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Power Tools for QlikView
Version: 1.2
For the absolute latest version, please see Power Tools for QlikView - One-stop-shop
In this release:
Release notes here: Power Tools 1.2 for QlikView - Release Notes
Readme here: Power Tools 1.2 for QlikView - Readme
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Also check out our Twitter: @QvPowerTools
Power Tools are a collection of software programs and tools used for troubleshooting purposes only. Power Tools are provided free of charge and are not supported. Power Tools are not official QlikView products and are provided without warranty. Use of Power Tools is entirely at the user's own risk.
Hi Stefan
Adding my plea for an update to support version 12. Fantastic tools - thank you!
Hi PT Community,
We are running on PT 1.1 very well, using the functionality to list our doccalls and cleaning doccals not used for 28 days. Recently we upgraded QV 11.20 to 12. Since that moment it looks like de cleaning doccals functionality is not working any longer. Anyone familiar with this issue?
The log of the QV user manager tells us the doccals deleted, however, when de doccals are listed, they are still there.
Is required to upgrade PT to 1.2 when upgrading Qlikview 12?
Kind regards Michel
Hi Stefan,
When trying to use the Server Object Handler I type in the server, it authenticates fine, but still brings up no documents when there are a number of them. I tried both versions 1.1/1.2 but no luck. Any ideas?
Hi Stefan,
we are very interested in new version of QlikView Power Tools for Qv 12.1. Will the tools be available soon? After Migrating QV to latest versions we would like to have ability to manage user created objects. Server Object Handler (Batch) and Shared file viewv-er are the most importat for us to have it.
Thanks, Miha
Hi Stefan,
as with QlikView 12.2 the Shared File format will change I would like to know if the current power tools will be able to handle it? Or will you provide a new version?
Thanks and KR
Hi Lukas, I'm planning on upgrading to 12.2 upon its release, how are Shared Files affected if I'm transitioning from 11.2?
Hi Wojciech,
as far as I know there will be a new format of the shared files which should be more stable with less read/write errors resulting in corrupted shared files. At the moment we make daily backups of all shared files and have to use these backups regularly. 😞
BUT this new format will not be activated after the upgrade by default. So I think you will stay with the old format if you do not configure anything manually.
To anyone awaiting a long overdue release of PowerTools for QV12, read here the good news :
Survey: Help us shape the next Power Tools release!
They're coming...
Thank you for this info Lukas, I wasn't aware of this change at all, good to know.
I stumbeld over these Tool-Set just today, it seems very useable for my goal to release unsued document cals after a certain time (guess one month is the minimum). But I think I'm not doing it right, when I use qv-user-manager in cmd with
qv-user-manager.exe --remove cal > deleted.csv
it will create a csv file what points to some deletions like
Removed 1 Document CALs from 'xxxx.qvw' on QVS@xxxx
but when I look in qmc on Documents tab regarding this qvw I can see the same assigned user as before and there are several users with a last usage over one month ago. I already restarted the qlikview server service but same situation.
Maybe I don't get the point, all help is highly appreciated.