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Power Tools for QlikView
Version: 1.2
For the absolute latest version, please see Power Tools for QlikView - One-stop-shop
In this release:
Release notes here: Power Tools 1.2 for QlikView - Release Notes
Readme here: Power Tools 1.2 for QlikView - Readme
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Power Tools are a collection of software programs and tools used for troubleshooting purposes only. Power Tools are provided free of charge and are not supported. Power Tools are not official QlikView products and are provided without warranty. Use of Power Tools is entirely at the user's own risk.
SharedFileRepair not works with QlikView 12. it is very sad. anyone know way to repair corrupted Shared files of Qlikview 12
I have modified the sharefilerepair to work with qv12, I hope i didn't violate any copyright issues.
I have linked it in this post -> Re: Strange errors on QlikviewServer
Is there a way to see the third (or above) comment for a note ?
I see only the first in the field "Description/Text" and the seconde in AnnotationComment/Text (in the table Annotaion topic).
I don't understand why I don't see it anywhere in the xml export, generate by the sharedFileViewer ?
Can this be used to allow users to see notes created by others and modify them within a dashboard?
The QvServerObjectConnector can be used to load Annotations (notes) but not update them.
The menus within each dashboard allow you to see what notes exist on each sheet and update those notes.
Is there a way to make the notes easily updateable as opposed to having to right-click - view attached notes - find then update that way?
I don't know of any native facility to update notes differently than the right click menu. I suppose an extension might be possible.
Successfully used XMLDBViewer with QV11.2 on Windows Server 2012 R2 once but it's not launching anymore.
Any clues?
Looking for a way to remove old server objects from people no longer in our organization. Server Object Handler would be my tool of choice... Had I not upgraded to QlikView 12 a few months back.
When I point Server Object Handler to my development environment for testing (would never have tried in production) I get a QlikView version error.
Are there plans to get a version of this working for QV12? Is there a work-around?