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Table of Contents
Learn about new features and improvements in Qlik Cloud.
The following Release Notes cover resolved defects for Qlik Cloud. Solved issues and limitations for Qlik Cloud Services are also listed.
QB-30502 |
Qlik Cloud: 'Reload failed' warning icon no longer takes to the Reload history |
Fixed an issue where clicking 'Reload failed' warning icon on app's card in 'Tile view' would fail to redirect to 'Reload history' of that app and would cause a error 400 |
Make soft patches more compact and portable to fix frozen stories |
Frozen slides might happen while playing stories that contain Bookmark patches created for every value in an array. It is recommended to always create a replace patch for an array that has changed by a soft patch, rather than several patches on the elements of the array. |
Qlik Sense: Error when downloading a PDF report using qlik-embed |
When using qlik-embed to embed a classic/app the PDF preview was not working when exporting (or downloading) a chart, and returned a 401 error (Access denied). This was solved by ensuring requests for the iframe include authentication information. |
Jumping from a chart before the correct one when selecting alternative dimensions or measures |
The UI would jump before focusing on the correct chart when selecting alternative dimensions or measures on a sheet page with scrollbar. This has been fixed by applying a focus on the correct chart. |
Qlik Sense: Broken color properties when copying and pasting a master measure to a KPI |
If a master measure with 'Segment colors' enabled was copied from a Multi-KPI object or a bar chart, and pasted in a KPI object, the 'Conditional colors' menu would not displayed correctly for the KPI object. |
Qlik Reporting: Text objects styling not working when exporting stories |
The style of text objects on stories, like the font size, was not correctly applied to exported PDF reports. This has been fixed and the PDF output now has the correct styles applied. |
Updating Mapchart Show Layer always updates the first layer |
When clearing a Show Layer checkbox, it would clear the other Show Layer checkbox. It has been fixed by applying a unique ID to each checkbox. |
Qlik Application Automation: Double spaces not supported in automation editor input fields |
When entering a string with double space characters in a input field in Qlik Application Automation editor, the double spaces would be removed, only keeping one. This fix now allows input fields to handle multiple space characters. |
Qlik Cloud Visualizations: Cannot edit apps with custom themes |
Fixed a problem that prevented editing apps with custom themes. This was due to undefined properties in theme.json, causing it to crash. Sanity checks have been added to determine if the properties exist before use. |
QB-29766 |
Subscription not sent - Scheduled time shown is in the past |
Fixed an issue, and made multiple additional optimizations, related to scheduled subscription tasks not being executed. |
About Qlik
Qlik converts complex data landscapes into actionable insights, driving strategic business outcomes. Serving over 40,000 global customers, our portfolio provides advanced, enterprise-grade AI/ML, data integration, and analytics. Our AI/ML tools, both practical and scalable, lead to better decisions, faster. We excel in data integration and governance, offering comprehensive solutions that work with diverse data sources. Intuitive analytics from Qlik uncover hidden patterns, empowering teams to address complex challenges and seize new opportunities. As strategic partners, our platform-agnostic technology and expertise make our customers more competitive.
Table of Contents
The following release notes cover the versions of Qlik Web Connectors released in February 2025. For questions or comments, post in the Product Forums or contact Qlik Support.
The following updates have been made to the Qlik Web Connectors Core and Web UI as well as the connectors listed.
Core Engine
Qlik Azure Storage Connector
Qlik Dropbox Connector
Qlik Facebook Insights Connector
Qlik Google Ad Manager Connector
Qlik Google Ads Connector
Qlik Helper Connector
Qlik JIRA Connector
Qlik OData Connector
Qlik SugarCRM Connector
Qlik SurveyMonkey Connector
Qlik Sentiment140 Connector
When upgrading connectors to the latest APIs, unfortunately the changes can be so extensive that we are unable to modify the existing connector. When this happens we will create a new version of the connector and put the existing one into a ‘Deprecated’ state. This means that at some point in the future it will no longer be available and after entering the deprecated status, it will no longer be updated. The date is normally determined by the underlying API which will often have its own expiry date, after which the connector using it will no longer work.
You can see connectors affected under the Deprecated tab in Qlik Web Connectors. Three connectors are still noted as deprecated in this release:
No connector is removed in this release.
IP v6 addresses are not supported when you enter an IP v6 address for the purpose of white listing.
Load Balancing is not supported.
Qlik Web Connectors requires .NET Framework 4.8.1.
Download this release from the Product Downloads page on Qlik Community.
About Qlik
Qlik converts complex data landscapes into actionable insights, driving strategic business outcomes. Serving over 40,000 global customers, our portfolio provides advanced, enterprise-grade AI/ML, data integration, and analytics. Our AI/ML tools, both practical and scalable, lead to better decisions, faster. We excel in data integration and governance, offering comprehensive solutions that work with diverse data sources. Intuitive analytics from Qlik uncover hidden patterns, empowering teams to address complex challenges and seize new opportunities. As strategic partners, our platform-agnostic technology and expertise make our customers more competitive.
Table of Contents
Learn about new features and improvements in Qlik Cloud.
The following Release Notes cover resolved defects for Qlik Cloud. Solved issues and limitations for Qlik Cloud Services are also listed.
QB-29394 |
Qlik Sense: Multiple selections not working with qlik-embed |
Fixed a problem that caused the input options in the qlik-embed tag for selections to be incorrectly handled when added to the classic/app URL in the iframe loading the UI. |
QB-26994 |
Blank page when trying to edit connection in Data Integration |
Data Integration is now filtering out Analytics connections. |
QB-27393 |
Visualizations: Filter pane selection options are not displayed |
Fixed a problem where expanding a filter pane caused the buttons for making different selection options (such as more, clear selection, cancel, and confirm) were not displayed. |
QB-27623 |
"Show totals above" option is missing when converting native Pivot table to Pivot table (Visualization bundle) |
An issue was identified in which the "Show totals above" option" is not shown when converting a native Pivot table to the Pivot table from the Visualization bundle. The issue has been resolved by adjusting a setting for indent mode. |
QB-28443 |
Qlik Cloud: Set union operator gave incorrect values in reports |
Resolved an issue where the set expression union operator could return incorrect values during report generation when used inside a P() or E() function. The second set in the union could be masked out when the functions evaluated the possible or excluded values. |
QB-29655 |
Qlik Cloud Services: Basic user cannot create bookmarks |
A bug prevented Basic users, with the "has restricted view permission", to create bookmarks. All users with "read" access to an application can now create bookmarks. |
QB-29938 |
Qlik Cloud Services: Unable to export images from mashup applications |
An issue prevented the export of visualizations embedded in a mashup application to images and PDFs, resulting in the following error: "Something went wrong - Please try again". The issue is now fixed and images can be downloaded. |
QB-29985 |
Qlik Cloud Services: Error with files added via drag and drop |
Previously, when adding a file to the Data Manager with drag and drop, editing it, and using drag and drop to send it to the Data Manager again, an error would occur. This was due to an incorrect file name when calling the API. Some checks have been added to make sur the correct file name is now used, resulting in a prompt to replace your file with the edited version, which is the expected behaviour. |
QB-28485 |
Qlik Cloud: Downloading sheet as PDF fails sometimes |
Resolved an issue where sheet exports failed due to improper reuse of session objects. |
QB-30132 |
Qlik Cloud Services: Unable to load or refresh large sized QVDs with Script in Qlik Cloud |
A bug caused scheduled reloads to fail while refreshing or reloading from the Script for large QVDs (10 GB or more) with the message: "The memory limit for the request was reached". It has been fixed. |
QB-30883 |
Navigation issue when switching panes in Assets panel of Insight Advisor |
Fixed an issue where clicking 'Master items' in the Assets panel within Insight Advisor would instead take the user to the 'Fields' list. |
QB-30816 |
Qlik Sense: Scheduled reporting task is executed twice |
Scheduled reporting tasks were unexpectedly executed twice, and the unwanted change that caused the issue has been reverted. |
Qlik Cloud Hub: Incorrect space roles displayed\assigned when adding user as space member. |
Resolved an issue where newly added space members were displayed with incorrect space roles. The actual roles as seen from the database and access control perspective were correct. However, under certain circumstances those incorrectly displayed roles could have also been persisted in the database. In addition, upon filtering on the 'Members' list for the newly added member, it could result in the 'Roles' column showing an empty value. |
Qlik Data Prep: Data files folders not seen in data load editor and scripts |
Data files folders were not visible in the data load editor or scripts because some enabled feature flags were not recognized upon initialization. This lead to failures when attempting to select datasets. Explicit checks have been added to address the issue. |
Scheduled executions of report tasks are intermittently being missed |
Fixed an issue where scheduled reload executions were sometimes not starting a reporting task execution. The issue was fixed by updates to the underlying services used to execute the tasks. |
Qlik Sense: Issue with the usage of label expression in the dimension header of an alert |
Using variables in label expressions to create alerts on a dimension would not return the correct information. The issue was fixed and variables can now be used for the measure headers and dimension headers alike. |
Qlik Cloud Visualizations: Geometries using the EPSG:5514 coordinate system not projected right |
This fix solves the issue of geometries in the EPSG:5514 not being projected correctly when transformed to EPSG:4326. For example Czech geometries would end up near the south pole. |
Visualizations: Cannot drag-and-drop after opening variables |
Fixed a problem that would block the grid when opening the assets panel from the variables dialog. |
Report task executions are intermittently being missed |
Fixed an issue where scheduled report task executions were sometimes not starting as scheduled. The issue was fixed by updates to the underlying services used to execute the tasks. |
QB-30506 |
Random failures occurring for report tasks |
Fixed an issue where report tasks configured to run upon app reload were sometimes failing. The issue was fixed by updates to the underlying services used to execute the tasks. |
About Qlik
Qlik converts complex data landscapes into actionable insights, driving strategic business outcomes. Serving over 40,000 global customers, our portfolio provides advanced, enterprise-grade AI/ML, data integration, and analytics. Our AI/ML tools, both practical and scalable, lead to better decisions, faster. We excel in data integration and governance, offering comprehensive solutions that work with diverse data sources. Intuitive analytics from Qlik uncover hidden patterns, empowering teams to address complex challenges and seize new opportunities. As strategic partners, our platform-agnostic technology and expertise make our customers more competitive.
Table of Contents
The following release notes cover the versions of SAP NetWeaver, released in v8.1.0.. For questions or comments, post in the Product Forums or contact Qlik Support.
The BEx Connector and the InfoProvider Connector have been removed. The BW Connector is fully compatible and should be used instead.
The SAP Connectors have been updated with general bug fixes and improvements, specifically error handling has been improved when some SAP objects raise uncaught errors.
Improved handling of ADSO errors that resulted in infinite loops when errors were raised (8.1.0)
Enhanced logging added to the SAP BW connector to improve information about authorization errors related to specific BW composite objects (8.0.3).
Resolved issue with some conversion routines not being carried out during the extraction jobs for some fields, resulting in incorrect formatting of data. This was updated in both SQL and BW connectors (8.0.3).
In SAP BW InfoProvider support for INT8 data types has been added (8.0.3).
See the online help on Installing the connectors, and the attached Installation Guide.
Download this release from the Product Downloads page on Qlik Community.
About Qlik
Qlik converts complex data landscapes into actionable insights, driving strategic business outcomes. Serving over 40,000 global customers, our portfolio provides advanced, enterprise-grade AI/ML, data integration, and analytics. Our AI/ML tools, both practical and scalable, lead to better decisions, faster. We excel in data integration and governance, offering comprehensive solutions that work with diverse data sources. Intuitive analytics from Qlik uncover hidden patterns, empowering teams to address complex challenges and seize new opportunities. As strategic partners, our platform-agnostic technology and expertise make our customers more competitive.
Table of Contents
Learn about new features and improvements in Qlik Compose.
This section describes the supported upgrade and migration paths.
Direct upgrade is supported from Compose November 2023 (and its service releases) only. Customers wishing to upgrade from earlier Compose versions should first upgrade to Compose November 2023 and then to Compose December 2024.
Existing Compose for Data Warehouses customers who want to create and manage Data Warehouse projects only in Qlik Compose can use their existing license. Similarly, existing Compose for Data Lakes customers who want to create and manage Data Lake projects only in Qlik Compose can use their existing license.
Customers migrating from Qlik Compose for Data Warehouses or Qlik Compose for Data Lakes, and who want to create and manage both Data Warehouse projects and Data Lakes projects in Qlik Compose, will need to obtain a new license. Customers upgrading from Compose February 2021 can continue using their existing license.
It should be noted that the license is enforced only when trying to generate, run, or schedule a task (via the UI or API ). Other operations such as Test Connection may also fail if you do not have an appropriate license.
Compose for Data Lakes has been superseded by Qlik Compose. Existing Compose for Data Lakes customers can migrate their projects from Qlik Compose for Data Lakes to Qlik Compose. You can migrate both your project definitions and your data although the latter is only required if you need to migrate production data.
For migration instructions, see the Qlik Compose August 2021 Release notes.
Note: Migration can be performed from Compose for Data Lakes 6.6 only.
Qlik Replicate is required for landing data into the data warehouse or storage while Qlik Enterprise Manager allows you to monitor and control Compose tasks running on different servers. This section lists the supported versions for each of these products.
Compose December 2024 is compatible with the following Replicate and Enterprise Manager versions:
The following versions are no longer supported:
The following issues have been resolved since Compose November 2023 Initial Release:
Jira issue: RECOB-8771
Salesforce case: 173509
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Workflows
Description: Validation checks for complex workflow would be excessively long before running the first operation.
Jira issue: RECOB-8899
Salesforce case: 303295
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Data Lake Project – ETL Statement
Description: If a record was updated in a partition that was still open after the CDC task started, the record would sometimes not be archived.
Jira issue: RECOB-8885
Salesforce case: 310095 + 310451
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Data Marts (SQL Server Target)
Description: Data mart generation would sometimes fail with a “Duplicate columns detected” error.
Jira issue: RECOB-8922
Salesforce case: 309076
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Data Marts
Description: An incorrect fact INSERT statement would be generated if the fact contained type 2 entities and a transaction date.
Jira issue: RECOB-8808
Salesforce case: 297099
Type: Issue
Component/Process: ETL Statements
Description: When two instances of the same task ran in parallel, one of the tasks would fail as it would try to access a temp table which was deleted by the other task.
Jira issue: RECOB-9032
Salesforce case: 317354
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Amazon Redshift, ETL Statements
Description: Due to a driver limitation, when inserting more than 2 billion records, the data warehouse task would sometimes fail with the following error:
Parameter MappingCount_E12309_M001 has no value
The issue was resolved using the latest JDBC driver: redshift-jdbc42-
Jira issue: RECOB- 9031
Salesforce case: 317518
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Microsoft SQL Server Target
Description: Using a Transactional Fact with Type 1 dimensions that contained a filter would result in an incorrect statement being generated.
Jira issue: RECOB-8991
Salesforce case: 308524
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Snowflake Target
Description: When using key pair authentication, the key would break after deployment.
Jira issue: RECOB-8727
Salesforce case: 296636
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Project documentation
Description: When trying to generate project documentation, the following error would sometimes occur:
The given key was not found in the dictionary
Jira issue: RECOB-8776
Salesforce case: 165516
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Security vulnerability
Description: The index.html and demo.html files were removed from the Compose installation to address vulnerability CVE-2019-10768.
Jira issue: RECOB-8567
Salesforce case: 171604
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Data Marts
Description: Data mart generation would fail when the Date dimension was created manually.
Jira issue: RECOB-8569
Salesforce case: 166504
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Workflows
Description: When a workflow with a parallel split failed, the monitor would still show it as running.
Jira issue: RECOB-8622
Salesforce case: 170800
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Logging
Description: Not all files were deleted from <INSTALL-DIR>\java\data\projects\<project-name>\logs, even though the log retention policy was configured to delete them.
Jira issue: RECOB-8639
Salesforce case: 173669
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Data Marts
Description: During the initial run of data mart tasks with transactional facts, Compose would try to update the table instead of just inserting the data.
Jira issue: RECOB-8197
Salesforce case: 139123
Type: Issue
Component/Process: UI - Monitor
Description: The task would be shown as completed successfully (in the monitor and in the log), but the progress bar would show that some of the ETL statements had still not been completed.
Jira issue: RECOB-8673
Salesforce case: 292717
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Data Marts, ETL Statements
Description: When attempting to augment an aggregated fact with a dimension through the 'Add to Star Schema' option, the system would sometimes generate the following error:
Invalid column name _OID
Jira issue: RECOB-8690
Salesforce case: 172614
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Data Warehouse CDC Task
Description: Generating a data warehouse CDC task would take a long time when a project was configured to use the same database (for landing and archiving, for example), but with a different schema.
Jira issue: RECOB-8383
Salesforce case: 161351
Type: Enhancement
Component/Process: UI Monitor
Description: Complex workflow validation will now be skipped to improve monitor performance.
Jira issue: RECOB-8472
Salesforce case: 164789
Type: Issue
Component/Process: CLI
Description: Data mart tables would be dropped while executing the following command:
ComposeCli.exe generate_project
Jira issue: RECOB-8462
Salesforce case: 165355
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Cloudera Data Platform (CDP)
Description: When there were multiple records with the same ID and From Date, Compose would not pick up the latest Change Table record.
Jira issue: RECOB-8494
Salesforce case: 167502
Type: Issue
Component/Process: UI
Description: Task search would not work as expected.
Jira issue: RECOB-8517
Salesforce case: Qlik Internal
Type: Issue
Component/Process: UI
Description: When a custom ETL contained special characters, the export_csv command would fail.
Jira issue: RECOB-8287
Salesforce case: 154357
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Metadata Manager
Description: Checking the metadata when adjusting the data mart would sometimes be excessively slow.
Jira issue: RECOB-8333
Salesforce case: 158494
Type: Issue
Component/Process: CLI
Description: The ComposeCli.exe generate_project command would complete without any errors when the data warehouse was not synced with the model.
Jira issue: RECOB-7821
Salesforce case: 151213
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Security
Description: Google Guava was upgraded from 31.0.1 to 33.1.0, which fixes vulnerability CVE-2023-2976.
Jira issue: RECOB-8074
Salesforce case: 151213
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Security
Description: Removed the postgresql-42.6.0.jar from Compose to address vulnerability CVE-2024-1597.
Jira issue: RECOB-7860
Salesforce case: 151213
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Security
Description: The org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-http web server component was upgraded to a version that fixes the following vulnerabilities: CVE-2023-36478, CVE-2023-36479, and CVE-2023-40167
Jira issue: RECOB-8319
Salesforce case: 158765
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Data Marts
Description: Retroactive changes would create too many obsolete records in the dimension tables.
Jira issue: RECOB-8378
Salesforce case: 154292
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Connectivity, Microsoft Azure Managed SQL Server
Description: Data warehouse tasks would sometimes fail to complete.
Jira issue: RECOB-8096
Salesforce case: 147298
Type: Issue
Component/Process: SQL Server
Description: Compose would fail to connect to SQL Server when using Windows Authentication.
Jira issue: RECOB-8154
Salesforce case: 129455
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Logging
Description: Debugging messages related to connection issues would fill up the data mart task log and severely impact disk space.
Jira issue: RECOB-8202
Salesforce case: 129455
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Data Marts
Description: When two different dimensions used the same data warehouse table with self-reference tables, data mart generation would fail with a "duplicate columns detected" error.
Jira issue: RECOB-8162
Salesforce case: 151211
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Metadata Manager, Google BigQuery
Description: When using the NUMERIC data type with non-default size and precision, the scale and precision would be incorrectly converted.
Jira issue: RECOB-8100
Salesforce case: 142698
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Databricks Delta
Description: The Databricks SQL Warehouse ETL statement for CDC would sometimes fail with a casting error when querying the attrep_cdc_partitions control table.
Jira issue: RECOB-8233
Salesforce case: Qlik Internal
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Data Marts, ETL Statements
Description: In rare scenarios, the data mart ETL would fail with an "Incorrect syntax error near COALESCE" error.
Jira issue: RECOB-7871
Salesforce case: 126374
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Data Marts, Compose Log File
Description: A redundant "Data mart ID does not exist" log message would be repeatedly written to the Compose log file.
Jira issue: RECOB-7948
Salesforce case: 133345
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Data Marts
Description: Multiple column support has been added to the Synapse HASH distribution key. This resolves the following error: "SYS,GENERAL_EXCEPTION, An item with the same key has already been added"
Jira issue: RECOB-7211
Salesforce case: 87096
Type: Enhancement
Component/Process: UI Monitor - Data Lake Projects
Description: Added the ability to sort columns in the Manage Data Storage Tasks and Monitor Details windows.
Jira issue: RECOB-8011
Salesforce case: 139471
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Task Commands
Description: A "Failed to start task" error would sometimes be encountered after upgrading.
Jira issue: RECOB-8004
Salesforce case: 129455
Type: Enhancement
Component/Process: Connectivity
Description: To optimize connection recovery, a retry functionality was added when writing to Control tables.
Jira issue: RECOB-8006
Salesforce case: 139471
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Data Marts, ETL Statements
Description: When generating a data mart task, a "Duplicate columns detected" error would sometimes be encountered due to incorrect handling of multi-path attributes.
Jira issue: RECOB-8020
Salesforce case: 137863
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Data Marts
Description: An incorrect "Attribute used in expression does not exist in the model" error would sometimes be encountered during data mart validation.
Note: The fix uses a "max_transactional_date_tree_depth" parameter to determine the depth of the dimension tree. As this requires a change in the project's repository, please contact Qlik Support for assistance If you think you might have encountered this issue.
Jira issue: RECOB-8022
Salesforce case: 140252
Type: Issue
Component/Process: ETL Statements, Performance, SQL Server
Description: The hashing process for CDC would sometimes consume excessive memory and significantly lengthen task completion time. To benefit from this fix, you need to regenerate the task ETLs after installing the patch.
Jira issue: RECOB-7859
Salesforce case: 127377
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Data Warehouse Adjust
Description: When adjusting the data warehouse after a change in the model, the following error would sometimes occur:
SYS,GENERAL_EXCEPTION, Sequence contains no elements
Jira issue: RECOB-7803
Salesforce case: 104948
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Data Mart Performance on Snowflake
Description: Data mart performance issues would be encountered after upgrading. This version reverts the changes to the code that caused the performance issues.
Jira issue: RECOB-7840
Salesforce case: 121509
Type: Issue
Component/Process: ETL Statements, Source Consolidation
Description: ETL generation would sometimes fail when Consolidate uniform sources was enabled and the source type was View.
Jira issue: RECOB-7637
Salesforce case: 113806
Type: Issue
Component/Process: ETL Statements
Description: When a long "From date" column name was defined in the project settings, the following error would be encountered when automatically adjusting the data warehouse:
Input string not in correct format
Jira issue: RECOB-7387
Salesforce case: 97736
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Documentation
Description: When a Compose project contained environment variables, the following error would occur when generating the product documentation:
Length cannot be less than zero. Parameter name: length
Jira issue: RECOB-7842
Salesforce case: 127234
Type: Issue
Component/Process: UI
Description: Discovering tables from a MySQL source would sometimes cause the UI to hang.
Jira issue: RECOB-7927
Salesforce case: 129455
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Database Connections
Description: Connections to the database would not be reestablished when a task was paused and resumed.
Jira issue: RECOB-7951
Salesforce case: 132765
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Data Marts, Upgrade
Description: Upgrading from Compose May 2022 removed all links from facts to dimensions.
If you have a Compose task that connects to Databricks Compute Platform using OAuth authentication, and you want to monitor the task in Qlik Enterprise Manager, you will need a patched version of Qlik Enterprise Manager. Without the patch, all Compose tasks will be disabled and a json deserialization error will be displayed. To obtain the patch, contact Qlik Support. Alternatively, you can monitor your tasks directly in Compose.
Download this release from the Product Downloads page on Qlik Community.
About Qlik
Qlik’s vision is a data-literate world, where everyone can use data and analytics to improve decision-making and solve their most challenging problems. A private SaaS company, Qlik offers an Active Intelligence platform, delivering end-to-end, real-time data integration and analytics cloud solutions to close the gaps between data, insights and action. By transforming data into Active Intelligence, businesses can drive better decisions, improve revenue and profitability, and optimize customer relationships. Qlik does business in more than 100 countries and serves over 50,000 customers around the world.
Table of Contents
Learn about new features and improvements in Qlik Cloud.
The following Release Notes cover resolved defects for Qlik Cloud. Solved issues and limitations for Qlik Cloud Services are also listed.
QB-27392 |
Visualizations: Reports are missing objects when custom theme is using custom font. |
Resolved an issue where loading of the custom fonts in a theme was not properly awaited before reports were performed. After properly awaiting the font, loading reports are not missing objects anymore. |
QB-27336 |
Qlik Cloud Administration: Navigation bar not clickable on Tenant encryption page |
Resolved an issue where the navigation bar was not clickable on the Tenant encryption page. |
QB-29673 |
Qlik Cloud Hub: Filtering in 'Favorites' does not work |
Fixed an issue where filtering items under the 'Favorites' section of the Qlik Cloud hub did not work, resulting in all items being displayed. |
QB-28915 |
Qlik Cloud: Objects missing when exporting a story as PDF |
Resolved an issue where exporting stories and sheets would fail due to improper reuse of session objects. |
QB-28939 |
Qlik Cloud: Japanese Kanji not rendered in exported PDF |
Japanese Kanji were incorrectly rendered in exported PDFs, affecting titles and text content, despite the app being configured correctly with the "ja-JP" collation locale. This issue has been fixed. |
QB-27327 |
Qlik Cloud: Inadequate contrast in DLE load Log |
Updated the Data Load Editor (DLE) load log by changing the light grey color to a darker grey to enhance accessibility and meet contrast requirements for better readability. |
QB-29359 |
Qlik Cloud Search: Unable to open apps and links from 'Search results' |
Fixed an issue where clicking on a link to an app or a link from global 'Search results' would either fail to open the app or open an empty link. |
QB-29065 |
Qlik Cloud: Race condition issue in reloads service |
Resolved a rare race condition issue in the reloads service that caused reloads to exit abruptly at the start. The fix ensures that the service now waits for session requests to return before initiating the reloads. |
QB-28513 |
AutoML: Incorrect routing key for OOM errors |
Resolved an issue where the routing key for Out of Memory (OOM) errors was incorrectly set to "prediction.requested.error." This has been corrected to "prediction.error," allowing for accurate tracking of returnCode -9 and proper classification of OOM errors. |
QB-27431 |
Qlik Cloud Hub: Combo chart appears blank when monitored from the hub |
Fixed an issue where combo charts did not appear when monitored from the Qlik Cloud hub. |
QB-27523 |
Qlik Cloud Administration: External consumption of analyzer capacity not shown |
Analyzer capacity consumed by other deployments and regions has been added to the displayed measurement in the Administration activity center. |
QB-27802 |
Qlik Cloud: Client crash when dragging fields in simplified authoring mode |
Fixed a rare client crash that displayed the message "An error occurred" when dragging a field in simplified authoring mode, specifically when the sheet contained a master "Date picker" object. |
QB-27298 |
Qlik Cloud: DLE and script editor failing when accessing script history for some users |
Fixed an issue where the data load editor (DLE) and script editor would fail for some users when accessing script history. This occurred because the script history was using an incorrect locale for date/time formatting. If no default locale was set for the user, it was registered as null, causing the UI to fail. |
QB-28408 |
Visualizations: Waterfall chart behaves differently when inside a layout container |
Fixed a problem that caused the layout container to incorrectly handle ongoing selections when the show condition changed from true to false. This has been fixed and the behavior is now aligned with the tabbed container. |
QB-29194 |
Qlik Cloud: Unable to edit subscriptions |
Resolved an issue where the Edit subscription dialog did not appear when attempting to edit a sheet subscription. |
QB-29401 |
Visualizations: Problem replacing invalid dimensions / measures master items |
Fixed a problem where replacing dimensions or measures would sometimes fail if they were linked to a non-existing master dimension. |
QB-27227 |
Bar chart label incorrect when the result is 1.95 |
Fixed floating error on formatting. |
QB-29505 |
Qlik Cloud: User assigned Tenant Admin role does not see their user when assigning space roles |
Resolved an issue where a user assigned Tenant Admin role via group membership would not find their specific user name (ID) when attempting to assign space roles. |
QB-29009 |
Visualizations: Problems with sheet navigation |
Fixed a problem that intermittently prevented opening apps, adding new sheets, and navigating existing sheets. This was solved by optimizing the reranking of sheets whenever there are rank conflicts. |
QB-28822 |
Qlik Engine: Selections discarded when distributing QlikView files to the Cloud |
Fixed a problem that caused QlikView objects to be incorrectly distributed if the resource type was wrong. A new access rule solves this issue and includes the objects in the app. |
QB-29763 |
Qlik Cloud Hub: 'Monitoring chart' removed from collections after app reload |
Resolved an issue where the 'Monitoring chart' would lose its association with collections it was added to (including 'Favorites') when an app it originated from was reloaded. |
QB-28372 |
Qlik Engine: Intermittent cancellation of store/upload |
Fixed a degradation that caused intermittent cancellations of data file store/upload during reload. |
QB-29761 |
Qlik Cloud: Inaccurate 'Time zone' displayed for new users |
For new QCS users who don’t have the 'preferredZoneinfo' property defined, the 'Time zone' value displayed in the hub's 'Profile' settings would incorrectly show a preset value, which was actually inherited from the browser. This could create inconsistency between UI and other services which in the absence of 'preferredZoneinfo' default to UTC time zone. The fix was to display blank value when not set. |
QB-29608 |
Qlik Cloud: Replacing dimensions or measures fails in charts with modifiers |
Resolved an issue where replacing dimensions or measures would sometimes fail if they were linked to a non-existing master dimension in charts using modifiers. This fix complements the solution provided for QB-29401, which addressed the issue for charts not using modifiers. |
QB-29610 |
Qlik Engine: New optional parameter Hint for XIRR Aggregation function |
When a Hint argument is provided, XIRR will pick the numerically closest valid answer it can find, which can be either a positive or a negative one. If no hint value is provided, it will always pick a positive solution before a negative one. |
QB-28340 |
Qlik Cloud: Migration failure due to decryption issues with bookmarks |
Fixed an issue where the key migration process failed when encountering corrupted bookmarks or other decryption errors. The engine has been updated to ensure that keys are migrated even when bookmarks cannot be read. |
QB-29791 |
Qlik Data Prep: Error when updating data files in Data Load Editor |
Fixed an encoding problem that caused the confirmation dialog to not appear when replacing files in Data manager. This happened when file names included special characters. In the Data load editor and Script editor, an error was displayed when attempting to replace files, sometimes without special characters in file names. These issues were resolved by ensuring file names are encoded only once. |
QB-27983 |
Restrict send to excel option in contextual menu for "Has restricted View" |
Users or groups with "Has restricted View" permission now have Send to excel option in contextual menu. |
QB-27718 |
Qlik Cloud: Ascending and descending sorting not working in straight tables |
Resolved an issue where the ascending and descending sort options for straight tables were not functioning correctly. Sorting has now been fixed to work as intended. |
QB-29043 |
Qlik Engine: Distinct count on key fields incorrectly handling key subsets in reports |
In reporting mode, a set expression with a distinct count over a key field was not always calculated correctly. The calculation outcome depended on the table load order and the subset relation of the key in the tables. The reporting calculation now builds an invariant and well-determined field and table state. |
About Qlik
Qlik converts complex data landscapes into actionable insights, driving strategic business outcomes. Serving over 40,000 global customers, our portfolio provides advanced, enterprise-grade AI/ML, data integration, and analytics. Our AI/ML tools, both practical and scalable, lead to better decisions, faster. We excel in data integration and governance, offering comprehensive solutions that work with diverse data sources. Intuitive analytics from Qlik uncover hidden patterns, empowering teams to address complex challenges and seize new opportunities. As strategic partners, our platform-agnostic technology and expertise make our customers more competitive.
Table of Contents
The following release notes cover the versions of Qlik Sense Enterprise on Windows released in November 2024. For questions or comments, post in the Product Forums or contact Qlik Support.
Please refer to the What’s new sections of the online help for further information about the new and updated features of the Qlik Sense Enterprise on Windows November 2024 release:
What's new in Qlik Sense November 2024 (Users)
What's new in Qlik Sense November 2024 (Developers)
What's new in Qlik Sense November 2024 (Administrators)
Action to set active cyclic dimension field
The button got another action for controlling cyclic dimensions. Use Set active field to go to a specific field in the group.
Images in tables
Images can now be embedded in the new straight table and pivot table in the visualization bundle. The images can be sourced from the media library or from a URL.
Improvements to sheet navigation, interaction and the left asset panel
Navigation menu
With our new navigation menu, you can style it as you prefer.
New UI settings
App settings now include options to toggle individual items and buttons in the app navigation bar, toolbar and sheet header, allowing greater customization of the end user experience.
Tab container
The new tab container is an improvement the old container object with a new name and styling settings for labels, tabs and icons.
Selection bar improvements
Context menu for visualizations
Introducing a new context menu for visualizations toggle in Qlik Sense, enhancing app customization and user experience by allowing flexible control over the context menu visibility within app properties.
Straight table styling improvements
New style settings e.g. background color and image, font and grid styling.
Modifiers and expression based text styling in the new straight table
Chart exploration for straight tables embedded in layout and tab containers
Chart exploration in the new straight table is now supported in layout container and the new tab container.
Combo chart improvements
Chart background image by URL
Chart background by URL offers huge potential to style and build up a highly dynamic and stylish app. Useful for:
General styling of bundled charts
The remaining charts in the visualization and the dashboard bundle are getting general styling including font styling of titles, background color and image options and border and shadow settings.
Enable and disable autocomplete in script and expression editors
Users can now enable or disable autocomplete hints when writing Qlik script in the script editor, data load editor, and expression editor.
Expressions in field labels
You can now have expressions in field labels for drill-down and cyclic dimensions. This lets you for example enable translation of labels in multi-language apps.
Improved usability of the Data load editor
Improved usability and support of QVS script files
Search and replace in expression editor
Users can now search and replace text within the expression editor. This includes a "replace all" option, allowing for quick bulk edits within a single complex expression.
Expanded Qlik Cloud distribution
Qlik now enables all customers to distribute Qlik Sense apps to a Qlik Cloud tenant, regardless of their license. This update particularly benefits clients on a QAP (Qlik Analytics Platform) license, who can now distribute apps to the cloud—a capability that was previously unavailable to them.
CSRF protection extended to Websockets and add-ons
Extended CSRF protection to Websocket requests and added support for CSRF to add-on products.
If you are using mashups or have cross-site domain setups, add the following response headers to enhance security and control access. These headers help protect against Cross-Site Forgery (CSRF) attacks:
Postgres database support
Added support for Postgres versions 15 and 16.
Key | Title | Description |
QB-30779 | Qlik Sense: Issue with locked fields and section access after reload | Fixes an issue where locking a selection in an app with a section access caused the field to be included in the section access after a reload or partial reload, and the only available values after the reload were the ones that have been locked. |
SHEND-2285 | Update node.js to the latest patch version with fixes | Qlik Sense November 2024 Patch 5 updates the version of NodeJS to pick up recent patches. |
QB-30798 | Non-deterministic subset of rows loaded from Parquet file | Fixed an issue where Parquet files would not load all rows for particular nested structures. The files had to contain a column with repeated pairs of data. Additionally, the number of repeats had to be changing over the file. |
QB-31060 | Qlik Sense: Qlik embed error when using a virtual proxy with prefix | Fixed a problem that occurred when embedding a UI with an iframe using a server with a virtual proxy prefix as host in the embed config. The problem was caused by fetching a javascript used to register a service worker without the virtual proxy prefix. |
Key | Title | Description |
QB-30811 | Fix for app thumbnail alt tag | The app thumbnail was missing an alt tag. Since the thumbnail is purely decorative, an empty alt tag has been added. |
QB-30760 | Selection bar contrast issue | In sheet view in an app, the background of the selection bar was dark enough to give the text low contrast. By brightening the background, the contrast has been increased, increasing readability of text. |
QB-30629 | Qlik Sense: Unable to open tables with empty header in Excel | Exporting tables to Excel while "Table formatting" is enabled but with an empty header definition would make the resulting file corrupted and unable to be opened in Excel. This issue has been fixed. |
TLV-630 | Sheet and Bookmarks accessible directly in Qlik Sense toolbar | 'Sheets' and 'Bookmarks' have been re-added as items in the default configuration of the app toolbar. This setting can be configured by opening the app settings, and selecting 'UI settings'. |
Key | Title | Description |
QB-30730 | Qlik Engine: Display error for null date or time values in Excel | When exporting a table containing null date or time values from an app into Excel, those values would be displayed using the wrong character. The values were incorrectly exported as numerical data instead of dates but the issue has been resolved. |
NLC-124 | Qlik Sense: Issue with Insight Advisor Chat in Portuguese | In the context of a multi-cloud deployment, some modules and libraries were not loading correctly and created issues with the Insight Advisor Chat when set to languages other than English, such as Portuguese. Missing libraries now load properly. |
Key | Title | Description |
QB-29911 | Qlik Sense: Engine times out when calculating dimensions in large applications | When trying to allocate large chunks of the local heap (between 1.2 GB and 2.4 GB) a bug would cause an infinite loop that could hang the engine process. The bug has been fixed. |
QB-30110 | Qlik Cloud Services: Fuzzy search using Latin characters returns Chinese characters first | Searching a term in a file using Latin characters would return terms with Chinese characters first in the results, even though they don't match. This was due to non-ascii characters, such as Chinese, not being supported for fuzzy search. The bug has been fixed and searches should now return the expected results. |
QB-29868 | Visualizations: Adding access to clear all and delete buttons via keyboard | We have added the ability to navigate to the clear all and delete buttons using the keyboard, and announcing what they do through the screen reader. |
Multi-Language Support Available in Insight Advisor Chat
A drop-down button has been added that allows users in Insight Advisor Chat to change the language used when having natural language interactions. Supported Languages are here.
Key |
Title |
Description |
QB-29903 | "Not found" error on file preview and reload for some SFTP connections. | Depending on SFTP server, some valid connections returned the "not found" error on selecting file on preview or file reloading. This degrade is now fixed. |
QB-29610 | Qlik Engine: New optional parameter Hint for XIRR Aggregation function | When a Hint argument is provided, XIRR will pick the numerically closest valid answer it can find, which can be either a positive or a negative one. If no hint value is provided, it will always pick a positive solution before a negative one. |
QB-29492 | Qlik Sense Visualizations: Variance Waterfall fails to export as PDF or image | Fixed a problem introduced with the February 2024 release which prevented the exporting Variance waterfall to PDF or image. |
QB-29401 | Visualizations: Problem replacing invalid dimensions / measures master items | Fixed a problem where replacing dimensions or measures would sometimes fail if they were linked to a non-existing master dimension. |
QB-29232 | Qlik Sense Visualizations: The 'More' menu in the filter pane displayed incorrectly | The 'More' menu in filter panes displayed incorrectly under other objects or the assets panel. |
QB-29043 | Qlik Engine: Distinct count on key fields incorrectly handling key subsets in reports | In reporting mode, a set expression with a distinct count over a key field was not always calculated correctly. The calculation outcome depended on the table load order and the subset relation of the key in the tables. The reporting calculation now builds an invariant and well-determined field and table state. |
QB-29033 | Qlik Sense Platform: WebSocket connection lost | Fixed a problem that would, in some cases, throw an exception that caused the loop WebSocket listener to terminate. |
QB-29018 | Qlik Sense Engine: Incorrect library function used for deleting an element from object array | While updating the properties cache for DeleteChild operation, the library function used to remove an element from the childlist object array causes the last element to be moved to the deleted element index. This causes the original order of remaining elements to be changed. Fix is added to use the library function which preserves the order of remaining elements. |
QB-29009 | Visualizations: Problems with sheet navigation | Fixed a problem that intermittently prevented opening apps, adding new sheets, and navigating existing sheets. This was solved by optimizing the reranking of sheets whenever there are rank conflicts. |
QB-28873 | Qlik License: Captcha box not always visible on the the Signed License Definition | Fixed a problem where the Captcha box was not always visible on the Signed License Definition site. |
QB-28865 | Qlik Sense Visualizations: Cannot set or unset bookmark as default | Fixed a problem that prevented the setting or unsetting of the default bookmark within an app. |
QB-28864 | Qlik Engine: Window script function converts Nulls to text | Fixed a problem where the window function would incorrectly translate loaded null fields to '-' which could then be selected. With this fix, the handling of null values is corrected and null fields remain null. |
QB-28741 | Qlik Sense Visualizations: The listbox 'More' menu for tables and pivot tables closed without changes | When selecting one of the options in the listbox 'More' menu, it closed without applying the changes. The selections are now applied correctly instead of closing the menu. |
QB-28727 | Visualizations: Not possible to search for bookmark | Now validating bookmark creation date before the formatting date. |
QB-28658 | Visualizations: Sheet styles not working for newly created apps | Fixed a problem where sheet styles did not persist on new apps. Properties are now bound to the visual elements which show the changes. |
QB-28630 | Visualizations: Incorrect position of data points on a line chart | Fixed a problem that caused data points to be incorrectly positioned on small screens or when zooming to 125%. |
QB-28611 | Qlik Engine: Lineage data API is not working when using Preceding LOAD | Fixed a problem where the /v1/apps/{appId}/data/lineage API returned an empty discriminator for Load From statements with a preceding load. |
QB-28589 | Qlik Sense Visualizations: Field titles missing in Chart Exploration | Alternative columns were initially shown without proper titles in the new Qlik Sense straight table's chart exploration. This happened during sheet editing and when users worked with the exploration feature to add and remove columns. |
QB-28453 | Qlik Sense Engine: Dynamic scripts in charts did not add or replace values in the correct rows | When evaluated in a chart, the dynamic scripts did not have access to the context information used to access the source rows. Therefore, they only used one row for all additions and replacements. |
QB-28451 | Qlik Sense Engine: Dynamic scripts were not evaluated when expected | The engine only checked if a chart contained expressions when determining if it should be evaluated as a table or a hypercube. This meant that any hypercube modifiers such as dynamic scripts were ignored if the chart did not contain an expression. |
QB-28426 | Qlik Enterprise Connectors: Amazon Redshift populating duplicate columns | This enhancement addresses an issue where duplicate columns were being fetched when schemas with the same name existed in both the external schema and the Datashare schema. Now, columns are retrieved only from the selected database schema, ensuring accurate data retrieval and eliminating duplicate columns. |
QB-28406 | Qlik Sense: Axios security issue | Fixed a security issue caused by Qlik Sense using an old version of Axios. The was resolved by updating the version of Axios used by Qlik Sense. |
QB-28395 | Qlik Sense: Tooltips do not display for selected dimensions | Fixed a problem that prevented the display of tooltips for selected dimensions in Associative insights. This was due to a missing attribute which has now been restored. |
QB-28392 | Qlik Enterprise Connectors: Google Big Query Connector - Select dialog | Changing the catalog from dropdown did not refresh the list of databases. |
QB-28299 | Qlik Sense Engine: The Concat function resulted in a faulty lineage | In some cases, when the Concat function was used in combination with the FROM load statement, the Concat function did not add the correct sources for a field, resulting in an faulty lineage graph. The faulty graph assumed that the sources were present and therefore incremented an internal index, which resulted in incorrect relations between nodes. Support for the Concat function has been added for lineage and it will now properly add the sources. |
QB-28201 | Qlik Engine: Iterator is shown as a non-integer when using large values | Fixed a problem with the string conversion method used in a FOR loop, which caused formatting issues when handling large values. |
QB-28142 | Qlik Sense Engine: Missing privileges for connections | Fixed a problem where connections that were fetched using REST API were missing privileges. This would cause the Add data button to be missing from the connection Attached Files. |
QB-27988 | Qlik Engine: Syntax error on tab during script execution | Fixed a LOAD script parsing problem when the WHERE clause contains "(". |
QB-27933 | Qlik Sense: Date picker library is outdated | Updated momentJS to the latest version. |
QB-27902 | Qlik Sense Engine: Hypercube modifier REPLACE LOAD sourced data incorrectly and added rows to chart | When REPLACE LOAD was used in a dynamic chart script, it was using only one row for the source data regardless of the actual number of source rows. It also incorrectly added rows to the chart. |
QB-27821 | Resolved UI issue: Restored internal menu functionality in Dev Hub | In the Mashup editor in Dev Hub, the 'Menu' button in the toolbar was inadvertently replaced with a 'Help' button. The issue is resolved and access to the 'Menu' button has been restored. |
QB-27754 | Qlik Sense: CORS error blocks external API requests | Fixed an issue with CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) requests that were blocked when making external API requests. The issue was related to the handling of the "withCredentials" option in the requests. |
QB-27751 | Qlik Sense Visualizations: Overflow on button labels was not displaying correctly with ellipses | The button labels were missing settings for text overflow. CSS settings were added and now the labels work as expected. |
QB-27657 | Qlik Sense Engine: Parquet file not deleted | Parquet files were in some cases not deleted after being used. This has been fixed by not using the MemoryMap option when opening Parquet files for reading when the files have been downloaded using a web connector. |
QB-27639 | Schedule reload task using custom schedule | When adding a custom filter, some valid format options produced an error. |
QB-27632 | Qlik Sense Engine: Incorrect format when exporting a table containing dates | When exporting a table containing dates to Microsoft Excel, the date fields were exported in numeric format, instead of formatted date/time. This has been fixed by treating unformatted date/time values as formatted Excel date/time fields, using default formats that adjust to the viewer's locale. |
QB-27623 | "Show totals above" option is missing when converting native Pivot table to Pivot table (Visualization bundle) | An issue was identified in which the "Show totals above" option" is not shown when converting a native Pivot table to the Pivot table from the Visualization bundle. The issue has been resolved by adjusting a setting for indent mode. |
QB-27565 | Qlik Sense Visualizations: Added sanity check for invalid column width values, preventing view data crashing | Possibly due to converting a table to a pivot table, the, the values stored in the pivot table properties for column widths were incorrect. When the view data mode was selected, those incorrect values caused the chart to crash. A sanity check has been added to prevent the crash. |
QB-27477 | Qlik Engine: Tables with the same expression show different results | Fixed a problem when SET analysis constraints did not correctly limit the number of rows in the hypercube, leading to inconsistent results for the same expression. |
QB-27393 | Visualizations: Filter pane selection options are not displayed | Fixed a problem where expanding a filter pane caused the buttons for making different selection options (such as more, clear selection, cancel, and confirm) were not displayed. |
QB-27352 | Qlik sense Visualizations: Selection popup and bar is blank when using getGlobal method in a mashup | Fixed a problem where listboxes within mashups could stop working. This problem occurred specifically for mashups created using the Capability API and calling the qlik.getGlobal function. |
QB-27348 | Qlik Enterprise Connectors: Invalid Session Token error for Amazon Athena connections | Resolved an issue with the Amazon Athena connector when using a proxy with user name and password to authenticate the connection. The resolution involved fixing the authentication process so that the Proxy Username value entered by the user is properly forwarded to the driver. |
QB-27277 | Qlik Sense Visualizations: Data Manager custom association field preview not working | Fixed a problem that caused the preview of the custom association fields to stop working when selecting which fields to associate the tables with. |
QB-27237 | Qlik Sense: Custom Trigger with double digits causes custom filter validation error | Custom filter now allows the use of double digits for the hourly position for Tasks in the Qlik Management Console. |
QB-27227 | Bar chart label incorrect when the result is 1.95 | Fixed floating error on formatting. |
QB-27147 | Qlik Sense Visualizations: Qlik Sense icon not showing in apps on May 2024 IR | Fixed a problem that caused the favicon to disappear on some apps. |
QB-27108 | Visualizations: Exporting object with styling fails | Fixed a problem where exporting any object with shadow values as an image would fail. This was solved by disabling chart shadows on server printing. |
QB-27008 | Qlik Sense Visualizations: "Color by expression" not working in a dimensionless barchart | Fixed an issue where you could not switch to "Color by expression" in a dimensionless barchart and instead it defaulted to single color. |
QB-27006 | Qlik Sense Visualizations: Incorrect CSS for overflowing content | When the content of a multi KPI could not fit in the height of the object, the data could end up inaccessible to users. By correcting the CSS, the data can always scrolled to the data. |
QB-26965 | Qlik Sense Visualizations: Incorrect rendering of heatmap | Fixed a floating error in calculating the number of rows and columns that caused heatmaps to render incorrectly. |
QB-26946 | Qlik Mobile zooming issue | Prevented users from interacting with a chart in a small device if the browser is zoomed in. |
QB-26936 | Qlik Sense Engine: Select and search methods fail to parse search strings starting with certain characters | Search strings starting with any of the following characters: <>\"~()='[] would not be parsed correctly when the user was expecting an exact search. A fix was added which will allow users to force an exact search by adding an extra backslash "\" before any of the special characters (for example, to search for "<x>" enter the search string "\<x>"). This fix is disabled by default. To enable it, update the Settings.ini file to include "EnableSpecialCharacterEscapingInSearch = 1". |
QB-26902 | Qlik Sense Visualizations: The button object was unclickable in a mashup if the label was too long | Buttons with long labels are now clickable within a mashup. |
QB-26880 | Qlik Web Connectors: Files stored in a team folder are inaccessible through the Dropbox connector | A new connection parameter was added to access Dropbox team folders and files. The root parameter allows the selection of team root if it's available for authenticated users. |
QB-26872 | Qlik Sense Engine: Resolving issues from open app performance enhancements | There were some issues with connection deletion behavior after implementing performance enhancements for opening apps. These have been resolved. |
QB-26840 | Qlik Sense Engine: The <CreatorDoc> tag is empty in QVDs created with Qlik Sense February 2024 | Fixed a problem where the <CreatorDoc> tag in the metadata of QVD files created with Qlik Sense February 2024 was empty, instead of showing the app ID that generated the QVD. <CreatorDoc> tags are now written from the STORE statement, even if the format spec is omitted. |
QB-26786 | Qlik Sense Visualizations: Alternative measure & dimension dropdown was not updating correctly | The alternative measure & dimension dropdown did not update correctly when a user edited a chart. This issue has been fixed. |
QB-26669 | Qlik Sense Engine: Problem exporting straight table to Excel | Fixed a problem with handling the pre-generated format string for Euro during Excel export from the Qlik Engine. |
QB-26657 | Qlik Sense Visualizations: Qlik extensions lost custom properties after server restart |
Three extensions did not have the version specified correctly: The versions are now updated properly in all files for these extensions |
QB-26613 | Qlik Engine: Dimension created with Aggr function does not fully support selection | Fixed an issue that would cause some apps to have a limited ability to make selections in a dimension created using the Aggr function. |
QB-26558 | Qlik Engine: Connector performance reload issues in Qlik Sense February 2024 | The Select Statement Lineage for Sense Server has been disabled as it served no purpose in Qlik Sense Enterprise on Windows. This was causing issues with some connectors by making irrelevant calls in Sense Server. |
QB-26530 | Qlik Sense: Custom Cache Control settings not maintained with server reboot | Enhanced the Hub service to use a retry mechanism, allowing it to wait for the QRS API's /ContentCacheControl endpoint to respond. |
QB-26504 | Qlik Cloud Engine: Line Chart not showing all values for X-axis | Fixed an issue that would, in some apps, exclude the highest magnitude dimension value from a chart using a continuous x-axis. This could happen when the data point's x-axis value was encoded using more than the 15-digit precision used in the QIX Engine |
QB-26486 | Qlik Sense on Windows: Straight table columns unusable with auto width | Fixed a problem where columns in straight tables using auto width became unusable. The minimum width has been increased to 120px. |
QB-26447 | Visualizations: Some table column headers do not wrap | Due to an indexing error in the table code, the showing/hiding header icons and wrapping header text, were based on the wrong column. These calculations now use the correct index and the text wrap and icons are shown correctly. |
QB-26407 | Qlik Sense: Node.js updated | Node.js has been updated to version 18.20.4. |
QB-26392 | Qlik Sense on Windows: Failing requests to fetch custom brand spam console | Fixed a problem where requests specific to the Qlik Cloud Services offering were made on Qlik Sense Enterprise for Windows deployment causing the failing requests to spam the console. |
QB-26205 | Visualizations: Cannot rearrange columns in the new Straight Table | Fixed a problem where columns could not be rearranged in the new straight table if the table had conditional columns. |
QB-26199 | Visualizations: Undo button not working | Fixed a problem where the undo button was unresponsive after unlinking a master dimension. |
QB-26192 | Connection issues after access token expiration | Dependent connection parameters were not being properly passed when re-authenticating after access token expiration for several connectors, and the default values for these parameters were being used instead. This fix correctly passes in the necessary parameters. This issue affected the Azure Storage, MSCRM, OneDrive, Office365, and Outlook365 connectors. |
QB-26106 | Qlik Engine: HypercubeEvaluator calculation error | Fixed a problem in a hypercube calculation that returned a row even when the selection result was empty. After the fix now rows should be returned. |
QB-26098 | Scatter plot labels | Fixed a problem with the rendering of the scatter plot during changes in viewing data. |
QB-25981 | Incorrect translation: Japanese | Corrected the Japanese translation for "Sorting in search" when working with pivot tables. |
QB-25920 | Qlik Engine: Unable to filter text values of QVD in Data Manager | Fixed a problem where the filtering of a text field for QVD files was not working. If the field type was a string but the filter value was a number (for example: 1), the filter would not work. This has been fixed by forcing the columns to be interpreted as text. |
QB-25909 | Qlik Sense on Windows: Unsupported trigger time zone reported as (GMT + 0000) | This adds a fix for setting Daylight Savings Time to Permanent Standard Time if the time zone is not supported by the Qlik Management Console (QMC). |
QB-25871 | Qlik Engine: Cannot reference iterator value using $() in chart script | In a chart script, the iterator in a "For… Next" loop could not be used in a dollar expansion expression. This has now been fixed. |
QB-25773 | Visualizations: Inconsistent behavior when pressing home/end keys | Fixed a problem that caused inconsistent behavior when pressing the home/end in the search listbox of a filter pane. |
QB-25730 | Qlik Sense Engine: Inner set expression issue when outer set expression is present | Fixed an issue that caused the miscalculation of inner set expressions when outer set expressions were present. The inner set expression {<Field1=StateA::Field1>} will now read Field1 correctly from StateA even when an outer set expression is present. |
QB-25031 | Qlik Web Connectors: Unable to load data from Odata database via Qlik Odata connector | Fixed a problem where a "System.OutOfMemoryException" would be thrown if the OData connector returned a large response. This was solved by accepting smaller values in the Max depth parameter. Additionally, new tables have been added to retrieve information (V4GetSchemas, V4GetEntities, and V4GetProperties). |
QB-25016 | Qlik Sense: Issue with display scaling on Qlik Sense on Windows February 2024 | Fixed a problem with scaling present on high DPI monitors. |
QB-24997 | Qlik Sense on Windows: Exception importing sheets to NPrinting May 2023 | Fixed a problem on the main-web-container component shipped with QSEoW that caused NPrinting exports of extended Sense sheets to fail when a Sense app carded theme was used. |
QB-24968 | Qlik Web Connectors: Error when importing a table using the Qlik ODATA connector | Fixed a problem that caused an error ("Sequence contains no elements") when retrieving data from the JsonV4GetData table. With this fix, paces in path parameter values are now processed correctly. |
QB-24536 | Data Prep & Insights: Import from SharePoint fails with error message | For some connectors, the same QVD ID (file name) was generated for two table sources, resulting in an error message ("Data could not be added to Data Manager"). We have changed how the QVD ID is generated by adding a load statement and including it in the text to generate the hash. |
QB-23881 | Qlik Sense: User details exposed in WebSockets (CWE-200 | Fixed a vulnerability problem where user details were exposed in WebSockets (CWE-200 information exposure). This was solved by hiding the owner data for Anonymous User Context in AppPropList and the Owner data in the Hub App Card for Anonymous User Context. |
QB-23565 | Improved HTTP header validation | Improved HTTP communication by providing additional header validations. |
The following issues and limitations were identified at release time. The list is not comprehensive but lists all known major issues and limitations.
Customers using Android mobile devices via the Qlik Sense mobile app need to update their app to version 1.30.1 which is now on play store.
For upgrade advisory regarding required add-on upgrades, see Community post.
For information about the requirements for Qlik Sense, see System requirements for Qlik Sense in the online help.
Download this release from the Product Downloads page on Qlik Community.
About Qlik
Qlik converts complex data landscapes into actionable insights, driving strategic business outcomes. Serving over 40,000 global customers, our portfolio provides advanced, enterprise-grade AI/ML, data integration, and analytics. Our AI/ML tools, both practical and scalable, lead to better decisions, faster. We excel in data integration and governance, offering comprehensive solutions that work with diverse data sources. Intuitive analytics from Qlik uncover hidden patterns, empowering teams to address complex challenges and seize new opportunities. As strategic partners, our platform-agnostic technology and expertise make our customers more competitive.
Table of Contents
The following release notes cover the version of Qlik DataTransfer released in November 2024. For questions or comments, post in the Product Forums or contact Qlik Support.
The Qlik DataTransfer November 2024 release does not have any new features, but only provides an update of the embedded Qlik Engine and the fixes for the issues described below.
This release has the same known issues and limitations as noted in the release notes for Qlik DataTransfer November 2022.
Please refer to the online help for information about Upgrading Qlik DataTransfer.
Please refer to the online help for information about Qlik DataTransfer system requirements.
Download this release from the Product Downloads page on Qlik Community.
Whenever possible, Qlik recommends using the Qlik Data Gateway - Direct Access to load data from on premises into a Qlik Cloud tenant. The supported databases and the Generic ODBC Connector Package, together with the upcoming support for loading on premises files, can allow you to decommission Qlik DataTransfer servers (and potentially repurpose them for gateways). For more information, see Qlik Data Gateway - Direct Access.
About Qlik
Qlik converts complex data landscapes into actionable insights, driving strategic business outcomes. Serving over 40,000 global customers, our portfolio provides advanced, enterprise-grade AI/ML, data integration, and analytics. Our AI/ML tools, both practical and scalable, lead to better decisions, faster. We excel in data integration and governance, offering comprehensive solutions that work with diverse data sources. Intuitive analytics from Qlik uncover hidden patterns, empowering teams to address complex challenges and seize new opportunities. As strategic partners, our platform-agnostic technology and expertise make our customers more competitive.
Table of Contents
Learn about new features and improvements in Qlik Cloud.
The following Release Notes cover resolved defects for Qlik Cloud. Solved issues and limitations for Qlik Cloud Services are also listed.
Qlik Cloud Alerting: Report tasks not sent for certain users |
Fixed a problem where a report task would not be sent for users with view and section access. This was solved by making the access rule more lenient to allow notification creation under certain circumstances. |
QB-26205 |
Visualizations: Cannot rearrange columns in the new Straight Table |
Fixed a problem where columns could not be rearranged in the new straight table if the table had conditional columns. |
Qlik Engine: Select statement with preceding load results in faulty lineage |
Field-level lineage for SQL/select statements have been refactored to resolve incorrect lineage for complex preceding load statements for SQL queries. |
QB-25981 |
Incorrect translation: Japanese |
Corrected the Japanese translation for "Sorting in search" when working with pivot tables. |
Qlik AutoML: Realtime Predictions returning improper JSON response |
Fixed a problem where a 200 response code was sent incorrectly because the correct 4xx code was nested in an array. A fix was implemented to check whether the response is in an array. If it is, it will grab the proper JSON response and send it to the user. |
Qlik Application Automation: Error when using Open File block with FTP connector |
Fixed a problem where the Open File block would throw an error when the file was in FTP. |
Qlik Sense: Tooltips do not display for selected dimensions |
Fixed a problem that prevented the display of tooltips for selected dimensions in Associative insights. This was due to a missing attribute which has now been restored. |
Data Prep & Insights: Import from SharePoint fails with error message |
For some connectors, the same QVD ID (file name) was generated for two table sources, resulting in an error message ("Data could not be added to Data Manager"). We have changed how the QVD ID is generated by adding a load statement and including it in the text to generate the hash. |
Qlik Sense Visualizations: Incorrect rendering of heatmap |
Fixed a floating error in calculating the number of rows and columns that caused heatmaps to render incorrectly. |
Visualizations: Inconsistent behavior when pressing home/end keys |
Fixed a problem that caused inconsistent behavior when pressing the home/end in the search listbox of a filter pane. |
QB-27477 |
Qlik Engine: Tables with the same expression show different results |
Fixed a problem when SET analysis constraints did not correctly limit the number of rows in the hypercube, leading to inconsistent results for the same expression. |
QB-28741 |
Qlik Sense Visualizations: The listbox 'More' menu for tables and pivot tables closed without changes |
When selecting one of the options in the listbox 'More' menu, it closed without applying the changes. The selections are now applied correctly instead of closing the menu. |
QB-28299 |
Qlik Sense Engine: The Concat function resulted in a faulty lineage |
In some cases, when the Concat function was used in combination with the FROM load statement, the Concat function did not add the correct sources for a field, resulting in an faulty lineage graph. The faulty graph assumed that the sources were present and therefore incremented an internal index, which resulted in incorrect relations between nodes. Support for the Concat function has been added for lineage and it will now properly add the sources. |
QB-26880 |
Qlik Web Connectors: Files stored in a team folder are inaccessible through the Dropbox connector |
A new connection parameter was added to access Dropbox team folders and files. The root parameter allows the selection of team root if it's available for authenticated users. |
QB-28611 |
Qlik Engine: Lineage data API is not working when using Preceding LOAD |
Fixed a problem where the /v1/apps/{appId}/data/lineage API returned an empty discriminator for Load From statements with a preceding load. |
QB-27988 |
Qlik Engine: Syntax error on tab during script execution |
Fixed a LOAD script parsing problem when the WHERE clause contains "(". |
QB-28658 |
Visualizations: Sheet styles not working for newly created apps |
Fixed a problem where sheet styles did not persist on new apps. Properties are now bound to the visual elements which show the changes. |
QB-28873 |
Qlik License: Captcha box not always visible on the the Signed License Definition |
Fixed a problem where the Captcha box was not always visible on the Signed License Definition site. |
QB-27565 |
Qlik Sense Visualizations: Added sanity check for invalid column width values, preventing view data crashing |
Possibly due to converting a table to a pivot table, the, the values stored in the pivot table properties for column widths were incorrect. When the view data mode was selected, those incorrect values caused the chart to crash. A sanity check has been added to prevent the crash. |
QB-28589 |
Qlik Sense Visualizations: Field titles missing in Chart Exploration |
Alternative columns were initially shown without proper titles in the new Qlik Sense straight table's chart exploration.
This happened during sheet editing and when users worked with the exploration feature to add and remove columns. |
QB-26786 |
Qlik Sense Visualizations: Alternative measure & dimension dropdown was not updating correctly |
The alternative measure & dimension dropdown did not update correctly when a user edited a chart. This issue has been fixed. |
QB-28727 |
Visualizations: Not possible to search for bookmark |
Now validating bookmark creation date before the formatting date. |
QB-27277 |
Qlik Sense Visualizations: Data Manager custom association field preview not working |
Fixed a problem that caused the preview of the custom association fields to stop working when selecting which fields to associate the tables with. |
Qlik Cloud Alerting Services: No option to remove email provider |
We have added a new email provider option: "None" Selecting "None" when another provider is configured, will delete the saved configuration. |
QB-26995 |
Qlik Cloud Alerting Services: Tabular Reporting task scheduled showing incorrect scheduled dateFixed incorrect time displayed for Report task scheduled date |
Fixed a problem where the scheduled column for a Report task would display "tomorrow" when it should have displayed "in 2 days". Reports with this issue would still run at their scheduled time. |
Qlik Cloud Visualizations: Problems when exporting objects from different apps using the capability API |
Fixed a problem where the capability API created bookmarks in the wrong app. This caused exporting objects from a mashup to work only for the first app. |
QB-27200 |
Qlik Engine: Error when setting space of a staged QlikView app in Qlik Cloud |
Fixed a problem were setting the space for a staged QlikView app in Qlik Cloud was denied. This was due to an admin access rule which prevented the operation. |
QB-27253 |
Visualizations: Extra object shown in sheet when redirected from Multi KPI in storytelling |
Resolved an issue where an additional object was displayed in the sheet upon redirecting from a Multi KPI in storytelling. The problem was fixed by ensuring the correct state is set when navigating from storytelling to the sheet using Multi KPI. |
QB-27315 |
Qlik Cloud Hub: Duplicate of a modified app/script retains old name/description |
Fixed an issue where upon duplicating an app or a script, which had been renamed or had its description modified, the newly created item would still show the old name and/or description. |
QB-27271 |
Qlik Cloud: Dialog box not auto-scrolling to bottom when loading data via DLE |
Resolved an issue where the dialog box did not automatically scroll to the bottom during data loading via the data load editor (DLE). |
About Qlik
Qlik converts complex data landscapes into actionable insights, driving strategic business outcomes. Serving over 40,000 global customers, our portfolio provides advanced, enterprise-grade AI/ML, data integration, and analytics. Our AI/ML tools, both practical and scalable, lead to better decisions, faster. We excel in data integration and governance, offering comprehensive solutions that work with diverse data sources. Intuitive analytics from Qlik uncover hidden patterns, empowering teams to address complex challenges and seize new opportunities. As strategic partners, our platform-agnostic technology and expertise make our customers more competitive.
Table of Contents
This is Release notes for a Technical Review and are only available for a limit time. This release note will be archived when November 2024 is released.
Please note: For the best experience, we recommend that you install this preview as a "fresh installation" only - not as an upgrade on your current setup. While upgrades are technically possible, they may impact performance. When the Initial Release (IR) version of the November 2024 release is live, upgrades will be fully supported.
Distribution to cloud tenants
We have removed the dependency on license type, allowing all client-managed subscription models to distribute Qlik Sense apps to a Qlik Cloud tenant.
Vizualization and client enhancements
Postgres database support
Added support for Postgres versions 15 and 16.
Security enhancements
If you are using mashups or have cross-site domain setups, add the following response headers to enhance security and control access. These headers help protect against Cross-Site Forgery (CSRF) attacks:
Key |
Title |
Description |
QB-29492 | Qlik Sense Visualizations: Variance Waterfall fails to export as PDF or image | Fixed a problem introduced with the February 2024 release which prevented the exporting Variance waterfall to PDF or image. |
QB-29401 | Visualizations: Problem replacing invalid dimensions / measures master items | Fixed a problem where replacing dimensions or measures would sometimes fail if they were linked to a non-existing master dimension. |
QB-29232 | Qlik Sense Visualizations: The 'More' menu in the filter pane displayed incorrectly | The 'More' menu in filter panes displayed incorrectly under other objects or the assets panel. |
QB-29043 | Qlik Engine: Distinct count on key fields incorrectly handling key subsets in reports | In reporting mode, a set expression with a distinct count over a key field was not always calculated correctly. The calculation outcome depended on the table load order and the subset relation of the key in the tables. The reporting calculation now builds an invariant and well-determined field and table state. |
QB-29033 | Qlik Sense Platform: WebSocket connection lost | Fixed a problem that would, in some cases, throw an exception that caused the loop WebSocket listener to terminate. |
QB-29018 | Qlik Sense Engine: Incorrect library function used for deleting an element from object array | While updating the properties cache for DeleteChild operation, the library function used to remove an element from the childlist object array causes the last element to be moved to the deleted element index. This causes the original order of remaining elements to be changed. Fix is added to use the library function which preserves the order of remaining elements. |
QB-29009 | Visualizations: Problems with sheet navigation | Fixed a problem that intermittently prevented opening apps, adding new sheets, and navigating existing sheets. This was solved by optimizing the reranking of sheets whenever there are rank conflicts. |
QB-28873 | Qlik License: Captcha box not always visible on the the Signed License Definition | Fixed a problem where the Captcha box was not always visible on the Signed License Definition site. |
QB-28865 | Qlik Sense Visualizations: Cannot set or unset bookmark as default | Fixed a problem that prevented the setting or unsetting of the default bookmark within an app. |
QB-28864 | Qlik Engine: Window script function converts Nulls to text | Fixed a problem where the window function would incorrectly translate loaded null fields to '-' which could then be selected. With this fix, the handling of null values is corrected and null fields remain null. |
QB-28741 | Qlik Sense Visualizations: The listbox 'More' menu for tables and pivot tables closed without changes | When selecting one of the options in the listbox 'More' menu, it closed without applying the changes. The selections are now applied correctly instead of closing the menu. |
QB-28727 | Visualizations: Not possible to search for bookmark | Now validating bookmark creation date before the formatting date. |
QB-28658 | Visualizations: Sheet styles not working for newly created apps | Fixed a problem where sheet styles did not persist on new apps. Properties are now bound to the visual elements which show the changes. |
QB-28630 | Visualizations: Incorrect position of data points on a line chart | Fixed a problem that caused data points to be incorrectly positioned on small screens or when zooming to 125%. |
QB-28611 | Qlik Engine: Lineage data API is not working when using Preceding LOAD | Fixed a problem where the /v1/apps/{appId}/data/lineage API returned an empty discriminator for Load From statements with a preceding load. |
QB-28589 | Qlik Sense Visualizations: Field titles missing in Chart Exploration | Alternative columns were initially shown without proper titles in the new Qlik Sense straight table's chart exploration. This happened during sheet editing and when users worked with the exploration feature to add and remove columns. |
QB-28453 | Qlik Sense Engine: Dynamic scripts in charts did not add or replace values in the correct rows | When evaluated in a chart, the dynamic scripts did not have access to the context information used to access the source rows. Therefore, they only used one row for all additions and replacements. |
QB-28451 | Qlik Sense Engine: Dynamic scripts were not evaluated when expected | The engine only checked if a chart contained expressions when determining if it should be evaluated as a table or a hypercube. This meant that any hypercube modifiers such as dynamic scripts were ignored if the chart did not contain an expression. |
QB-28426 | Qlik Enterprise Connectors: Amazon Redshift populating duplicate columns | This enhancement addresses an issue where duplicate columns were being fetched when schemas with the same name existed in both the external schema and the Datashare schema. Now, columns are retrieved only from the selected database schema, ensuring accurate data retrieval and eliminating duplicate columns. |
QB-28406 | Qlik Sense: Axios security issue | Fixed a security issue caused by Qlik Sense using an old version of Axios. The was resolved by updating the version of Axios used by Qlik Sense. |
QB-28392 | Qlik Enterprise Connectors: Google Big Query Connector - Select dialog | Changing the catalog from dropdown did not refresh the list of databases. |
QB-28299 | Qlik Sense Engine: The Concat function resulted in a faulty lineage | In some cases, when the Concat function was used in combination with the FROM load statement, the Concat function did not add the correct sources for a field, resulting in an faulty lineage graph. The faulty graph assumed that the sources were present and therefore incremented an internal index, which resulted in incorrect relations between nodes. Support for the Concat function has been added for lineage and it will now properly add the sources. |
QB-28201 | Qlik Engine: Iterator is shown as a non-integer when using large values | Fixed a problem with the string conversion method used in a FOR loop, which caused formatting issues when handling large values. |
QB-28142 | Qlik Sense Engine: Missing privileges for connections | Fixed a problem where connections that were fetched using REST API were missing privileges. This would cause the Add data button to be missing from the connection Attached Files. |
QB-27988 | Qlik Engine: Syntax error on tab during script execution | Fixed a LOAD script parsing problem when the WHERE clause contains "(". |
QB-27933 | Qlik Sense: Date picker library is outdated | Updated momentJS to the latest version. |
QB-27902 | Qlik Sense Engine: Hypercube modifier REPLACE LOAD sourced data incorrectly and added rows to chart | When REPLACE LOAD was used in a dynamic chart script, it was using only one row for the source data regardless of the actual number of source rows. It also incorrectly added rows to the chart. |
QB-27821 | Resolved UI issue: Restored internal menu functionality in Dev Hub | In the Mashup editor in Dev Hub, the 'Menu' button in the toolbar was inadvertently replaced with a 'Help' button. The issue is resolved and access to the 'Menu' button has been restored. |
QB-27754 | Qlik Sense: CORS error blocks external API requests | Fixed an issue with CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) requests that were blocked when making external API requests. The issue was related to the handling of the "withCredentials" option in the requests. |
QB-27751 | Qlik Sense Visualizations: Overflow on button labels was not displaying correctly with ellipses | The button labels were missing settings for text overflow. CSS settings were added and now the labels work as expected. |
QB-27657 | Qlik Sense Engine: Parquet file not deleted | Parquet files were in some cases not deleted after being used. This has been fixed by not using the MemoryMap option when opening Parquet files for reading when the files have been downloaded using a web connector. |
QB-27639 | Schedule reload task using custom schedule | When adding a custom filter, some valid format options produced an error. |
QB-27632 | Qlik Sense Engine: Incorrect format when exporting a table containing dates | When exporting a table containing dates to Microsoft Excel, the date fields were exported in numeric format, instead of formatted date/time. This has been fixed by treating unformatted date/time values as formatted Excel date/time fields, using default formats that adjust to the viewer's locale. |
QB-27623 | "Show totals above" option is missing when converting native Pivot table to Pivot table (Visualization bundle) | An issue was identified in which the "Show totals above" option" is not shown when converting a native Pivot table to the Pivot table from the Visualization bundle. The issue has been resolved by adjusting a setting for indent mode. |
QB-27565 | Qlik Sense Visualizations: Added sanity check for invalid column width values, preventing view data crashing | Possibly due to converting a table to a pivot table, the, the values stored in the pivot table properties for column widths were incorrect. When the view data mode was selected, those incorrect values caused the chart to crash. A sanity check has been added to prevent the crash. |
QB-27477 | Qlik Engine: Tables with the same expression show different results | Fixed a problem when SET analysis constraints did not correctly limit the number of rows in the hypercube, leading to inconsistent results for the same expression. |
QB-27393 | Visualizations: Filter pane selection options are not displayed | Fixed a problem where expanding a filter pane caused the buttons for making different selection options (such as more, clear selection, cancel, and confirm) were not displayed. |
QB-27352 | Qlik sense Visualizations: Selection popup and bar is blank when using getGlobal method in a mashup | Fixed a problem where listboxes within mashups could stop working. This problem occurred specifically for mashups created using the Capability API and calling the qlik.getGlobal function. |
QB-27348 | Qlik Enterprise Connectors: Invalid Session Token error for Amazon Athena connections | Resolved an issue with the Amazon Athena connector when using a proxy with user name and password to authenticate the connection. The resolution involved fixing the authentication process so that the Proxy Username value entered by the user is properly forwarded to the driver. |
QB-27277 | Qlik Sense Visualizations: Data Manager custom association field preview not working | Fixed a problem that caused the preview of the custom association fields to stop working when selecting which fields to associate the tables with. |
QB-27237 | Qlik Sense: Custom Trigger with double digits causes custom filter validation error | Custom filter now allows the use of double digits for the hourly position for Tasks in the Qlik Management Console. |
QB-27227 | Bar chart label incorrect when the result is 1.95 | Fixed floating error on formatting. |
QB-27147 | Qlik Sense Visualizations: Qlik Sense icon not showing in apps on May 2024 IR | Fixed a problem that caused the favicon to disappear on some apps. |
QB-27108 | Visualizations: Exporting object with styling fails | Fixed a problem where exporting any object with shadow values as an image would fail. This was solved by disabling chart shadows on server printing. |
QB-27008 | Qlik Sense Visualizations: "Color by expression" not working in a dimensionless barchart | Fixed an issue where you could not switch to "Color by expression" in a dimensionless barchart and instead it defaulted to single color. |
QB-27006 | Qlik Sense Visualizations: Incorrect CSS for overflowing content | When the content of a multi KPI could not fit in the height of the object, the data could end up inaccessible to users. By correcting the CSS, the data can always scrolled to the data. |
QB-26965 | Qlik Sense Visualizations: Incorrect rendering of heatmap | Fixed a floating error in calculating the number of rows and columns that caused heatmaps to render incorrectly. |
QB-26946 | Qlik Mobile zooming issue | Prevented users from interacting with a chart in a small device if the browser is zoomed in. |
QB-26936 | Qlik Sense Engine: Select and search methods fail to parse search strings starting with certain characters | Search strings starting with any of the following characters: <>\"~()='[] would not be parsed correctly when the user was expecting an exact search. A fix was added which will allow users to force an exact search by adding an extra backslash "\" before any of the special characters (for example, to search for "<x>" enter the search string "\<x>"). This fix is disabled by default. To enable it, update the Settings.ini file to include "EnableSpecialCharacterEscapingInSearch = 1". |
QB-26902 | Qlik Sense Visualizations: The button object was unclickable in a mashup if the label was too long | Buttons with long labels are now clickable within a mashup. |
QB-26880 | Qlik Web Connectors: Files stored in a team folder are inaccessible through the Dropbox connector | A new connection parameter was added to access Dropbox team folders and files. The root parameter allows the selection of team root if it's available for authenticated users. |
QB-26872 | Qlik Sense Engine: Resolving issues from open app performance enhancements | There were some issues with connection deletion behavior after implementing performance enhancements for opening apps. These have been resolved. |
QB-26840 | Qlik Sense Engine: The <CreatorDoc> tag is empty in QVDs created with Qlik Sense February 2024 | Fixed a problem where the <CreatorDoc> tag in the metadata of QVD files created with Qlik Sense February 2024 was empty, instead of showing the app ID that generated the QVD. <CreatorDoc> tags are now written from the STORE statement, even if the format spec is omitted. |
QB-26786 | Qlik Sense Visualizations: Alternative measure & dimension dropdown was not updating correctly | The alternative measure & dimension dropdown did not update correctly when a user edited a chart. This issue has been fixed. |
QB-26669 | Qlik Sense Engine: Problem exporting straight table to Excel | Fixed a problem with handling the pre-generated format string for Euro during Excel export from the Qlik Engine. |
QB-26657 | Qlik Sense Visualizations: Qlik extensions lost custom properties after server restart | Three extensions did not have the version specified correctly: - sn-layout-container - sh-shape - sn-text The versions are now updated properly in all files for these extensions |
QB-26613 | Qlik Engine: Dimension created with Aggr function does not fully support selection | Fixed an issue that would cause some apps to have a limited ability to make selections in a dimension created using the Aggr function. |
QB-26558 | Qlik Engine: Connector performance reload issues in Qlik Sense February 2024 | The Select Statement Lineage for Sense Server has been disabled as it served no purpose in Qlik Sense Enterprise on Windows. This was causing issues with some connectors by making irrelevant calls in Sense Server. |
QB-26530 | Qlik Sense: Custom Cache Control settings not maintained with server reboot | Enhanced the Hub service to use a retry mechanism, allowing it to wait for the QRS API's /ContentCacheControl endpoint to respond. |
QB-26504 | Qlik Cloud Engine: Line Chart not showing all values for X-axis | Fixed an issue that would, in some apps, exclude the highest magnitude dimension value from a chart using a continuous x-axis. This could happen when the data point's x-axis value was encoded using more than the 15-digit precision used in the QIX Engine |
QB-26486 | Qlik Sense on Windows: Straight table columns unusable with auto width | Fixed a problem where columns in straight tables using auto width became unusable. The minimum width has been increased to 120px. |
QB-26447 | Visualizations: Some table column headers do not wrap | Due to an indexing error in the table code, the showing/hiding header icons and wrapping header text, were based on the wrong column. These calculations now use the correct index and the text wrap and icons are shown correctly. |
QB-26407 | Qlik Sense: Node.js updated | Node.js has been updated to version 18.20.4. |
QB-26392 | Qlik Sense on Windows: Failing requests to fetch custom brand spam console | Fixed a problem where requests specific to the Qlik Cloud Services offering were made on Qlik Sense Enterprise for Windows deployment causing the failing requests to spam the console. |
QB-26205 | Visualizations: Cannot rearrange columns in the new Straight Table | Fixed a problem where columns could not be rearranged in the new straight table if the table had conditional columns. |
QB-26199 | Visualizations: Undo button not working | Fixed a problem where the undo button was unresponsive after unlinking a master dimension. |
QB-26106 | Qlik Engine: HypercubeEvaluator calculation error | Fixed a problem in a hypercube calculation that returned a row even when the selection result was empty. After the fix now rows should be returned. |
QB-26098 | Scatter plot labels | Fixed a problem with the rendering of the scatter plot during changes in viewing data. |
QB-25981 | Incorrect translation: Japanese | Corrected the Japanese translation for "Sorting in search" when working with pivot tables. |
QB-25920 | Qlik Engine: Unable to filter text values of QVD in Data Manager | Fixed a problem where the filtering of a text field for QVD files was not working. If the field type was a string but the filter value was a number (for example: 1), the filter would not work. This has been fixed by forcing the columns to be interpreted as text. |
QB-25909 | Qlik Sense on Windows: Unsupported trigger time zone reported as (GMT + 0000) | This adds a fix for setting Daylight Savings Time to Permanent Standard Time if the time zone is not supported by the Qlik Management Console (QMC). |
QB-25871 | Qlik Engine: Cannot reference iterator value using $() in chart script | In a chart script, the iterator in a "For… Next" loop could not be used in a dollar expansion expression. This has now been fixed. |
QB-25773 | Visualizations: Inconsistent behavior when pressing home/end keys | Fixed a problem that caused inconsistent behavior when pressing the home/end in the search listbox of a filter pane. |
QB-25730 | Qlik Sense Engine: Inner set expression issue when outer set expression is present | Fixed an issue that caused the miscalculation of inner set expressions when outer set expressions were present. The inner set expression {<Field1=StateA::Field1>} will now read Field1 correctly from StateA even when an outer set expression is present. |
QB-25031 | Qlik Web Connectors: Unable to load data from Odata database via Qlik Odata connector | Fixed a problem where a "System.OutOfMemoryException" would be thrown if the OData connector returned a large response. This was solved by accepting smaller values in the Max depth parameter. Additionally, new tables have been added to retrieve information (V4GetSchemas, V4GetEntities, and V4GetProperties). |
QB-25016 | Qlik Sense: Issue with display scaling on Qlik Sense on Windows February 2024 | Fixed a problem with scaling present on high DPI monitors. |
QB-24997 | Qlik Sense on Windows: Exception importing sheets to NPrinting May 2023 | Fixed a problem on the main-web-container component shipped with QSEoW that caused NPrinting exports of extended Sense sheets to fail when a Sense app carded theme was used. |
QB-24968 | Qlik Web Connectors: Error when importing a table using the Qlik ODATA connector | Fixed a problem that caused an error ("Sequence contains no elements") when retrieving data from the JsonV4GetData table. With this fix, paces in path parameter values are now processed correctly. |
QB-24536 | Data Prep & Insights: Import from SharePoint fails with error message | For some connectors, the same QVD ID (file name) was generated for two table sources, resulting in an error message ("Data could not be added to Data Manager"). We have changed how the QVD ID is generated by adding a load statement and including it in the text to generate the hash. |
QB-23881 | Qlik Sense: User details exposed in WebSockets (CWE-200 | Fixed a vulnerability problem where user details were exposed in WebSockets (CWE-200 information exposure). This was solved by hiding the owner data for Anonymous User Context in AppPropList and the Owner data in the Hub App Card for Anonymous User Context. |
QB-23565 | Improved HTTP header validation | Improved HTTP communication by providing additional header validations. |
The following issues and limitations were identified at release time. The list is not comprehensive but lists all known major issues and limitations.
For upgrade advisory regarding required add-on upgrades, see Community post.
For information about the requirements for Qlik Sense, see System requirements for Qlik Sense in the online help.
Download this release from the Product Downloads page on Qlik Community.
About Qlik
Qlik converts complex data landscapes into actionable insights, driving strategic business outcomes. Serving over 40,000 global customers, our portfolio provides advanced, enterprise-grade AI/ML, data integration, and analytics. Our AI/ML tools, both practical and scalable, lead to better decisions, faster. We excel in data integration and governance, offering comprehensive solutions that work with diverse data sources. Intuitive analytics from Qlik uncover hidden patterns, empowering teams to address complex challenges and seize new opportunities. As strategic partners, our platform-agnostic technology and expertise make our customers more competitive.
Table of Contents
Learn about new features and improvements in Qlik Enterprise Manager.
Before upgrading, it's important to review the migration and upgrade considerations below.
Qlik supports four Enterprise Manager versions (including this one).
Direct upgrade is supported from the last two versions only (including any service releases for those versions). The last two versions are Enterprise Manager November 2023 and Enterprise May 2024.
If you are upgrading from Enterprise Manager April 2020 (6.6), first upgrade to Enterprise Manager November 2020 (7.0), then upgrade to Enterprise Manager May 2021, then upgrade to Enterprise Manager May 2022, then upgrade to Enterprise Manager November 2022, then upgrade to Enterprise Manager November 2023, and finally upgrade to Enterprise Manager November 2024.
If you are upgrading from Enterprise Manager 6.x (starting from 6.3), you first need to upgrade to Enterprise Manager 6.5, then to Enterprise Manager November 2020 (7.0), then to Enterprise Manager May 2021, then upgrade to Enterprise Manager May 2022, then upgrade to Enterprise Manager November 2022, then upgrade to Enterprise Manager November 2023, and finally upgrade to Enterprise Manager November 2024.
If you are upgrading from Enterprise Manager 3.3, please contact Qlik Support.
This version of Enterprise Manager is compatible with the following related products only:
The following issues have been resolved since the Enterprise Manager May 2024 initial release.
Jira issue: RECOB-9044
Salesforce case: 291419
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Security
Description: Users with the Designer role would not be able to add or remove endpoints from a task.
Jira issue: RECOB-8661
Salesforce case: 157008
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Infrastructure
Description: After losing the connection to Replicate Server, Enterprise Manager would sometimes fail to reconnect immediately.
Jira issue: RECOB-8711
Salesforce case: N/A
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Security
Description: Enterprise Manager would ship with an outdated log4net version and a vulnerable Newtonsoft.Json file.
Jira issue: RECOB- 8653
Salesforce case: 146939
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Task Monitor
Description: When switching from one task tab to another, the following error would sometimes occur:
Could not convert string to boolean
Jira issue: RECOB-8483
Salesforce case: N/A
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Security - UI
Description: Updated Angular to a version that resolves known vulnerabilities.
Jira issue: RECOB-8392
Salesforce case: 143505
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Notification
Description: Email notifications would not be sent when using OpenID Connect login.
Download this release from the Product Downloads page on Qlik Community.
About Qlik
Qlik converts complex data landscapes into actionable insights, driving strategic business outcomes. Serving over 40,000 global customers, our portfolio provides advanced, enterprise-grade AI/ML, data integration, and analytics. Our AI/ML tools, both practical and scalable, lead to better decisions, faster. We excel in data integration and governance, offering comprehensive solutions that work with diverse data sources. Intuitive analytics from Qlik uncover hidden patterns, empowering teams to address complex challenges and seize new opportunities. As strategic partners, our platform-agnostic technology and expertise make our customers more competitive.
Learn about new features and improvements in Qlik Replicate.
This section describes the issues that you may encounter when upgrading/migrating to the new version.
Qlik supports four Replicate versions (including this one).
Direct upgrade is supported from the last two versions only (including any service releases for those versions). The last two versions are Replicate November 2023 and Replicate May 2024.
If you are upgrading from Replicate April 2020 (6.6), you need to perform the following upgrades:
If you are upgrading from Replicate 6.x (starting from 6.3), you need to perform the following upgrades:
Note: If you are upgrading from Replicate 5.5, please contact Qlik Support.
Note: This procedure does not need to be performed when upgrading from Replicate November 2022 or later.
After upgrading, customers that are using Replicate's self-signed certificate (i.e. instead of their own certificate) should perform the following procedure:
This will cause Replicate to generate a new self-signed certificate, thereby ensuring that the certificate will be accepted by newer clients (browsers) that select the more secure TLS 1.3 protocol.
Note that if you do not perform the above procedure, the following error will be encountered when connecting to Replicate Console:
SYS,GENERAL_EXCEPTION,The underlying connection was closed: Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel.
When upgrading a Replicate installation with multiple Data folders, only the default Data folder (<Product_Dir>\Data) will be automatically upgraded. The other Data folders need to be updated manually by running the following command:
repuictl.exe -d <data_folder_path> setup install
This version of Replicate is compatible with the following related products only:
The introduction of the new Retrieve all source columns on UPDATE option option might impact your existing log stream replication tasks. If you are upgrading from a version earlier than Replicate May 2024, your replication tasks will fail if either of the following replication task setting are configured:
To prevent the task(s) from failing, you need to do one of the following for each log stream replication task (preferably the first):
This section provides information about End of Life versions, End of Support features, and deprecated features.
Support for the following endpoint versions has been discontinued:
The following issues have been resolved since Replicate May 2024 initial release.
Jira issue: RECOB-9039
Salesforce case: 156279
Type: Issue
Component/Process: ARC Source
Description: Using a network drive in AIS Router would sometimes result in missing data on the target.
Jira issue: RECOB-9005
Salesforce case: N/A
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Sorter
Description: In rare scenarios, incorrect changes would be generated by Oracle Log Reader after Stop/Resume, resulting in unpredictable behavior.
Jira issue: RECOB-8983
Salesforce case: 311921
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Log Stream
Description: Missing events would sometimes occur after Detach/Attach or Stop/Resume.
Jira issue: RECOB-9094
Salesforce case: 310873
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Oracle Source - Replicate Log Reader
Description: When using redo event 11.22, missing INSERTs would occur when processing multiple INSERTs on a compressed page that was not compressed prior to the INSERTs.
Jira issue: RECOB-9081
Salesforce case: 320141
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Oracle Source - Replicate Log Reader
Description: In rare scenarios, incorrect parsing of DELETE events in the redo log record would generate a "The Redo Log DELETE event contains an unknown structure" warning followed by various issues.
Jira issue: RECOB-9053
Salesforce case: 318417
Type: Issue
Component/Process: SAP Application (DB)
Description: Transparent table LOB values would not be replicated when one of the key columns was DATE (DATS in SAP).
Jira issue: RECOB-9034, RECOB-8963
Salesforce case: 310873
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Oracle Source - Replicate Log Reader
Description: When using redo event 11.22, missing INSERTs would occur when processing multiple INSERTs.
Jira issue: RECOB-8856
Salesforce case: N/A
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Snowflake Target
Description: When the task settings were configured to create the control table schema, the task would fail with the following error:
Failed to delete directory
Jira issue: RECOB-8876
Salesforce case: N/A
Type: Issue
Component/Process: SAP HANA Source (Trigger based)
Description: The task would sometimes get stuck after a connection failure.
Jira issue: RECOB-8963, , RECOB-9034
Salesforce case: 310873
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Oracle Source - Replicate Log Reader
Description: Missing INSERT operations would sometimes occur in multi INSERT operations when using redo event 11.22.
Jira issue: RECOB-8952
Salesforce case: 310514
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Oracle Source - Replicate Log Reader
Description: After upgrading Oracle 19g to the July 2024 patch, UPDATE operations would sometimes not be captured, and the following warning would be shown:
A compressed row cannot be parsed
Jira issue: RECOB-8888
Salesforce case: 308237
Type: Enhancement
Component/Process: DB2 iSeries Source
Description: Support for the BOOLEAN data type as added (from iSeries 7.5).
Jira issue: RECOB-8891
Salesforce case: 173454
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Parallel load
Description: Tasks configured to use parallel full load would sometimes crash after reloading more than one table.
Jira issue: RECOB-8937
Salesforce case: 308087
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Oracle Source - Replicate Log Reader
Description: The bidirectional task would fail after the first change in the corresponding task.
Jira issue: RECOB-8855
Salesforce case: 301410
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Google Cloud BigQuery Target
Description: The task would fail when connecting to Google BigQuery, due to a missing tmp folder.
Jira issue: RECOB-8802
Salesforce case: 302261
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Salesforce Source
Description: An option to see the object PickListValueInfo was added using an internal parameter.
Jira issue: RECOB-8799
Salesforce case: 291593
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Teradata Target
Description: Records missing due to a TPT error would result in the table being suspended, instead of continuing with a warning as in previous Replicate versions. This issue was resolved using an internal parameter.
Jira issue: RECOB-8816
Salesforce case: 170520
Type: Issue
Component/Process: SAP HANA Source
Description: When replicating from SAP HANA Cloud, errors would occur as the task would try to create the attrep_cdc_changes table columns with CS_ column store types, which are no longer supported.
Jira issue: RECOB-8842
Salesforce case: 303478
Type: Issue
Component/Process: DB2 iSeries Source
Description: During CDC, Replicate would set the value of numeric fields with scale definition to zero, resulting in the following error:
Convert to numeric failed with error 1003
Jira issue: RECOB-8490
Salesforce case: 153406
Type: Issue
Component/Process: DB2 LUW Source
Description: DB2LUW Data Loss Issues after using ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE command.
Jira issue: RECOB-8747
Salesforce case: 0168123
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Salesforce Source (Incremental Load)
Description: Tables would be suspended after upgrading to Replicate 2024.5, due to the addition of the CreatedDate to the data retrieval query.
Jira issue: RECOB-8841
Salesforce case: 166673
Type: Issue
Component/Process: IBM DB2 for z/OS Source
Description: Repeated "Instance recreated” errors would be handled as fatal errors instead of recoverable errors.
Jira issue: RECOB-8755
Salesforce case: 158476
Type: Issue
Component/Process: SAP HANA Source (Log based)
Description: Changes that were part of the last log file block would sometimes not be captured.
Jira issue: RECOB-8786
Salesforce case: 00298081
Type: Issue
Component/Process: MongoDB Source
Description: High memory and CPU consumption would sometimes occur when capturing many changes. The issue was resolved with an internal property that controls the maximum size of the reader queue.
Jira issue: RECOB-8797
Salesforce case: 298821
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Snowflake Azure Target
Description: The Max file size setting was added to the General tab of the endpoint settings.
Jira issue: RECOB-8733
Salesforce case: 175070
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Snowflake Target
Description: When the setIgnoreCaseFlag parameter was enabled, the task would sometimes fail to remove the old staging area or create a new one.
Jira issue: RECOB-8761, RECOB-8805
Salesforce case: 168796
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Oracle Source - Replicate Log Reader
Description: After upgrading Oracle 19g to the July 2024 patch, data would not be replicated properly due to incorrect page decompression in DIRECT-INSERT or MULTI-INSERT operations.
Jira issue: RECOB-8766
Salesforce case: N/A
Type: Enhancement
Component/Process: SAP ODP Source
Description: Support for D34R and RSTR data types was added.
Jira issue: RECOB-8750
Salesforce case: N/A
Type: Issue
Component/Process: SAP HANA Source - UI
Description: Views were not shown in the UI Table Selection dialog.
Jira issue: RECOB-8743
Salesforce case: N/A
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Amazon Kinesis Target - UI
Description: Fixed a UI typo in Message Properties.
Jira issue: RECOB-8721
Salesforce case: N/A
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Oracle Target
Description: INSERT operations would sometimes fail with the following errors (excerpt).
ORA-12838: cannot read/modify an object after modifying it in parallel
The issue was resolved using an internal property to disable the ALTER SESSION PARALLEL DML operation.
Jira issue: RECOB-8726
Salesforce case: 163674
Type: Issue
Component/Process: SAP Extractor Source
Description: The processed records counter in the SAP Extractor logs would sometimes show zero for full load and delta loads.
Jira issue: RECOB-8694
Salesforce case: 174180
Type: Issue
Component/Process: PostgreSQL Source - Logging
Description: When setting the task not to replicate LOB columns, an incorrect failure message would be printed as INFO for every event.
Jira issue: RECOB-8725
Salesforce case: N/A
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Replicate Installation
Description: The Replicate Linux installation file wrongly contained a public code-signing key.
Jira issue: RECOB-8709
Salesforce case: N/A
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Security
Description: Replicate would ship with an outdated log4net version and a vulnerable Newtonsoft.Json file.
Jira issue: RECOB-8611
Salesforce case: 159309
Type: Issue
Component/Process: SAP HANA Source + Log Stream
Description: In CTS mode, the following error would sometimes occur when replicating the /CHPDPE/CEITMPX table:
SqlState: HY000 NativeError: 4 cannot allocate enough memory
The issue was fixed with a feature flag.
Jira issue: RECOB-8678
Salesforce case: 160381
Type: Issue
Component/Process: SAP ODP
Description: “Batch optimized apply” mode would ignore DELETE operation when a record was also updated in the same batch.
Jira issue: RECOB-8680
Salesforce case: 165375
Type: Issue
Component/Process: SAP ODP
Description: When capturing changes from a BW table, an “Out of bounds” error would sometimes occur.
Jira issue: RECOB-8679
Salesforce case: 155357
Type: Issue
Component/Process: SAP ODP
Description: Missing data would sometimes occur during Full Load, following SAP network errors.
Jira issue: RECOB-8542
Salesforce case: 165719
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Replicate Installation
Description: The Replicate Linux installation would fail if there was no systemctl.
Jira issue: RECOB-8576
Salesforce case: 162044
Type: Issue
Component/Process: SAP HANA Source
Description: The task would crash when source lookup was configured in the transformation.
Jira issue: RECOB-8698
Salesforce case: 295901
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Oracle Source - Replicate Log Reader
Description: The task would crash after upgrading Oracle 19g to the July 2024 patch.
Jira issue: RECOB-8598
Salesforce case: 153905
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Kafka target
Description: Stopping the task would cause a crash when the endpoint server license was missing or when the endpoint server was not running. This issue was resolved using an internal parameter.
Jira issue: RECOB-8633
Salesforce case: 128634
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Parallel apply in Batch optimized apply mode
Description: When the Apply batched changes to multiple tables concurrently option was enabled, data would sometimes be missing after reattaching to the target (following a disconnect). The issue was resolved using a feature flag, which returns a recoverable error instead of attempting to reattach.
Jira issue: RECOB-8691
Salesforce case: N/A
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Snowflake targets
Description: The task would sometimes fail when using Snowflake internal storage.
Jira issue: RECOB-8651
Salesforce case: 171424
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Oracle Source - Replicate Log Reader
Description: When the last table column of a table with supplemental logging set on all columns was marked as unused, UPDATE operations would sometimes result in unexpected results on the target
Jira issue: RECOB-8560
Salesforce case: 153711
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Databricks (Cloud Storage)
Description: When running multiple tasks against the same database, the CDC partition table files would be created with same name, thereby overriding each other.
The issue was resolved with a Feature Flag at task level.
Jira issue: RECOB-8614
Salesforce case: 175635
Type: Issue
Component/Process: SAP Application (DB)
Description: When a captured cluster document change deleted all rows of all its captured tables, missing DELETE operation and unnecessary assertion messages would be encountered.
Jira issue: RECOB-8626
Salesforce case: 171607
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Metadata Manager
Description: Tasks would fail when using the use_manipulation_pk_for_apply feature parameter with Store Changes replication.
Jira issue: RECOB-8627
Salesforce case: 161454
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Amazon Kinesis
Description: The connection would fail when using IAM Role for EC2 to connect to Amazon Kinesis, after using Key Pair authentication to connect to Amazon S3.
Jira issue: RECOB-8582
Salesforce case: 153169
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Microsoft SQL Server Target
Description: When Use BCP for loading tables was enabled in the endpoint settings, the maximum LOB size would be limited to 63 KB.
Jira issue: RECOB-8604
Salesforce case: 166180
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Replicate Engine
Description: After upgrading to Replicate 2024.5, it would not be possible to connect to Databricks (Delta) if FIPS was enabled on Windows.
Jira issue: RECOB-8537
Salesforce case: 154701
Type: Enhancement
Component/Process: Security
Description: Added an option to install Replicate on Linux without using "RPM" or requiring "root" authority, and without allowing the creation of a new USER/GROUP.
Jira issue: RECOB-8620
Salesforce case: 162987
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Oracle Source - Replicate Log Reader
Description: In rare scenarios, INSERT operations on wide tables would be replicated with partial column values.
Jira issue: RECOB-8565
Salesforce case: 170484
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Microsoft SQL Server Source
Description: When moving data from SQL Server, a missing column name in the table definitions would cause an infinite notification loop in the repsrv.log file, with the following message:
mssql_resolve_sqlserver_table_column_attributes(...) failed to find column
Jira issue: RECOB-8592
Salesforce case: 158504
Type: Issue
Component/Process: SAP Application (DB)
Description: Added an internal property to prevent the addition of SAP Catalog tables to the list of SAP Application (DB) backend tables.
Jira issue: RECOB-8550
Salesforce case: 164667
Type: Issue
Component/Process: UI
Description: The task settings’ Environmental errors tab would not show the proper settings.
Jira issue: RECOB-8465
Salesforce case: 165513
Type: Issue
Component/Process: UI
Description: The total number of the selected tables would no longer be shown at the bottom of Designer view.
Jira issue: RECOB-8538
Salesforce case: 162298
Type: Issue
Component/Process: SAP HANA Source
Description: Log-based CDC would fail or would keep reading from the same position when processing large multi-segment backup logs.
Jira issue: RECOB-8518
Salesforce case: N/A
Type: Issue
Component/Process: UI
Description: The table keys would be incorrectly shown in the UI after defining key transformations.
Jira issue: RECOB-8477
Salesforce case: 154293
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Log Stream
Description: Replication over log stream tasks would sometimes fail during task initialization.
Jira issue: RECOB-8507
Salesforce case: 150857
Type: Issue
Component/Process: SAP HANA Source
Description: The task would sometimes start very slowly, impacting the creation of its captured tables list.
Jira issue: RECOB-8405
Salesforce case: 156279
Type: Issue
Component/Process: AIS Source
Description: Added an internal parameter: printCSVFileNamesInInfo
When the parameter is set to TRUE (and logging is set to INFO or higher), the Replicate IMS source endpoint will write CSV file names and their creation date to the Replicate log.
As turning on the parameter will increase the log size, customers should monitor it to avoid storage issues. To reduce the logging impact, best practice is to maintain only a reasonable backlog of CSV files, and to delete CSV files that have already been applied to target. If the log size becomes excessive, set the parameter to FALSE to stop the additional logging.
Jira issue: RECOB-8400
Salesforce case: 152188
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Microsoft Azure Synapse Analytics Target
Description: Older files would not be deleted from ADLS staging during reload. This would result in the task failing due to duplicate records or because of non-matching records.
Jira issue: RECOB-8469
Salesforce case: 158504
Type: Issue
Component/Process: SAP Application (DB)
Description: Added an internal property to prevent the addition of SAP Catalog tables to the list of SAP Application backend tables.
Jira issue: RECOB-8481
Salesforce case: N/A
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Security - UI
Description: Updated Angular to a version that resolves known vulnerabilities.
Jira issue: RECOB-8475
Salesforce case: 161767
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Log Stream
Description: The "Retrieve all source columns on UPDATE" option would be turned off after upgrade, resulting in failure of tasks that needed this option to be turned on. The issue was resolved using a feature flag.
Jira issue: RECOB-8451
Salesforce case: 117989
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Infrastructure
Description: Added logging for troubleshooting the following intermittent error:
Message size <369295616> exceeds maximum of 16Mb
Jira issue: RECOB-8433
Salesforce case: N/A
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Microsoft Azure SQL Database Target
Description: Creation of the Primary Key/Unique Index would fail when the constraint name exceeded 128 characters.
Jira issue: RECOB-8338
Salesforce case: 147998
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Hadoop
Description: When using Hadoop without Hive access, the Full Load task would fail.
Jira issue: RECOB-8402
Salesforce case: 159978
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Databricks Delta
Description: When a data value contained binary zeros, both the Full Load and the CDC task would fail.
Jira issue: RECOB-8410
Salesforce case: N/A
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Security
Description: The java_file_factory component was updated to a version with non-vulnerable dependencies.
This release has the following known issues:
Jira issue: RECOB-9065
Salesforce case: 316883
Type: Issue
Component/Process: SAP HANA Source (Log based)
Description: When capturing changes from large SAP HANA backup log files in Application Connection mode, errors would sometimes occur during CDC.
Jira issue: RECOB-8927
Salesforce case: 303767
Type: Issue
Component/Process: PostgreSQL Source
Description: When the year in the TIMESTAMP source column was later than 9999, a different value would be shown for Full Load and CDC on the target. This issue was resolved using an internal parameter.
Download this release from the Product Downloads page on Qlik Community.
About Qlik
Qlik converts complex data landscapes into actionable insights, driving strategic business outcomes. Serving over 40,000 global customers, our portfolio provides advanced, enterprise-grade AI/ML, data integration, and analytics. Our AI/ML tools, both practical and scalable, lead to better decisions, faster. We excel in data integration and governance, offering comprehensive solutions that work with diverse data sources. Intuitive analytics from Qlik uncover hidden patterns, empowering teams to address complex challenges and seize new opportunities. As strategic partners, our platform-agnostic technology and expertise make our customers more competitive.
The following release notes cover the versions of QlikView released in May 2024.
Customers can now perform complex calculations on their data tables in the Qlik load script to perform aggregation on different partitions without losing the granularity of their data.
This functionality is commonly used in SQL and with many ML data preparation use cases.
The support for the QlikView Mobile client has been removed as of this release of QlikView May 2024. You will still be able to use the Ajax client on both a phone and tablet, but the native application has been removed.
Key |
Title |
Decription |
QV-25218 |
QV 12.80 : Unclear behavior when saving temporary files on reload |
Reload temp files now gets a unique name so that it does not cause a conflict when having several documents with the same name in different folders. |
QV-25214 |
ErrorMode=0 does not work in QV 12.80 |
Macro expansions such like Must_Include can generate errors. These errors were not respecting the ErrorMode setting. |
QV-25204 |
Issue when trying to select and filter charts by mouse in QlikView |
Fixed a problem where mouse selections did not work as expected. |
QV-25190 |
QVWS config.xml file is rewritten after Kerberos change |
A fix so that the value negotiate is not overwritten for the http authentication in the settings file. |
QV-25184 |
QlikView Desktop Open in server wrong pseudo url when tunneling required |
This fix solves a problem for qvp-links using protocol and port. |
QV-25175 |
QlikView Desktop 12.80 > Open in Server > .QVW extensions |
Fixed a problem where the file extension comparison was case sensitive. A file extension with mixed case, lower case or upper case is now considered the same. |
QV-25160 |
Disabling Home Button feature on AccessPoint |
This fix introduces a setting in settings.ini for the web client and the QlikView plugin to disable the home button AllowGoBackToHub. |
QV-25133 |
QlikView: Totals are shown as ##### when the table is exported as image seeOP-95953 |
Straight tables now show totals correctly when exported as images from QV Desktop. |
QV-25106 |
Lost connection when opening local document in webview mode |
Fixed a problem with lost connection when opening local documents in webview mode. |
QV-25079 |
In Pivot table rows with the same dimension values are merged and displayed as a single row. But after 41st dimension values are not displayed at all in web, even though they exist in Excel export |
All values are now displayed even for very wide pivot tables. |
QV-25069 |
Thousand symbol not working as expected for values on data poins in charts |
Fixes the pop up label for bar charts when using symbols on the number tab for object properties. |
QV-25067 |
Underscores not displaying in Accesspoint |
Fixed a problem whereUuderscore character was hidden by bottom border. Text is now displayed on top of the border instead of beneath it |
QV-25057 |
QlikView 12.80: Displaying Wrong value in pop-up windows for Pie chart. |
Fixes pop-up labels for the pie chart so that the correct value is displayed. |
QV-25050 |
symbols not working in each field May 2023 |
Corrects the number presentation for numbers on data points on stacked bart charts when using a million symbol. |
QV-25046 |
Issue with adding images in QlikView Report Header/Footer |
Fixes so that it's possible to user images in a header of a report in QlikView. |
QV-25030 |
some of values of not selected with IF fucntion |
Fixed a problem where some values weren't selected when using the IF function. |
QV-25021 |
Edit the report in the Report designer does not show the correct label and definition for the expressions |
The edit object button has been removed from reports. |
QV-25012 |
general exception occurs when session collab ended |
Solved a problem when Session collaboration ended while the audit log was enabled, it resulted into below exception followed by crash dump. |
QV-25010 |
Reload performance log cuts characters of qvw document name if there is underscore in the name |
Fixed a problem where reload performance(ReloadMetadata ) log cut all characters before an underscore if such existed in document name. |
QV-24977 |
Nprinting filters behaves differently with respect to connection Types with Qlik View |
A previously delivered push to server fix (QV-19899) has been reverted. This may lead to some reports failing on servers with Push from Server enabled. |
QV-24930 |
Format issue after upgrade to QV 12.70 sr2 behaves differently from QV 11.20 |
To fix a format issue that occured after upgrade, a new setting to keep real number format during export has been introduced. |
QV-24924 |
After we Upgraded 12.8 Switch between IE Plugin and AJX is not seamless |
The IE Plugin is only available from Microsoft Edge in IE mode, and the Ajax client does not open in Internet Explorer. This caused difficulties when if you used both the IE Plugin and the Ajax client. |
QV-24921 |
unable to lease license in DMS mode on May 2023 |
Fixed a problem with leasing a license in DMS mode. Follow the steps defined in the following support article:https://community.qlik.com/t5/Official-Support-Articles/How-to-lease-a-license-in-DMS-mode/ta-p/1714998 |
QV-24919 |
QlikView Desktop WebView Cycling forever |
Fixed a problem when opening apps in WebView mode without circling/cycling. |
QV-24875 |
qvs has no ”Encrypt-Password.ps1” file |
Encrypt-Password.ps1 and its dependent files have been added to QVS and are installed to the location %ProgramFiles%\QlikView\Licenses. |
QV-24869 |
QlikView - May 2023 IR - NTFS Permissions removed after QMC Reload |
NTFS file permissions are now passed to the user document after a reload when a publisher license is not being used. |
QV-24847 |
QVW Data Reduction Process affected after upgrade to QlikView 12.70 SR1 |
Input field values were missing on refresh of server distributed QlikView app with Section Access. In case of Qlik Cloud, set ApplyInputFieldValues to false. |
QV-24796 |
Unable to Edit qlikview when zoom less than 100% and unset flag Move/Size sheet objects |
Fixed an issue of not being able to edit when zoom is less than 100% in QV Desktop. |
QV-24706 |
Line Chart highlight feature has a limitation |
The highlight effect can now be used for line charts with a high number of data points selected. |
QV-24442 |
Task Status stuck in Waiting and Last Execution Never |
Fixed a problem where task status was stuck in Waiting and Last Execution in Never |
QV-24423 |
QlikView Key fields are marked incorrectly after saving QVW as QVF |
Key Fields are now displayed correctly in the Document Properties window for both formats of QlikView apps: QVW and QVF. |
QV-24379 |
Send to Excel doesn't work in webview |
The Send to Excel option is now working as expected in WebView. |
QV-24298 |
Sort by state not applied correctly in container |
Sort by state is now working as expected for listboxes inside containers. |
QV-24184 |
Date” list box that should be available are not visible. |
Sort by state is now working as expected for listboxes inside containers. |
The following issues and limitations were identified at release time. The list is not comprehensive; it does however list all known major issues and limitations.
If you are running Qlik NPrinting with QlikView, there is a Compatibility issue:
Installing On-Demand Add-on on a Microsoft IIS hosted QlikView AccessPoint will require the following minimum version for NPrinting on-demand installer
If a standard Upgrade is done, new certificates will be created using the AES 256
GCM mode as part of the upgrade.
Instructions for upgrading QlikView with new certificates mode (GCM) – Before implementing this, TLS 1.2 has to be enabled for QVS to work normally.
Perform the upgrade on all machines in the cluster.
After completion, the installer will ask you to restart the machine/s.
After restart and services are running, stop all the services and open "C:\Program Files\QlikView\Management Service\QVManagementService.exe.config" and apply the following config:
<add key="InstallingNewCertificatesAndCryptoKey" value="true"></add>
If Services are clustered, all the cluster nodes also need the new certificate.
Add into resp config files for each (one on each node):
<add key="InstallingNewCertificatesAndCryptoKey" value="true"></add>
InstallingNewCertificatesAndCryptoKey=1 if QVS.
Start the QMS first and then rest of all services
In the QMC, go to the service’s System/setup, for example if QDS select the node and distribute the new certificates to QDS machine with Apply in setup and follow the popup instructions. Do this for one service om each node to distribute new certs mode. Stop QMS again and all services. Make above configuration false in all config/settings files
"<add key="InstallingNewCertificatesAndCryptoKey" value="false"></add>".
Start all services. All machines in the cluster shall now have the new certs mode.
If you for some reason need to downgrade to the previous version again, follow this
Support Article to re-generate certificates using the old encryption algorithm.
The system requirements for this release can be found under “System requirements” on the Qlik help web site. https://help.qlik.com/en-US/qlikview/May2024/Content/QV_HelpSites/System-requirements.htm
QlikView May 2024 SR1 fixed defects
Key |
Title |
Description |
QV-25388 |
QlikView: Signing of bundled files |
Fixed the digital signing of the bundled files for qvconnect64.exe and qvconnect32.exe. |
QV-25377 |
QlikView: Authentication redirect filtering not working |
The QlikView Authentication redirect filtering has now been fixed and is working correctly. |
QV-25376 |
QlikView: License tracking events not captured |
QlikView report license tracking and CAL events are now captured in the Event log. |
QV-25375 |
QlikView: Publisher function missing |
Fixed a problem that caused the Publisher function to disappear in the QMC. |
QV-25371 |
QlikView: Cannot open files on server from QlikView desktop |
Fixed a problem where the files could not be opened on server from QlikView Desktop if the .qvw extension was in mixed casing or if it occurred more than once. |
QV-25370 |
A fix for perpetual signed licenses |
Fixes signed perpetual signed licenses that does not expire. |
QV-25365 |
QlikView Server: New users in Section Access not granted access |
Fixed a problem that caused a loaded QlikView document to fail to be refreshed to a reloaded version. This was caused by faulty conditions set for chart object validation. The fault only manifested under certain combinations of engine cache and document model changes. |
QV-25348 |
QlikView: Desktop link in start menu not working |
Fixed a problem that disabled the QlikView Desktop link in the Start menu for locked users. |
QV-25339 |
QlikView: Wrong value displayed in popup label |
Fixed a problem that caused the popup label to display the wrong value for bar charts with two expressions and no dimensions. |
QV-25323 |
QlikView Publisher: Additional lines added to the log file |
Fixed a problem that caused, for every task reload, an additional four lines to be added to the log file named with the current date. |
About Qlik
Qlik converts complex data landscapes into actionable insights, driving strategic business outcomes. Serving over 40,000 global customers, our portfolio provides advanced, enterprise-grade AI/ML, data integration, and analytics. Our AI/ML tools, both practical and scalable, lead to better decisions, faster. We excel in data integration and governance, offering comprehensive solutions that work with diverse data sources. Intuitive analytics from Qlik uncover hidden patterns, empowering teams to address complex challenges and seize new opportunities. As strategic partners, our platform-agnostic technology and expertise make our customers more competitive. |
Table of Contents
Learn about new features and improvements in Qlik Enterprise Manager.
Before upgrading, it's important to review the migration and upgrade considerations below.
Qlik supports four Enterprise Manager versions (including this one).
Direct upgrade is supported from the last two versions only (including any service releases for those versions). The last two versions are Enterprise Manager May 2023 and Enterprise Manager November 2023.
If you are upgrading from Enterprise Manager April 2020 (6.6), first upgrade to Enterprise Manager November 2020 (7.0), then upgrade to Enterprise Manager May 2021, then upgrade to Enterprise Manager May 2022, then upgrade to Enterprise Manager November 2022, and finally upgrade to Enterprise Manager May 2024.
If you are upgrading from Enterprise Manager 6.x (starting from 6.3), you first need to upgrade to Enterprise Manager 6.5, then to Enterprise Manager November 2020 (7.0), then to Enterprise Manager May 2021, then upgrade to Enterprise Manager May 2022, then upgrade to Enterprise Manager November 2022, and finally upgrade to Enterprise Manager May 2024.
If you are upgrading from Enterprise Manager 3.3, please contact Qlik Support.
This version of Enterprise Manager is compatible with the following related products only:
The following issues have been resolved in Qlik Enterprise Manager May 2024 - Initial Release.
Jira issue: RECOB-7937
Salesforce case: N/A
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Error Messages
Description: Improved the error message to better determine the cause of null object exceptions.
Jira issue: RECOB-8141
Salesforce case: N/A
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Task log management
Description: The session would disconnect after being idle for a long time. The issue was resolved by automatically reconnecting in such scenarios, and retrying the operation that was attempted before the session disconnected. In such a scenario, neither a warning nor an error will be shown in the log.
Jira issue: RECOB-8482
Salesforce case: N/A
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Security - UI
Description: Updated Angular to a version that resolves known vulnerabilities.
Jira issue: RECOB-8391
Salesforce case: 143505
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Notifications
Description: Email notifications would not work when using OpenID Connect as the login method.
Download this release from the Product Downloads page on Qlik Community.
About Qlik
Qlik converts complex data landscapes into actionable insights, driving strategic business outcomes. Serving over 40,000 global customers, our portfolio provides advanced, enterprise-grade AI/ML, data integration, and analytics. Our AI/ML tools, both practical and scalable, lead to better decisions, faster. We excel in data integration and governance, offering comprehensive solutions that work with diverse data sources. Intuitive analytics from Qlik uncover hidden patterns, empowering teams to address complex challenges and seize new opportunities. As strategic partners, our platform-agnostic technology and expertise make our customers more competitive.
Learn about new features and improvements in Qlik Replicate.
This section describes the issues that you may encounter when upgrading/migrating to the new version.
Qlik supports four Replicate versions (including this one).
Direct upgrade is supported from the last two versions only (including any service releases for those versions). The last two versions are Replicate May 2023 and Replicate November 2023.
If you are upgrading from Replicate April 2020 (6.6), you need to perform the following upgrades:
If you are upgrading from Replicate 6.x (starting from 6.3), you need to perform the following upgrades:
Note: If you are upgrading from Replicate 5.5, please contact Qlik Support.
Note: This procedure does not need to be performed when upgrading from Replicate November 2022 or later.
After upgrading, customers that are using Replicate's self-signed certificate (i.e. instead of their own certificate) should perform the following procedure:
This will cause Replicate to generate a new self-signed certificate, thereby ensuring that the certificate will be accepted by newer clients (browsers) that select the more secure TLS 1.3 protocol.
Note that if you do not perform the above procedure, the following error will be encountered when connecting to Replicate Console:
SYS,GENERAL_EXCEPTION,The underlying connection was closed: Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel.
When upgrading a Replicate installation with multiple Data folders, only the default Data folder (<Product_Dir>\Data) will be automatically upgraded. The other Data folders need to be updated manually by running the following command:
repuictl.exe -d <data_folder_path> setup install
This version of Replicate is compatible with the following related products only:
The introduction of the new Retrieve all source columns on UPDATE option option might impact your existing log stream replication tasks. If you are upgrading from a version earlier than Replicate May 2024, your replication tasks will fail if either of the following replication task setting are configured:
To prevent the task(s) from failing, you need to do one of the following for each log stream replication task (preferably the first):
When upgrading from Replicate versions earlier than Replicate May 2023 SP2, you must perform the following steps in the Replicate Console after the upgrade completes:
This section provides information about End of Life versions, End of Support features, and deprecated features.
Support for the following endpoint versions has been discontinued:
The following section describes the issues resolved between Replicate May 2024 initial release and Replicate May 2024 Service Release 1.
Jira issue: RECOB-9039
Salesforce case: 156279
Type: Issue
Component/Process: ARC Source
Description: Using a network drive in AIS Router would sometimes result in missing data on the target.
Jira issue: RECOB-9005
Salesforce case: N/A
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Sorter
Description: In rare scenarios, incorrect changes would be generated by Oracle Log Reader after Stop/Resume, resulting in unpredictable behavior.
Jira issue: RECOB-8983
Salesforce case: 311921
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Log Stream
Description: Missing events would sometimes occur after Detach/Attach or Stop/Resume.
Jira issue: RECOB-9094
Salesforce case: 310873
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Oracle Source - Replicate Log Reader
Description: When using redo event 11.22, missing INSERTs would occur when processing multiple INSERTs on a compressed page that was not compressed prior to the INSERTs.
Jira issue: RECOB-9081
Salesforce case: 320141
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Oracle Source - Replicate Log Reader
Description: In rare scenarios, incorrect parsing of DELETE events in the redo log record would generate a "The Redo Log DELETE event contains an unknown structure" warning followed by various issues.
Jira issue: RECOB-9053
Salesforce case: 318417
Type: Issue
Component/Process: SAP Application (DB)
Description: Transparent table LOB values would not be replicated when one of the key columns was DATE (DATS in SAP).
Jira issue: RECOB-9065
Salesforce case: 316883
Type: Issue
Component/Process: SAP HANA Source (Log based)
Description: When capturing changes from large SAP HANA backup log files in Application Connection mode, errors would sometimes occur during CDC.
Jira issue: RECOB-9034, RECOB-8963
Salesforce case: 310873
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Oracle Source - Replicate Log Reader
Description: When using redo event 11.22, missing INSERTs would occur when processing multiple INSERTs.
Jira issue: RECOB-8927
Salesforce case: 303767
Type: Issue
Component/Process: PostgreSQL Source
Description: When the year in the TIMESTAMP source column was later than 9999, a different value would be shown for Full Load and CDC on the target. This issue was resolved using an internal parameter.
Jira issue: RECOB-8856
Salesforce case: N/A
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Snowflake Target
Description: When the task settings were configured to create the control table schema, the task would fail with the following error:
Failed to delete directory
Jira issue: RECOB-8876
Salesforce case: N/A
Type: Issue
Component/Process: SAP HANA Source (Trigger based)
Description: The task would sometimes get stuck after a connection failure.
Jira issue: RECOB-8952
Salesforce case: 310514
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Oracle Source - Replicate Log Reader
Description: After upgrading Oracle 19g to the July 2024 patch, UPDATE operations would sometimes not be captured, and the following warning would be shown:
A compressed row cannot be parsed
Jira issue: RECOB-8888
Salesforce case: 308237
Type: Enhancement
Component/Process: DB2 iSeries Source
Description: Support for the BOOLEAN data type was added (from iSeries 7.5).
Jira issue: RECOB-8891
Salesforce case: 173454
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Parallel load
Description: Tasks configured to use parallel full load would sometimes crash after reloading more than one table.
Jira issue: RECOB-8937
Salesforce case: 308087
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Oracle Source - Replicate Log Reader
Description: The bidirectional task would fail after the first change in the corresponding task.
Jira issue: RECOB-8855
Salesforce case: 301410
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Google Cloud BigQuery Target
Description: The task would fail when connecting to Google BigQuery, due to a missing tmp folder.
Jira issue: RECOB-8802
Salesforce case: 302261
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Salesforce Source IL
Description: An option to see the object PickListValueInfo was added using an internal parameter.
Jira issue: RECOB-8799
Salesforce case: 291593
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Teradata Target
Description: Records missing due to a TPT error would result in the table being suspended, instead of continuing with a warning as in previous Replicate versions. This issue was resolved using an internal parameter.
Jira issue: RECOB-8816
Salesforce case: 170520
Type: Issue
Component/Process: SAP HANA Source
Description: When replicating from SAP HANA Cloud, errors would occur as the task would try to create the attrep_cdc_changes table columns with CS_ column store types, which are no longer supported.
Jira issue: RECOB-8842
Salesforce case: 303478
Type: Issue
Component/Process: DB2 iSeries Source
Description: During CDC, Replicate would set the value of numeric fields with scale definition to zero, resulting in the following error:
Convert to numeric failed with error 1003
Jira issue: RECOB-8490
Salesforce case: 153406
Type: Issue
Component/Process: IBM DB2 for LUW Source
Description: Data loss would occur after using the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE command.
Jira issue: RECOB-8747
Salesforce case: 0168123
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Salesforce Source (Incremental Load)
Description: Due to the addition of the CreatedDate to the data retrieval query, tables would be suspended after upgrading to Replicate 2024.5.
Jira issue: RECOB-8841
Salesforce case: 166673
Type: Issue
Component/Process: IBM DB2 for z/OS Source
Description: Repeated "Instance recreated” errors would be handled as fatal errors instead of recoverable errors.
Jira issue: RECOB-8830, RECOB-8943
Salesforce case: 302108
Type: Issue
Component/Process: SAP HANA Source (Log based)
Description: Excessive memory consumption would sometimes occur when running Replicate on Linux.
Jira issue: RECOB-8755
Salesforce case: 158476
Type: Issue
Component/Process: SAP HANA Source (Log based)
Description: Changes that were part of the last log file block would sometimes not be captured.
Jira issue: RECOB-8786
Salesforce case: 298081
Type: Issue
Component/Process: MongoDB Source
Description: High memory and CPU consumption would sometimes occur when capturing many changes. The issue was resolved with an internal property that controls the maximum size of the reader queue.
Jira issue: RECOB-8797
Salesforce case: 298821
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Snowflake Azure Target
Description: The Max file size setting was added to the General tab of the endpoint settings.
Jira issue: RECOB-8733
Salesforce case: 175070
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Snowflake Target
Description: When the setIgnoreCaseFlag parameter was enabled, the task would sometimes fail to remove the old staging area or create a new one.
Jira issue: RECOB-8761, RECOB-8805
Salesforce case: 168796
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Oracle Source - Replicate Log Reader
Description: After upgrading Oracle 19g to the July 2024 patch, data would not be replicated properly due to incorrect page decompression in DIRECT-INSERT or MULTI-INSERT operations.
Jira issue: RECOB-8766
Salesforce case: N/A
Type: Enhancement
Component/Process: SAP ODP Source
Description: Support for D34R and RSTR data types was added.
Jira issue: RECOB-8750
Salesforce case: N/A
Type: Issue
Component/Process: SAP HANA Source - UI
Description: Views were not shown in the UI Table Selection dialog.
Jira issue: RECOB-8743
Salesforce case: N/A
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Amazon Kinesis Target - UI
Description: Fixed a UI typo in Message Properties.
Jira issue: RECOB-8721
Salesforce case: N/A
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Oracle Target
Description: INSERT operations would sometimes fail with the following errors (excerpt).
ORA-12838: cannot read/modify an object after modifying it in parallel
The issue was resolved using an internal property to disable the ALTER SESSION PARALLEL DML operation.
Jira issue: RECOB-8726
Salesforce case: 163674
Type: Issue
Component/Process: SAP Extractor Source
Description: The processed records counter in the SAP Extractor logs would sometimes show zero for full load and delta loads.
Jira issue: RECOB-8694
Salesforce case: 174180
Type: Issue
Component/Process: PostgreSQL Source - Logging
Description: When setting the task not to replicate LOB columns, an incorrect failure message would be printed as INFO for every event.
Jira issue: RECOB-8725
Salesforce case: N/A
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Replicate Installation
Description: The Replicate Linux installation file wrongly contained a public code-signing key.
Jira issue: RECOB-8709
Salesforce case: N/A
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Security
Description: Replicate would ship with an outdated log4net version and a vulnerable Newtonsoft.Json file.
Jira issue: RECOB-8611
Salesforce case: 159309
Type: Issue
Component/Process: SAP HANA Source + Log Stream
Description: In CTS mode, the following error would sometimes occur when replicating the /CHPDPE/CEITMPX table:
SqlState: HY000 NativeError: 4 cannot allocate enough memory
The issue was fixed with a feature flag.
Jira issue: RECOB-8678
Salesforce case: 160381
Type: Issue
Component/Process: SAP ODP
Description: “Batch optimized apply” mode would ignore DELETE operation when a record was also updated in the same batch.
Jira issue: RECOB-8680
Salesforce case: 165375
Type: Issue
Component/Process: SAP ODP
Description: When capturing changes from a BW table, an “Out of bounds” error would sometimes occur.
Jira issue: RECOB-8679
Salesforce case: 155357
Type: Issue
Component/Process: SAP ODP
Description: Missing data would occur during Full Load, following SAP network errors.
Jira issue: RECOB-8542
Salesforce case: 165719
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Replicate Installation
Description: The Replicate Linux installation would fail if there was no systemctl.
Jira issue: RECOB-8576
Salesforce case: 162044
Type: Issue
Component/Process: SAP HANA Source
Description: The task would crash when source lookup was configured in the transformation.
Jira issue: RECOB-8698
Salesforce case: 295901
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Oracle Source - Replicate Log Reader
Description: The task would crash after upgrading Oracle 19g to the July 2024 patch.
Jira issue: RECOB-8598
Salesforce case: 153905
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Kafka target
Description: Stopping the task would cause a crash when the endpoint server license was missing or when the endpoint server was not running. This issue was resolved using an internal parameter.
Jira issue: RECOB-8633
Salesforce case: 128634
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Parallel apply in Batch optimized apply mode
Description: When the Apply batched changes to multiple tables concurrently option was enabled, data would sometimes be missing after reattaching to the target (following a disconnect). The issue was resolved using a feature flag, which returns a recoverable error instead of attempting to reattach.
Jira issue: RECOB-8691
Salesforce case: N/A
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Snowflake targets
Description: The task would sometimes fail when using Snowflake internal storage.
Jira issue: RECOB-8651
Salesforce case: 171424
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Oracle Source - Replicate Log Reader
Description: When the last table column of a table with supplemental logging set on all columns was marked as unused, UPDATE operations would sometimes result in unexpected results on the target
Jira issue: RECOB-8560
Salesforce case: 153711
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Databricks (Cloud Storage)
Description: When running multiple tasks against the same database, the CDC partition table files would be created with same name, thereby overriding each other.
The issue was resolved with a Feature Flag at task level.
Jira issue: RECOB-8614
Salesforce case: 175635
Type: Issue
Component/Process: SAP Application (DB)
Description: When a captured cluster document change deleted all rows of all its captured tables, missing DELETE operation and unnecessary assertion messages would be encountered.
Jira issue: RECOB-8626
Salesforce case: 171607
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Metadata Manager
Description: Tasks would fail when using the use_manipulation_pk_for_apply feature flag with Store Changes replication.
Jira issue: RECOB-8637
Salesforce case: N/A
Type: Enhancement
Component/Process: Databricks Lakehouse (Delta)
Description: Added support for Databricks Volumes.
Jira issue: RECOB-8627
Salesforce case: 161454
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Amazon Kinesis
Description: The connection would fail when using IAM Role for EC2 to connect to Amazon Kinesis, after using Key Pair authentication to connect to Amazon S3.
Jira issue: RECOB-8582
Salesforce case: 153169
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Microsoft SQL Server Target
Description: When Use BCP for loading tables was enabled in the endpoint settings, the maximum LOB size would be limited to 63 KB.
Jira issue: RECOB-8604
Salesforce case: 166180
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Replicate Engine
Description: After upgrading to Replicate 2024.5, it would not be possible to connect to Databricks (Delta) if FIPS was enabled on Windows.
Jira issue: RECOB-8537
Salesforce case: 154701
Type: Enhancement
Component/Process: Security
Description: Added an option to install Replicate on Linux without using "RPM", and without allowing the creation of a new USER/GROUP.
Jira issue: RECOB-8620
Salesforce case: 162987
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Oracle Source - Replicate Log Reader
Description: In rare scenarios, INSERT operations on wide tables would be replicated with partial column values.
Jira issue: RECOB-8565
Salesforce case: 170484
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Microsoft SQL Server Source
Description: When moving data from SQL Server, a missing column name in the table definitions would cause an infinite notification loop in the repsrv.log file, with the following message:
mssql_resolve_sqlserver_table_column_attributes(...) failed to find column
Jira issue: RECOB-8592
Salesforce case: 158504
Type: Issue
Component/Process: SAP Application (DB)
Description: Added an internal property to prevent the addition of SAP Catalog tables to the list of SAP Application (DB) backend tables.
Jira issue: RECOB-8550
Salesforce case: 164667
Type: Issue
Component/Process: UI
Description: The task settings’ Environmental errors tab would not show the proper settings.
Jira issue: RECOB-8465
Salesforce case: 165513
Type: Issue
Component/Process: UI
Description: The total number of the selected tables would no longer be shown at the bottom of Designer view.
Jira issue: RECOB-8538
Salesforce case: 162298
Type: Issue
Component/Process: SAP HANA Source
Description: Log-based CDC would fail or would keep reading from the same position when processing large multi-segment backup logs.
Jira issue: RECOB-8518
Salesforce case: N/A
Type: Issue
Component/Process: UI
Description: The table keys would be incorrectly shown in the UI after defining key transformations.
Jira issue: RECOB-8477
Salesforce case: 154293
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Log Stream
Description: Replication over log stream tasks would sometimes fail during task initialization.
Jira issue: RECOB-8507
Salesforce case: 150857
Type: Issue
Component/Process: SAP HANA Source
Description: The task would sometimes start very slowly, impacting the creation of its captured tables list.
Jira issue: RECOB-8405
Salesforce case: 156279
Type: Issue
Component/Process: AIS Source
Description: Added an internal parameter: printCSVFileNamesInInfo
When the parameter is set to TRUE (and logging is set to INFO or higher), the Replicate IMS source endpoint will write CSV file names and their creation date to the Replicate log.
As turning on the parameter will increase the log size, customers should monitor it to avoid storage issues. To reduce the logging impact, best practice is to maintain only a reasonable backlog of CSV files, and to delete CSV files that have already been applied to target. If the log size becomes excessive, set the parameter to FALSE to stop the additional logging.
Jira issue: RECOB-8400
Salesforce case: 152188
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Microsoft Azure Synapse Analytics Target
Description: Older files would not be deleted from ADLS staging during reload. This would result in the task failing due to duplicate records or because of non-matching records.
Jira issue: RECOB-8469
Salesforce case: 158504
Type: Issue
Component/Process: SAP Application (DB)
Description: Added an internal property to prevent the addition of SAP Catalog tables to the list of SAP Application backend tables.
Jira issue: RECOB-8481
Salesforce case: N/A
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Security - UI
Description: Updated Angular to a version that resolves known vulnerabilities.
Jira issue: RECOB-8475
Salesforce case: 161767
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Log Stream
Description: The "Retrieve all source columns on UPDATE" option would be turned off after upgrade, resulting in failure of tasks that needed this option to be turned on. The issue was resolved using a feature flag.
Jira issue: RECOB-8451
Salesforce case: 117989
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Infrastructure
Description: Added logging for troubleshooting the following intermittent error:
Message size <369295616> exceeds maximum of 16Mb
Jira issue: RECOB-8433
Salesforce case: N/A
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Microsoft Azure SQL Database Target
Description: Creation of the Primary Key/Unique Index would fail when the constraint name exceeded 128 characters.
Jira issue: RECOB-8338
Salesforce case: 147998
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Hadoop
Description: When using Hadoop without Hive access, the Full Load task would fail.
Jira issue: RECOB-8402
Salesforce case: 159978
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Databricks Delta
Description: When a data value contained binary zeros, both the Full Load and the CDC task would fail.
Jira issue: RECOB-8410
Salesforce case: N/A
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Security
Description: The java_file_factory component was updated to a version with non-vulnerable dependencies.
The following section describes the issues resolved in Replicate May 2024 initial release.
Jira issue: RECOB-8101
Salesforce case: 138462
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Amazon Redshift
Description: When the "Limit LOB size" option was enabled, and replicating data larger than limited lob size*2 on CLOB from IBM DB2 from z/OS, a data error would occur. This issue was resolved using an internal parameter.
Jira issue: RECOB-8192
Salesforce case: 150243
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Oracle Source - Replicate Log Reader
Description: Missing UPDATE operations would occur when replicating Advanced Compressed tables with long values.
Jira issue: RECOB-7965
Salesforce case: N/A
Type: Enhancement
Component/Process: IBM DB2 for z/OS Source
Description: The DB2 TRACE MONITOR will be auto-started when it is not active.
Jira issue: RECOB-8135
Salesforce case: N/A
Type: Enhancement
Component/Process: Oracle Source - Replicate Log Reader
Description: Improved Oracle Log Reader logging.
Jira issue: RECOB-8027
Salesforce case: 117549
Type: Issue
Component/Process: SAP ODP Source
Description: UPDATE operations would be captured as INSERT operations when using SLT.
Jira issue: RECOB-8090
Salesforce case: 135515
Type: Issue
Component/Process: MySQL Source
Description: Replication tasks from MySQL source would fail after upgrade to 2023.11.
Jira issue: RECOB-8064
Salesforce case: 144176
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Replicate Installation
Description: Added an option to force the installation to request a user and group.
Jira issue: RECOB-8021
Salesforce case: 108548
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Kafka
Description: Tasks using the Kafka target endpoint would consume excessive memory when capturing the REAL data type and using JSON message format.
Jira issue: RECOB-8066
Salesforce case: 132663
Type: Issue
Component/Process: SAP Application (DB)
Description: SAP transparent table LOB fields were not exposed in the Replicate UI.
Jira issue: RECOB-8059
Salesforce case: 132663
Type: Issue
Component/Process: SAP Application (DB)
Description: The "By partition" option of the Parallel Load feature could not be selected.
Jira issue: RECOB-8092
Salesforce case: 138709
Type: Issue
Component/Process: DB2 iSeries Source
Description: When using only RRN as a Primary Key on a table without a Primary key or Unique Index, the Primary Key position would be set to 0 instead of 1. This would result in an incorrect value being inserted in the 'primaryKeyPosition' metadata field.
Jira issue: RECOB-7760
Salesforce case: 108951
Type: Issue Component/Process: Kafka
Description: A memory leak (a new METADATA MANAGER TABLE pool would be created) would occur each time a data problem was detected.
Jira issue: RECOB-7949
Salesforce case: 106008
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Microsoft SQL Server Source
Description: The internal property logScanRowCount usage would sometimes cause missing operations or entire transactions. This would also result in the Sorter swap files not being deleted.
Jira issue: RECOB-7966
Salesforce case: 133745
Type: Enhancement
Component/Process: Kafka
Description: Added support for tombstone methodology for DELETE operations in Kafka. Supported using an internal parameter.
Jira issue: RECOB-7980, RECOB-8016
Salesforce case: 135999
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Oracle Source - Replicate Log Reader
Description: Missing and duplicate records would sometimes be encountered for multi Insert operations in Oracle instances with ENABLE_GOLDENGATE_REPLICATION=TRUE.
Jira issue: RECOB-7924
Salesforce case: 108202
Type: Issue
Component/Process: Microsoft SQL Server Source
Description: The compressed transaction log would be processed incorrectly in some specific SQL Server scenarios.
Jira issue: RECOB-7973
Salesforce case: 136823
Type: Issue
Component/Process: IBM DB2 for z/OS Source Source
Description: The IBM DB2 for z/OS source endpoint would not work with a German DB2 z/OS instance.
Download this release from the Product Downloads page on Qlik Community.
About Qlik
Qlik converts complex data landscapes into actionable insights, driving strategic business outcomes. Serving over 40,000 global customers, our portfolio provides advanced, enterprise-grade AI/ML, data integration, and analytics. Our AI/ML tools, both practical and scalable, lead to better decisions, faster. We excel in data integration and governance, offering comprehensive solutions that work with diverse data sources. Intuitive analytics from Qlik uncover hidden patterns, empowering teams to address complex challenges and seize new opportunities. As strategic partners, our platform-agnostic technology and expertise make our customers more competitive.
Table of Contents
The following release notes cover the versions of Qlik NPrinting released in May 2023 Service Release 6.
Jira issue ID: OP-96021
Two new parameters have been added to the scheduler.config configuration file:
To customize these parameters, you must uncomment them in the configuration file.
Additionally, this security improvement introduces a breaking change to the email client: certificate validation no longer accepts untrusted self-signed certificates. To use untrusted self-signed certificates, you will need to disable validation in the SMTP configuration or convert the certificates to trusted (trusted root store).
Jira issue ID: OP-96012, OP-96013
The following third-party libraries have been updated and patched to the latest releases:
Jira issue ID: QB-26555
Import user tasks now ignore hidden cells in all worksheets of imported Excel files.
Jira issue ID: OP-96031
Running On-Demand requests with an extremely large number of selections, exceeding tens of thousands, caused the Qlik NPrinting Engine Windows service to stop.
The following issues and limitations were identified at release time. The list is not comprehensive; it lists all known major issues and limitations. We expect to have these issues fixed in future versions.
The following languages are supported:
Other languages are not officially supported. There may be issues with other languages, particularly those with right-to-left script and non-Roman alphabets.
Qlik Sense custom size sheets are not supported. Custom size will not be maintained on export.
Alternate states
QlikView and Qlik Sense alternate states are not supported.
QlikView and Qlik Sense alternate states are not supported.
Jira issue ID: OP-6196
Qlik NPrinting Server, Engine, and Designer can only be installed on C: drives. Any attempt to install them on a different drive will result in task failures.
Jira issue ID: OP-5831
When you add the same object twice, using the Images node in Qlik NPrinting Designer, only the image size property of the first image is respected.
It is possible to select the “Enable” check box in On-Demand for reports using Qlik Sense app data. These reports are visible in the QlikView On-Demand menu of the QlikView On-Demand add-on. But if selected, they will not generate reports, and you will see an error message.
If you experience random crashes when using Qlik NPrinting Designer, open your Windows Display Settings in the Control Panel and verify that Smaller – 100% (default) is selected. When settings of 125% or 150% are selected, Qlik NPrinting Designer may crash.
Jira issue ID: OP-5908
In some cases, when you use Qlik NPrinting On-Demand in Internet Explorer 11 or Edge, the “origin” HTTP header is not generated. This results in the error message “REVEL_CSRF: tokens mismatch”.
The workaround is to install Qlik NPrinting On-Demand on a Microsoft IIS server hosting QlikView Access point or use a different web browser.
Jira issue ID: OP-4940
Qlik NPrinting Designer may be unable to open a report template if there are too many filters associated with a connection in the report's app. The following error message displays: “A task was canceled”.
This typically happens when more than 4000 filters are using fields from a connection. Sometimes, higher numbers can work. For example, 7000 filters have worked in some situations.
The workaround is:
1. Split the Qlik NPrinting app into separate apps.
2. Split the connections (possibly by using multiple connections to the same documents in different apps).
3. Split the filters across apps (so that the filter count per app is lower).
Jira issue ID: OP-4839
Some Qlik NPrinting tasks fail with the error message: “Exceeded maximum number of retries”. This is due to a performance issue in QlikView that appears when it exports large unfiltered files to Excel.
Jira issue ID: OP-5278
In some rare circumstances, pressing the Verify connection button will cause the screen to freeze on the “Initializing…” status and the spinning wheel cursor. This happens when a Qlik NPrinting Engine goes offline and Verify connection is pressed before the Qlik NPrinting Scheduler is aware that it is offline. It can take up to 20 seconds before the Qlik NPrinting Scheduler determines the offline status of a Qlik NPrinting Engine.
Jira issue ID: OP-5914
When you:
The filters associated with each user are not uploaded, or displayed, for performance reasons. Waiting for all filters for thousands of users to import would take a long time. In most cases, importing this information is unnecessary, because filters created for users often contain something like the user IDs. You can change this behavior and make all filters visible by uncommenting the line <!--<add key="include-user-filters" />--> in the webengine.config file.
To make a specific filter visible in the lists, remove its association to all users, or create a new filter with the same fields and values not linked to any user.
Jira issue ID: OP-3986
The rollback that follows a Qlik NPrinting Server or Engine upgrade cancellation may corrupt the related Qlik NPrinting installation. A rollback is triggered by errors or by clicking the cancel button during the upgrade execution. After a corruption caused by a rollback, services may be uninstalled or cannot be started.
To restore a Qlik NPrinting Server to its original status:
You should always create a backup before starting an update. In any case, a backup is automatically created in the folder "%ProgramData%\NPrinting" at the beginning of the upgrade process. To restore a Qlik NPrinting Engine to original status:
Jira issue ID: OP-7560
Add title functionality is not supported on Qlik Sense objects with Assistance mode enabled. The workaround to restore the Add title functionality is to disable Assistance mode for the chart in Qlik Sense. Then reload the metadata of the connection.
Jira issue ID: OP-7568
Qlik Sense objects made in Assistance mode cannot be used as tables, columns, or cells in Qlik NPrinting. To restore them, disable Assistance mode on the chart in Qlik Sense; then reload the metadata of the connection. Furthermore, if a Qlik Sense object made with Assistance mode is exported as a table, column, or cell using Qlik NPrinting APIs, the request will fail.
Jira issue ID: OP-7165
Open Type Fonts (*.otf) are not supported in PixelPerfect templates. Generated reports will use a different font, and not look as expected.
Jira issue ID: OP-7747
The following functionalities are not supported for Qlik Sense tables that have a "Show column if" condition set on one or more of their columns: levels, single column export, and keep source formats.
Jira issue ID: OP-8382
Qlik Sense On-Demand reports with selections applied on calculated dimensions will fail. However, you can apply selections on dimensions based on Qlik Sense fields. The workaround is to move the formula to the load script and use the calculated fields to apply selections to your On-Demand reports.
Jira issue ID: OP-8985
Due to the internal way of exporting Qlik Sense histograms, you cannot add them to the Qlik NPrinting Designer Tables node. If you add a Qlik Sense histogram to the Tables node, you will not receive any errors or warning messages, but the exported data will be wrong.
Jira issue ID: OP-8921
QlikEntity reports support Qlik Sense objects with the following limitations:
Jira issue ID: OP-9087
You cannot embed an Excel worksheet in a PowerPoint report template. This will cause a Qlik NPrinting Designer crash. The workarounds are to insert the Excel worksheet without using the Qlik NPrinting Designer:
Jira issue ID: OP-9067
Dynamic views is a new Qlik Sense feature starting from June 2020.
If you connect Qlik NPrinting to a Qlik Sense app that contains a chart used to generate dynamic views, the chart and the containing sheet are excluded from the Qlik NPrinting connection cache and cannot be used in reports.
You can connect Qlik NPrinting to a Qlik Sense app containing dynamic views. However, after a dynamic view refresh, the connection will stop working.
Jira issue ID: OP-9628
Starting from November 2020, RabbitMQ Server (deployed as Qlik NPrinting Messaging Service) has been updated to version 3.8.3. It has an internal limit, not configurable, about messages size of 512MB. Previous limit was 2GB. As consequence, is not possible to generate Qlik NPrinting reports bigger than 512MB.
Jira issue ID: OP-9766
Excel worksheet print areas can contain more than one range if the generation of the report does not expand the print area. If it expands, you will see an error: “Invalid Cell Name”. For example, the default setting of the Expand Range option in a Qlik NPrinting table causes the print area to change during report production, and an error is received.
Jira issue ID: OP-9518
Using Cyrillic characters in the Search form of the Qlik NPrinting user interface is case sensitive.
Jira issue ID: OP-9995
The percentage “%” format is not kept in Excel reports when using QlikView 12.50 (12.50.20000) or newer due to a QlikView issue. You can solve this by upgrading to QlikView May 2021 SR2 (12.60.20200) or newer.
Jira issue ID: OP-95599
If you start a Run Verification on a connection to a QlikView document in QVF format, Qlik NPrinting cannot confirm whether the QlikView Desktop version installed locally on each Qlik NPrinting Engine is compatible with QVF file format. The check mark next to "QlikView can open the document" may be green, even if a version of QlikView that does not support QVF is installed. This is because verification only checks file permissions. If the installed QlikView Desktop does not support QVF format, metadata generation will fail.
Jira issue ID: OP-95682
QlikView objects with many different fields with exactly the same label are not supported. Duplicated labels cause an exception during the connection cache generation. To solve this issue, ensure that each field has a unique label.
Jira issue ID: OP-95797
Images linked by using URLs in Qlik Sense tables are exported as text. This affects only Qlik Sense connections. A workaround exists for PixelPerfect templates.
Jira issue ID: HLP-17139
The sensitivity labels feature in Microsoft Office is not supported. If used, report generation and preview will fail with errors.
As a workaround to the issue, block the Active Directory domain policy that pushes the sensitivity labels requirement to domain users.
To upgrade to Qlik NPrinting May 2023 SR6, you must start from one of the following versions:
If you have a version of Qlik NPrinting older than April 2018, you must upgrade to Qlik NPrinting April 2018 before you can upgrade to Qlik NPrinting May 2023 SR6.
If you have a version of Qlik NPrinting older than 17.3, you must first upgrade to Qlik NPrinting 17.3. Then you must upgrade to a version from April 2018 to May 2021 SR4 before you can upgrade to Qlik NPrinting May 2023 SR6.
If you are upgrading from a version older than February 2018, all metadata caches (QlikView and Qlik Sense) will be marked as "not generated". This is due to a breaking change in the format of the metadata cache. All connection caches must be regenerated before you can edit a template or create a new connection.
You must back up your data before you proceed. Data can become damaged if a problem occurs during the
upgrade. If data is damaged, a backup is required to restore the repository. See: Backup and restore of a
After backup, you must follow the instructions for upgrading on the help site page Qlik NPrinting upgrade.
If you are upgrading to May 2023 SR5 from September 2018 SR2 or older you must:
• Open port 4997 outbound on Qlik NPrinting Server and inbound on all Qlik NPrinting Engines.
• Reinstall all your Qlik NPrinting Engines and provide a password for certificate exchange.
• Open the Engine manager in the Web Console.
• Open the detail page for each Engine and send the certificate after inserting the same password you used during the engine’s reinstallation.
Qlik NPrinting Engines stay offline until the certificate exchange is performed. Older Engine versions cannot connect to a Qlik NPrinting May 2023 SR5 Server.
Setups are available at https://community.qlik.com/t5/Downloads/tkb-p/Downloads
About Qlik
Qlik converts complex data landscapes into actionable insights, driving strategic business outcomes. Serving over 40,000 global customers, our portfolio provides advanced, enterprise-grade AI/ML, data integration, and analytics. Our AI/ML tools, both practical and scalable, lead to better decisions, faster. We excel in data integration and governance, offering comprehensive solutions that work with diverse data sources. Intuitive analytics from Qlik uncover hidden patterns, empowering teams to address complex challenges and seize new opportunities. As strategic partners, our platform-agnostic technology and expertise make our customers more competitive. |
Table of Contents
The following release notes cover the versions of Qlik NPrinting released in February 2024 Service Release 3.
Jira issue ID: OP-96021
Two new parameters have been added to the scheduler.config configuration file:
To customize these parameters, you must uncomment them in the configuration file.
Additionally, this security improvement introduces a breaking change to the email client: certificate validation no longer accepts untrusted self-signed certificates. To use untrusted self-signed certificates, you will need to disable validation in the SMTP configuration or convert the certificates to trusted (trusted root store).
Jira issue ID: OP-96012, OP-96013
The following third-party libraries have been updated and patched to the latest releases:
Jira issue ID: QB-26555
Import user tasks now ignore hidden cells in all worksheets of imported Excel files.
The following issues and limitations were identified at release time. The list is not comprehensive; it lists all known major issues and limitations. We expect to have these issues fixed in future versions.
The following languages are supported:
Other languages are not officially supported. There may be issues with other languages, particularly those with right-to-left script and non-Roman alphabets.
Qlik Sense custom size sheets are not supported. Custom size will not be maintained on export.
Alternate states
QlikView and Qlik Sense alternate states are not supported.
QlikView and Qlik Sense alternate states are not supported.
Jira issue ID: OP-6196
Qlik NPrinting Server, Engine, and Designer can only be installed on C: drives. Any attempt to install them on a different drive will result in task failures.
Jira issue ID: OP-5831
When you add the same object twice, using the Images node in Qlik NPrinting Designer, only the image size property of the first image is respected.
It is possible to select the “Enable” check box in On-Demand for reports using Qlik Sense app data. These reports are visible in the QlikView On-Demand menu of the QlikView On-Demand add-on. But if selected, they will not generate reports, and you will see an error message.
If you experience random crashes when using Qlik NPrinting Designer, open your Windows Display Settings in the Control Panel and verify that Smaller – 100% (default) is selected. When settings of 125% or 150% are selected, Qlik NPrinting Designer may crash.
Jira issue ID: OP-5908
In some cases, when you use Qlik NPrinting On-Demand in Internet Explorer 11 or Edge, the “origin” HTTP header is not generated. This results in the error message “REVEL_CSRF: tokens mismatch”.
The workaround is to install Qlik NPrinting On-Demand on a Microsoft IIS server hosting QlikView Access point or use a different web browser.
Jira issue ID: OP-4940
Qlik NPrinting Designer may be unable to open a report template if there are too many filters associated with a connection in the report's app. The following error message displays: “A task was canceled”.
This typically happens when more than 4000 filters are using fields from a connection. Sometimes, higher numbers can work. For example, 7000 filters have worked in some situations.
The workaround is:
1. Split the Qlik NPrinting app into separate apps.
2. Split the connections (possibly by using multiple connections to the same documents in different apps).
3. Split the filters across apps (so that the filter count per app is lower).
Jira issue ID: OP-4839
Some Qlik NPrinting tasks fail with the error message: “Exceeded maximum number of retries”. This is due to a performance issue in QlikView that appears when it exports large unfiltered files to Excel.
Jira issue ID: OP-5278
In some rare circumstances, pressing the Verify connection button will cause the screen to freeze on the “Initializing…” status and the spinning wheel cursor. This happens when a Qlik NPrinting Engine goes offline and Verify connection is pressed before the Qlik NPrinting Scheduler is aware that it is offline. It can take up to 20 seconds before the Qlik NPrinting Scheduler determines the offline status of a Qlik NPrinting Engine.
Jira issue ID: OP-5914
When you:
The filters associated with each user are not uploaded, or displayed, for performance reasons. Waiting for all filters for thousands of users to import would take a long time. In most cases, importing this information is unnecessary, because filters created for users often contain something like the user IDs. You can change this behavior and make all filters visible by uncommenting the line <!--<add key="include-user-filters" />--> in the webengine.config file.
To make a specific filter visible in the lists, remove its association to all users, or create a new filter with the same fields and values not linked to any user.
Jira issue ID: OP-3986
The rollback that follows a Qlik NPrinting Server or Engine upgrade cancellation may corrupt the related Qlik NPrinting installation. A rollback is triggered by errors or by clicking the cancel button during the upgrade execution. After a corruption caused by a rollback, services may be uninstalled or cannot be started.
To restore a Qlik NPrinting Server to its original status:
You should always create a backup before starting an update. In any case, a backup is automatically created in the folder "%ProgramData%\NPrinting" at the beginning of the upgrade process. To restore a Qlik NPrinting Engine to original status:
Jira issue ID: OP-7560
Add title functionality is not supported on Qlik Sense objects with Assistance mode enabled. The workaround to restore the Add title functionality is to disable Assistance mode for the chart in Qlik Sense. Then reload the metadata of the connection.
Jira issue ID: OP-7568
Qlik Sense objects made in Assistance mode cannot be used as tables, columns, or cells in Qlik NPrinting. To restore them, disable Assistance mode on the chart in Qlik Sense; then reload the metadata of the connection. Furthermore, if a Qlik Sense object made with Assistance mode is exported as a table, column, or cell using Qlik NPrinting APIs, the request will fail.
Jira issue ID: OP-7165
Open Type Fonts (*.otf) are not supported in PixelPerfect templates. Generated reports will use a different font, and not look as expected.
Jira issue ID: OP-7747
The following functionalities are not supported for Qlik Sense tables that have a "Show column if" condition set on one or more of their columns: levels, single column export, and keep source formats.
Jira issue ID: OP-8382
Qlik Sense On-Demand reports with selections applied on calculated dimensions will fail. However, you can apply selections on dimensions based on Qlik Sense fields. The workaround is to move the formula to the load script and use the calculated fields to apply selections to your On-Demand reports.
Jira issue ID: OP-8985
Due to the internal way of exporting Qlik Sense histograms, you cannot add them to the Qlik NPrinting Designer Tables node. If you add a Qlik Sense histogram to the Tables node, you will not receive any errors or warning messages, but the exported data will be wrong.
Jira issue ID: OP-8921
QlikEntity reports support Qlik Sense objects with the following limitations:
Jira issue ID: OP-9087
You cannot embed an Excel worksheet in a PowerPoint report template. This will cause a Qlik NPrinting Designer crash. The workarounds are to insert the Excel worksheet without using the Qlik NPrinting Designer:
Jira issue ID: OP-9067
Dynamic views is a new Qlik Sense feature starting from June 2020.
If you connect Qlik NPrinting to a Qlik Sense app that contains a chart used to generate dynamic views, the chart and the containing sheet are excluded from the Qlik NPrinting connection cache and cannot be used in reports.
You can connect Qlik NPrinting to a Qlik Sense app containing dynamic views. However, after a dynamic view refresh, the connection will stop working.
Jira issue ID: OP-9628
Starting from November 2020, RabbitMQ Server (deployed as Qlik NPrinting Messaging Service) has been updated to version 3.8.3. It has an internal limit, not configurable, about messages size of 512MB. Previous limit was 2GB. As consequence, is not possible to generate Qlik NPrinting reports bigger than 512MB.
Jira issue ID: OP-9766
Excel worksheet print areas can contain more than one range if the generation of the report does not expand the print area. If it expands, you will see an error: “Invalid Cell Name”. For example, the default setting of the Expand Range option in a Qlik NPrinting table causes the print area to change during report production, and an error is received.
Jira issue ID: OP-9518
Using Cyrillic characters in the Search form of the Qlik NPrinting user interface is case sensitive.
Jira issue ID: OP-9995
The percentage “%” format is not kept in Excel reports when using QlikView 12.50 (12.50.20000) or newer due to a QlikView issue. You can solve this by upgrading to QlikView May 2021 SR2 (12.60.20200) or newer.
Jira issue ID: OP-95599
If you start a Run Verification on a connection to a QlikView document in QVF format, Qlik NPrinting cannot confirm whether the QlikView Desktop version installed locally on each Qlik NPrinting Engine is compatible with QVF file format. The check mark next to "QlikView can open the document" may be green, even if a version of QlikView that does not support QVF is installed. This is because verification only checks file permissions. If the installed QlikView Desktop does not support QVF format, metadata generation will fail.
Jira issue ID: OP-95682
QlikView objects with many different fields with exactly the same label are not supported. Duplicated labels cause an exception during the connection cache generation. To solve this issue, ensure that each field has a unique label.
Jira issue ID: OP-95797
Images linked by using URLs in Qlik Sense tables are exported as text. This affects only Qlik Sense connections. A workaround exists for PixelPerfect templates.
Jira issue ID: HLP-17139
The sensitivity labels feature in Microsoft Office is not supported. If used, report generation and preview will fail with errors.
As a workaround to the issue, block the Active Directory domain policy that pushes the sensitivity labels requirement to domain users.
To upgrade to Qlik NPrinting February 2024 SR3, you must start from one of the following versions:
If you have a version of Qlik NPrinting older than April 2018, you must upgrade to Qlik NPrinting April 2018 before you can upgrade to Qlik NPrinting February 2024 SR3.
If you have a version of Qlik NPrinting older than 17.3, you must first upgrade to Qlik NPrinting 17.3. Then you must upgrade to a version from April 2018 to May 2021 SR4 before you can upgrade to Qlik NPrinting February 2024SR3.
If you are upgrading from a version older than February 2018, all metadata caches (QlikView and Qlik Sense) will be marked as "not generated". This is due to a breaking change in the format of the metadata cache. All connection caches must be regenerated before you can edit a template or create a new connection.
You must back up your data before you proceed. Data can become damaged if a problem occurs during the
upgrade. If data is damaged, a backup is required to restore the repository. See: Backup and restore of a repository.
After backup, you must follow the instructions for upgrading on the help site page Qlik NPrinting upgrade.
If you are upgrading to February 2024 SR3 from September 2018 SR2 or older you must:
• Open port 4997 outbound on Qlik NPrinting Server and inbound on all Qlik NPrinting Engines.
• Reinstall all your Qlik NPrinting Engines and provide a password for certificate exchange.
• Open the Engine manager in the Web Console.
• Open the detail page for each Engine and send the certificate after inserting the same password you used during the engine’s reinstallation.
Qlik NPrinting Engines stay offline until the certificate exchange is performed. Older Engine versions cannot connect to a Qlik NPrinting February 2024 SR3 Server.
Setups are available at https://community.qlik.com/t5/Downloads/tkb-p/Downloads
About Qlik
Qlik converts complex data landscapes into actionable insights, driving strategic business outcomes. Serving over 40,000 global customers, our portfolio provides advanced, enterprise-grade AI/ML, data integration, and analytics. Our AI/ML tools, both practical and scalable, lead to better decisions, faster. We excel in data integration and governance, offering comprehensive solutions that work with diverse data sources. Intuitive analytics from Qlik uncover hidden patterns, empowering teams to address complex challenges and seize new opportunities. As strategic partners, our platform-agnostic technology and expertise make our customers more competitive. |
Table of Contents
The following release notes cover the versions of Qlik Web Connectors released in July 2024. For questions or comments, post in the Product Forums or contact Qlik Support.
The following updates have been made to the Qlik Web Connectors Core and Web UI as well as the connectors listed.
Core Engine
Qlik Azure Storage Connector
Qlik Dropbox Connector
Qlik Facebook Insights Connector
Qlik FTP/SFTP Connector
Qlik Google Ad Manager Connector
Qlik Google Ads Connector
Qlik Google Calendar Connector
Qlik JIRA Connector
Qlik MailChimp Connector V2
Qlik Mailbox IMAP Connector
Qlik OData Connector
Qlik SMTP Connector
Qlik Strava Connector
Qlik SugarCRM Connector
When upgrading connectors to the latest APIs, unfortunately the changes can be so extensive that we are unable to modify the existing connector. When this happens we will create a new version of the connector and put the existing one into a ‘Deprecated’ state. This means that at some point in the future it will no longer be available and after entering the deprecated status, it will no longer be updated. The date is normally determined by the underlying API which will often have its own expiry date, after which the connector using it will no longer work.
You can see connectors affected under the Deprecated tab in Qlik Web Connectors. Three connectors are noted as deprecated in this release:
Two connectors are removed in this release, after being noted as deprecated since previous release:
IP v6 addresses are not supported when you enter an IP v6 address for the purpose of white listing.
Load Balancing is not supported.
Qlik Web Connectors requires .NET Framework 4.8.1.
Download this release from the Product Downloads page on Qlik Community.
About Qlik
Qlik converts complex data landscapes into actionable insights, driving strategic business outcomes. Serving over 40,000 global customers, our portfolio provides advanced, enterprise-grade AI/ML, data integration, and analytics. Our AI/ML tools, both practical and scalable, lead to better decisions, faster. We excel in data integration and governance, offering comprehensive solutions that work with diverse data sources. Intuitive analytics from Qlik uncover hidden patterns, empowering teams to address complex challenges and seize new opportunities. As strategic partners, our platform-agnostic technology and expertise make our customers more competitive.
QSM SaaS Mobile App Release Notes 1.174.9
Release Date : 17 Jun 2024
Version : 1.174.9
Table of Contents
Resolved Defect
The following Release Notes cover resolved defects for QSM SaaS Mobile App.
QB-27022 |
Insufficient memory issue when running app in offline mode , resolved by optimized RAM usage in offline mode to prevent memory related crashes |
About Qlik
Qlik converts complex data landscapes into actionable insights, driving strategic business outcomes. Serving over 40,000 global customers, our portfolio provides advanced, enterprise-grade AI/ML, data integration, and analytics. Our AI/ML tools, both practical and scalable, lead to better decisions, faster. We excel in data integration and governance, offering comprehensive solutions that work with diverse data sources. Intuitive analytics from Qlik uncover hidden patterns, empowering teams to address complex challenges and seize new opportunities. As strategic partners, our platform-agnostic technology and expertise make our customers more competitive.
QSM SaaS Mobile App Release Notes 1.174.6
Table of Contents
Resolved Defects
The following Release Notes cover resolved defects for QSM SaaS Mobile App.
Jira ID |
Issues fixed |
“Incomplete Visualization” error was shown when a table had no dimension. |
When using Dynamic Type on iOS, button objects did not scale to match the larger font |
After inserting a background image onto a button, the image inserted was not visible |
The version info was inconsistent across Google PlayStore and in the mobile |
Mobile Swipe Up Filter Selections were sometime unresponsive |
Highlighted rows were blacked out on iPad |
External links don't work the first time, need to be tapped again |
Measures were not working in legacy text and image on Android |
About Qlik
Qlik’s vision is a data-literate world, where everyone can use data and analytics to improve decision-making and solve their most challenging problems. A private SaaS company, Qlik offers an Active Intelligence platform, delivering end-to-end, real-time data integration and analytics cloud solutions to close the gaps between data, insights and action. By transforming data into Active Intelligence, businesses can drive better decisions, improve revenue and profitability, and optimize customer relationships. Qlik does business in more than 100 countries and serves over 50,000 customers around the world.