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QlikView documentation and resources.
Hi All,
Sometimes there may be requirements from users where they want to see the charts in from certain point of time like YTD, QTD, MTD, Last 5 Years etc., please find the set analysis expressions for this type of scenarios.
YTD Sales (Year To Date)
Sum({<Year=, Quarter=, Month=, Week=, Date={‘>=$(=YearStart(Today()))<=$(=Today())’}>} Sales )
Note: Year=, Quarter=, Month=, Week= excludes the selections in Year, Quarter, Month and Week dimensions.
QTD Sales (Quarter To Date)
Sum({<Year=, Quarter=, Month=, Week=, Date={‘>=$(=QuarterStart(Today()))<=$(=Today())’}>} Sales)
MTD Sales (Month To Date)
Sum({<Year=, Quarter=, Month=, Week=, Date={‘>=$(=MonthStart(Today()))<=$(=Today())’}>} Sales)
WTD Sales (Week To Date)
Sum({<Year=, Quarter=, Month=, Week=, Date={‘>=$(=WeekStart(Today()))<=$(=Today())’}>} Sales)
Last 5 Years Sales
Sum({<Year=, Quarter=, Month=, Week=, Date={‘>=$(=YearStart(Today(), -4))<=$(=Today())’}>} Sales )
Last 6 Quarters Sales
Sum({<Year=, Quarter=, Month=, Week=, Date={‘>=$(=QuarterStart(Today(), -5))<=$(=Today())’}>} Sales )
Last 12 Months Sales
Sum({<Year=, Quarter=, Month=, Week=, Date={‘>=$(=MonthStart(Today(), -11))<=$(=Today())’}>} Sales )
Last 15 Weeks Sales
Sum({<Year=, Quarter=, Month=, Week=, Date={‘>=$(=WeekStart(Today(), -14))<=$(=Today())’}>} Sales )
Last 10 Days Sales
Sum({<Year=, Quarter=, Month=, Week=, Date={‘>=$(=Date(Today()-9))<=$(=Today())’}>} Sales )
Yesterday Sales
Sum({<Year=, Quarter=, Month=, Week=, Date={‘$(=Date(Today()-1))’}>} Sales )
You can also arrive some flags for above scenarios in script and you use those flags in Set Analysis expression if your data always based on Current Date. Refer below link created by Richard.Pearce60
Calendar with flags making set analysis so very simple
Hope this helps.
Year, Quarter, Month and Week To Date are the common analysis that I seen many applications. I will share the expression to do here
First to do this your data model should have the DateField in number format by applying floor
Similar to this
Floor(DateField) AS DateNum //it will gives you one whole number to represent date
YTD - Year To Date
A date should be selected and it will look for the Starting date of the year to the selected date.
Ex: date selected is 21-03-2014 then YTD is 01-01-2014 to 21-03-2014
Expression would be
Sum({<Year=, Month=, Quarter=, Week=, DateField=, DateNum={">=$(=Num(YearStart(Max(DateNum))))<=$(=Max(DateNum))"}>} Sales)
QTD- Quarter to Date
In the place of year use Quarter
Sum({<Year=, Month=, Quarter=, Week=, DateField=, DateNum={">=$(=Num(QuarterStart(Max(DateNum))))<=$(=Max(DateNum))"}>} Sales)
MTD- Month to Date
Sum({<Year=, Month=, Quarter=, Week=, DateField=, DateNum={">=$(=Num(MonthStart(Max(DateNum))))<=$(=Max(DateNum))"}>} Sales)
WTD- Week to Date
Sum({<Year=, Month=, Quarter=, Week=, DateField=, DateNum={">=$(=Num(WeekStart(Max(DateNum))))<=$(=Max(DateNum))"}>} Sales)
if you want you can set a variable value as 'Year', 'Month', 'Quarter', 'Week', lets say vToDate and go with single chart and single expression
Sum({<Year=, Month=, Quarter=, Week=, DateField=, DateNum={">=$(=Num($(=vToDate& 'Start(Max(DateNum))')))<=$(=Max(DateNum))"}>} Sales)
Will keep your expression simple
What is Control Chart?
The control chart is a statistical analysis used to study how a process changes over time. Data are plotted in time order. Control charts are used to routinely monitor quality or simply you can say, control chart is process improvement technique.
There are many types of control charts, but we will focus on the basic control chart using the standard deviation method to understand the concept.
The following are some scenarios where control charts can be applied:
In manufacturing, to test whether machinery is producing products within specifications.
If you want to reduce the time it takes to admit a patient to the hospital.
To analyze how the number of views is increasing or decreasing for a particular website.
Components of Control Chat
1) Avg line
2) UCL (Upper Control line) = Avg Value + Std Deviation* Std Dev Multiplier
3) LCL (Lower control line) = Avg Value - Std Deviation* Std Dev Multiplier
So, basically we can see which are the points "Out of Control" or "In Control".
You can control your Std Dev multiplier using variable.
How to Create a Control Chart:
Create a Combo Chart.
Select a Time Dimension: Choose a time dimension that suits your analysis; for this example, I have selected MonthYear. Also, ensure that it is set to continuous in the axis settings.
Create Two Expressions: Create one expression for the line and another for the symbol.
Create expressions for the average line, Upper Control Limit (UCL), and Lower Control Limit (LCL), which will be used as reference lines in the chart. To set these reference lines, go to Chart Properties and navigate to the Presentation section.
Create the Background color setting for the Symbol expression
if( sum(Sales) < vUCL and sum(Sales) > vLCL, LightGreen(), LightRed())
Finally, the chart will appear as shown below
Please refer to the below link for further details
Additionally, please see:
When we want to do something with QlikView, we face so many possibilities to achive the goal. And sometimes, the first idea we have is not necessarily the simplest one.
I wanted to do create YTD and moving totals measures, difference (absolute and in percentage) of these moving totals versus the Year ago. QlikView is a BI tool: no problem I thought. Well, it was not so simple ... The expressions became so complex that I finally did not understand them any more!
After some searches and many tries,the solution to such a chart is very simple. You just need to look at the right place.
As you can see, this chart contains actual data and the one of the year ago, a YTD starting in January and the same for the Year Ago, Rolling 3 and 12 periods and the same for the Year Ago. These values are contained in a TIME ANALYSIS axis that the user can select in a simple List Box to display only YTD and Rolling12 for example:
The document will help you to understand the modification you have to do to your data model to make this report very simple. As you can already see, the expression is the simplest expression in QlikView: sum(VALUE).
This simplicity let you afterwards mix the different measures of the database with this TIME ANALYSIS axis : get the current sales values, but the share the products represents the last 12 motnhs, and a difference vs year ago:
Many thanks to G. Wassenaar and his post that helped me to understand where to look exactly : http://community.qlik.com/docs/DOC-4252
Have a nice reading
Fabrice AUNEZ
I have attached sample QVW and Sample data. Hope this will be helpful for all..
Hi All,
This document helps you in loading multiple excels and excel sheets with the name of the sheet and data.
//to read each file from the specified folder
FOR EACH file in FileList('filepath\*.xlsx');
//In order to get the file information from SQLtables command making use of the ODBC connection format
ODBC CONNECT32 TO [Excel Files;DBQ=$(file)];
FOR i = 0 to NoOfRows('tables')-1
LET sheetName = purgeChar(purgeChar(peek('TABLE_NAME', i, 'tables'), chr(39)), chr(36));
Load * ,
FileBaseName()as FIle,
FileDir() as Dir,
FileName() as File_Name,
'$(sheetName)' as Sheet_name
From $(file)(ooxml, embedded labels, table is [$(sheetName)]);
Hope this helps !!!
please find the attachment for the eg: qvw and test fiels
Esta nota está publicada en el blog Qlikview en Español
Viene de una pregunta del foro publicada aqui
Si se tiene una tabla de ventas y se quiere predecir ventas futuras, teniendo algo como:
Para esto puede usarse la siguiente técnica que usa la ecuación de la recta:
PASO 1. Cargar datos de ejemplo:
Fecha, Venta
1/2/2014, 11
1/3/2014, 3
1/4/2014, 10
1/5/2014, 9
1/6/2014, 11
1/7/2014, 5
1/8/2014, 8
1/9/2014, 10
1/10/2014, 11
1/11/2014, 16
PASO 2. Crear gráfico de linea con:
Dimensión: Fecha
Expresión 1: (Poner "Pronostico" como etiqueta de expresión)
linest_m(total aggr(if(sum(Venta),sum(Venta)),Fecha),Fecha) // Pendiente
*Fecha // Mes a predecir
+linest_b(total aggr(if(sum(Venta),sum(Venta)),Fecha),Fecha) //Intercepto
Expresion 2:
If(IsNull(Venta), Pronostico,sum(Venta))
PASO 3. En Propiedades de Grafico>Expresion desmarcar todas las opciones para la expresión 1, y marcarLinea para la expresion 2.
Queda así:
PASO 4. En el atributo Tipo de Linea de la Expresion 2, poner: if(IsNull(Venta),'<S2>')
Quedaría así:
El qvw de ejemplo puede descargarse aquí
Hello Everyone,
I have attached the document for the important Qlikview functions used in script as well as in UI.
Please have a look and also feel free to update the document or comment in the session for the functions which is missed.
As QlikView applications grow the number of tabs that information is spread across can grow rapidly as well. The new Ajax view makes it easier to navigate when there are many tabs (with the drop down) but if users are using the IE Plugin or an older version of QlikView a lot of the screen can be taken up with tabs.
One way of solving this is to group the tabs into functional areas and place a menu on the welcome tab that allows the user to select which functional area they want to look at.
Furthermore, if some tabs are simply not relevant to some users then it is possible to hide those tabs (and the menu options to show them) from those users.
This document gives an example of a menu that switches tabs on and off and implements hiding of tabs from users based on their OSUser name - loaded from an Inline table in the load script.
I hope you find this document useful, you can find links to other documents I have uploaded here: http://www.quickintelligence.co.uk/qlikview-examples/
Custom QlikView Access Point
Getting value out of Business Intelligence isn’t like it appears on flashy flyers. Just because you have a set of reports doesn’t mean that your company will adopt to your infrastructure in the way your project team anticipated. We have found that a common way to drive your BI program is to upgrade your access point. Here is an example of how we have upgraded a client’s access point and we will briefly discuss the benefits.
Top-down View
The above is an access point built in a top down view. There are neat icons and the key benefit here is that this is a Top Down view of the business. The current QlikView access point is in reality a Bottom Up view of your business, as it is a view of the actual operation reports and dashboards.
If you are a business user, you now get to see the extent of the BI Program, as you can highlight the different business functions. Each button panel in this access point is a link to a QlikView Dashboard which is a landing point for underlying reports and dashboards.
It is all native QlikView
An added benefit for Pomerol’s custom QlikView access point is that it has been built on top of QlikView and QlikView Access Point native functionalities and security protocols. Just adjusted for increased engagement for the client.
Appetite for more
We have found that a great way to get buy-in for additional applications and new functionalities from the users is to grey shade some applications that indicates they are not accessible or coming soon into deployment. In this example, applications ‘Engagement’ and ‘KYC’ have a grey background, indicating they are either in-accessible to this user or coming soon/in development.
What's new?
Our access point now has a text section to communicate updates. In this example, we explain the Business Intelligence (BI) Program and news and developments.
Deployment for the above access point can be achieved in under a day
The purpose of this document is to introduce a set of tools to generate maps for the UK to be used in QlikView through an extension. There are already other solutions that address this but I couldn’t find any free; now google has also changed the access to their api so also that isn’t free anymore.
Through this document I’ll explain how to generate KML maps at various levels of detail to be then used with the quickmap extension created by Brian Munz (https://github.com/brianwmunz/QuickMap-QV11); this extension uses openstreetmap so it is free. Also, I’m providing an example to show how to implement it.
High level overview
There is a wealth of data available in the UK; I started this project when analysing the house price paid data available from the Land Registry. The data is very well structured and every transaction has an associated postcode, so that is the starting point for the visual representation: reference lookup data is available with postcode coordinates as well as the details of which geographical areas it belongs to.
There are multiple geographical levels in the UK and KML maps are available to download; the challenge with these maps is that they are extremely large to be loaded in one single instance by the extension. What I’ve done is to break down these maps in smaller areas and to establish two drilldown paths:
Different drilldown paths can be set up in the application and the relevant maps generated.
I’ve created 4 QlikView applications:
I’ve included within the applications all the relevant instructions on how to use them.
The whole package is included in the zip file attached; I’ve also included an amended version of the quickmap extension: I’ve added some extra functionalities (ability to define max and min values and possibility to use a color gradient with smooth transitions) so please use this version. Within the qar file I’ve also already embedded the maps required by the example application.
Sample drilldown screenshots
In this example you can see that, as you select the data and drill down, different sets of maps are used for each level that contain progressively more details.
England and Wales district overview:
St Albans District:
MSOA Level - St Albans 002
LSOA level - St Albans 002C
OA level (coordinates) - OA E00120299
I hope someone might find this helpful. I would appreciate any comments or feedback.
Document Chaining
What do you do when your model is so big to the point that isn’t usable and you can’t increase resources to your environment? I found that the best solution that worked for me is to split the model into smaller models while you keep one look and feel on the front-end. With this route I wanted my users to have an experience that makes them feel like they are in one app while they are jumping between apps. This brought the need of passing selections between apps. Like any other thing in Qlik it is doable. This is done through your URL on access point.
How it is done:
You will need the exact URL that goes to the model, once you have this you will have to add a simple code at the end of the URL to tell it what selections to pass or which sheet it should go to.
Passing Selections
Link: This is the link that goes straight to your QlikView app.
field : This is the field ID you want to select when you get to the app. (E.G LB01)
Value is what you want to select when you get there. E.g. if you want to select a year you just put 2011.
If your value has more than word e.g. South Korea. You will need to use “” else it will do a fuzzy search. Looking for anything that has south and anything with Korea, meaning you might end up selecting North Korea, South Korea, South Africa.
Everything else you leave as is.
This example will be as follows:
Link&select=LB01,2011&select=LB02,”South Korea”
Landing Sheet
Link: This is the link that goes straight to your QlikView app.
Value: This is the Sheet ID of the Sheet you want to land on. E.g. (SH01)
The above example will look as follows
Below is a link to a video by Qliktips
Hello guys,
I'm working in DAR template and finded some problems, the biggest it's selection bar not work's correctly, the devs in Branch marked like "Know Errors". I do it this simple solution for case, taking selection bar and place the top.
Attached document contains Step by Step how to fix.
------ Português -------
Eu estou trabalhando no template DAR e encontrei alguns erros, o principal foi a barra de seleção que não estava respondendo corretamente, até mesmo os desenvolvedores da Branch colocaram como "Erros Conhecidos". Eu estou trouxe esta solução simples para o caso, colocando a barra e seleção no topo.
No documento anexado tem o passo a passo de como corrigir.
Template: Qlik Branch
Greetings to all.
I love Qlik, but lately I do not have enough time to keep track of everything that happens.
I have to visit many resources for reading news, articles, tricks, videos.
I set myself the goal of being aware of everything, and spend no more than 5 minutes a day on it.
What can help us with this, of course RSS!
For a long time I tried to find a decent and at the same time a simple program for reading rss's ... and found - QuiteRSS (https://quiterss.org/).
Then I started to compile a list of interesting sites for me and add them to QuiteRSS.
At the moment, there is no particular hierarchy of feed, but I think that it will be needed.
Yes, I am sure that there are other sources of information, but I have not found them.
I propose to work on this issue together and lead an acute list.
Git Repo : https://gitlab.com/bintocher/QlikRSS
Can't attach new file, so link : https://gitlab.com/bintocher/QlikRSS/raw/master/qlik%20docs.opml
Updated 2019.01.22 - now total 53 rss feeds ; updated qlik community rss links
Hi all!
As consultant I´ve done several Dashboards using QlikView and in most of them I don´t have the need to incorporate maps, but if at least once you´ve tried to create a maps using just only the tools that are incorporated with the developer license (no extensions allow) you might realize that the layout is not so fancy so..... that’s why I am here to share with you how to create maps with more visual impact in 4 simple Steps.
Tools/skills that we will need:
Determinate/think the regions that you are going to need/implement
Find a map (preferable in png format or vector) for the regions that you need. Examples:
Use your skills in Photoshop (don’t be afraid if it´s your first time)
Take time and patience to configure each section of the map
Don’t forget to select “Image” in the presentation field !
So the final layout for this project looks liek this. I have more tabrows (dependeing the selected region)
I hope you could find this article useful, to be honest using this method has some issues:
So check the pros and cos and decide if it is worth it!
I´ve tried Geoanalytics for QlikSense and is a beast with incredible capabilities and functionalities, 100% recommendable but for those who are still using QlikView I think might work as good as other alternatives
Any comment will be welcome, the main idea is to improve and share our skills together
Hi Qlikers,
By adding the format, the code will check the QVD's name for the formatting specified in the field bellow:
As an example, the marked QVDs in the following picture:
Will be shown as on the matrix:
- Another_Test_*.qvd
- Test_QVD_*.qvd
- Yet_Another_Test_*.qvd
Simple explanation on the input fields:
- QVDs Path: paths, that can be separated by semicolon, where the DoDir function will look up for the QVD files used for creating the matrix.
- QVWs Path: paths, that can be separated by semicolon, where the DoDir function will look up for the QVW files used for creating the matrix.
- QVD Date Mask Format: date formatting, like MM_DD_YYYY to check which QVD files have similar formatting. Due to the string comparison, it's better to have the lengthiest date formats to the left and single modifiers should be to the right. Must be separated by semicolon.
If QVD has YYYY_MM, YY_MM, MM_YYYY and MM_YY the input string for the date format should be like:
That is needed because if the order was reversed, let's say by having the following: 'YYYY_MM;YY_MM;MM_YY;MM_YYYY', it would avail that the string 'Final_Test_02_2018' be computed as 'MM_YY' and not 'MM_YYYY' because of the '02_20' string being a valid Month / Year.
The paths must contain the type of file to be read, the sample paths used in my example for QVDs are as follow:
- "QVD-Extract\*.qvd;QVD-Transform\*.qvd"
After setting up the parameters, just reload the app to view the matrix, being classified as:
- W: File being written (QVD)
- R: File being read (QVD)
- R / W: QVW that both writes and reads a QVD.
Attached is a new sample structure with the QVDs having date formats for the Dependency Matrix app.
Hope you guys can take a look at it and point out some improvements.
When I create a dashboard to mantain a good layout and to offer a good user experience always I need to set the same color for the same dimension value in each chart.
Unfortunally there isnt' a easy way to do this, and often a solution is to create some additional fields (R,G,B) for each dimension.
I don't like to have dozens of fields in my model with the problem to naming them.
To turn around this problem, I writed a single expression in a variable that doing all for me and now I use it always.
Let's see if you like this method too.
The idea is to use the functions Pick(Match(...)) to realize the magic.
I use QlikView Test Script and Qlikview Components library to realize an example. Test Script create the dimensions Dim1, Dim2, Dim3 and the expressions.
For Dim1 the values are A, B, C
For Dim2 the values are a, b, c, d, e, f
For Dim3 the values are X, Y, Z
For each values in dimensions need to set a variable with the associate color, to do easy this I use ColorTheme.xlsm file and use Qvc.ColorTheme to read it.
Now the best point... our function Pick(Match(...)), that I called App.Color.GetForField and set the value in Settings.xlsx.
Here the value:
=Pick(Match(Only($(=$1)), ' & Chr(39) & Concat({1} DISTINCT $(=$1), Chr(39) & Chr(44) & Chr(39)) & Chr(39) & '), ' & PurgeChar( Replace( 'App.Color.v.Dimension.$(=$1).' & Concat({1} DISTINCT $(=$1), chr(10) & ',App.Color.v.Dimension.$(=$1).') , ' ', '_'), '[]') & ')'
To use it in a chart write $(=$(App.Color.GetForField('[Dim1]'))) in the expression's backgroud property
The values in specificated dimension get automatically choosed color.
I hope you like this.
Luca Jonathan Panetta
I must admit that I never really thought about how Qlik handled colors internally and how they are stored. Inspired by the following discussion: https://community.qlik.com/thread/297454 I looked a bit more closely and I'm not really surprised to detect that colors are dual-values which meant something like this:
dual(rgb(0,0,0), 4278190080)
Of course I could have known it because it is clearly stated within the help but usually I look only to the examples and don't read the descriptions …
This meant they are logically handled like date-values in which each date get a certain number assigned and a displaying of 2018/04/10 is just a formatting of a numerical value. Further because of the statement that Qlik used the color-logic of Visual Basic I assume that Qlik just used Microsoft *.dll's for it without implementing own logics.
How this worked could be comprehend with the following script - the attached qvw contained only a reduced dataset because most of the fields produce distinct values and by 16.8 M of records the filesize will be quite heavy:
set oRGB = 4278190080;
set eRGB = "rgb(floor(($1 - $(oRGB)) / 256 / 256),
floor(($1 - $(oRGB) - (256 * (floor(($1 - $(oRGB)) / 256 / 256) * 256))) / 256),
mod($1 - $(oRGB), 256))";
first 165536 // the size of the dataset could be adjusted here
load *,
rowno() as RowNo,
ceil(rowno() / 256) as ColorClusterSmall,
ceil(rowno() / 256 / 256) as ColorClusterBig,
color(rowno()) as ColorRowNoText,
num(color(rowno())) as ColorRowNoNum,
(256 * 256 *256 * 255) + rowno() - 1 as ColorIndex,
$(eRGB(ColorNum)) as ColorIndexRGB;
R, G, B,
rgb(R, G, B) as ColorText,
num(rgb(R, G, B)) as ColorNum,
dual(rgb(R, G, B), num(rgb(R, G, B))) as ColorDual,
argb(0, R, G, B) as ColorTextARGB,
num(argb(0, R, G, B)) as ColorNumARGB;
load *, iterno() -1 as B while iterno() - 1 <= 255;
load recno() -1 as R, iterno() -1 as G
autogenerate 256 while iterno() - 1 <= 255;
This script creates with a nested loop (1 x autogenerate + 2 while) all possible combinations of the rgb-colors = 256 *256 *256 = 16,777,216 records (if you removed the first statement) and builds with them the colors as string-, numeric- and dual-value. On top of it are additionally clusters, color-functions which use the record-number as color-index and a function (with the help of the above variables) which calculates reverse from the color-index the rgb-notation.
And instead of rgb() or color-function like white() you could just use the color-index to specify your wanted color. Further included is a similar (reduced) logic for argb() to display why the rgb-index starts with an offset from 4,278,190,080 because the color-index for argb() starts by 1 and need all these numbers. You should comment or drop fields which have no real use for you to keep the application handy.
The clusters are just aimed to provide a selection possibility to certain areas with which the size of a table in the UI could be reduced because without any selection it might take some time for calculating and rendering the objects.
I hope it will help you to get a better understanding what happens by using colors in Qlik and here you could find a practically approach how to implement colors within charts: https://community.qlik.com/blogs/qlikviewdesignblog/2012/12/04/colors-in-charts.
Happy Qliking!
QlikView: A Wonderfull User Experience!!
The Mirable Miracle of Pixel Perfect Developer Work Space...
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