The current "Download to PDF" option for users has problems:
- It is relatively hidden, in that the user must go into the three dots at the top of the page. Lots of evidence shows that users of all systems don't like making multiple clicks; for example Only 2% of google searches result in a click on page 2 or beyond.
- The PDF download cuts off all of the green filter bar at the top meaning that you lose all visibility of what is being shown at the point you create the PDF. (This is easily fixed by adding a box with GetcurrentSelections(), but then you may as well hide the toolbar and save real estate).
- If download to PDF were an action, then you could make that button do other things too; such as covering over useless things (like Filter Boxes and navigation action boxes) with corporate stock images and thus produce a branded report in one click.
I've seen many multiple requests to improve this feature over the last 3-4 years. They're all closed as duplicate and archived, but there's not a single one open to comment on, nor one that succinctly articulates all the reasons for it being needed.
- I've seen tickets that addressed point 1 by asking for it to be an action. The response is always to tell us that the feature exists and is behind the three little dots. (Like we didn't already know)
- I saw one ticket which requested simply that the PDF include the filter boxes, which would fix only the second bullet point.
- I saw one ticket that was closed as a duplicate and the linked "duplicate" was a request for improvements to the download to excel feature.
Qlik, you need to do a better job of listening to customers and understanding what we are asking for and why. If the code to "Download as PDF" already exists, then how hard can it really be to just make it work as a button for us?