. But it is not working. Can you please let me know the proper step. So, that I can do it.