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Optional setting for Replication Tasks to prevent accidental reload

Contributor II
Contributor II

Optional setting for Replication Tasks to prevent accidental reload

Problem: The "task resume" and "task reload" buttons are similar and right next to each in the Replicate dashboard. For us, accidentally clicking the wrong button in haste would be catastrophic, because with the size of our tables a full reload takes over a day to complete, and our systems would not be operational during that time.

Proposed feature: Add a setting in the serve tab called something like "prevent accidental reload", which would enable a similar safety check to when deleting an S3 bucket. If you click the full reload, the prompt demands that you explicitly enter "DELETE DATA AND RELOAD" into a text box before you are allowed to submit the modal and trigger the full reload. Also, some bold red exclamation points or similar on the modal would be lovely too.


Contributor III
Contributor III

I definitely agree that the product needs a safeguard for this.  We requested this years ago.  Our team ended up with the practice of setting the tasks to CDC mode only to avoid accidental reload.  Now if you want a reload you have to change the task settings then perform it.  This solution is definitely overkill but it was the best work around we could provide our users.  

Former Employee
Former Employee

Just to confirm, we do have a prompt on all reload options asking the user to confirm before the reload occurs.  It sounds like this is not enough and you would like there to be additional safety checks, correct?  Thank you!

Status changed to: Open - Collecting Feedback
Contributor II
Contributor II

Hi Shelley,

Yes, if I remember correctly,  the modal that pops up is the same as the modal that confirms task resume, where the only difference is the word "resume" is instead "reload".

I fear that a stressed devops technician might accidentally click the wrong button while trying to hastily respond to and resolve a CDC issue.

Having both a modal that a) is different in appearance expressing the potential dangers of continuing (bold red font), and b) ideally requiring a more deliberate action than just clicking a button (e.g. a text field where "DELETE DATA AND RELOAD" must be typed).



From now on, please track this idea from the Ideation portal. 

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Explorer II
Explorer II
Status changed to: Closed - Archived