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Support for the add/drop of data partitions on Db2 LUW source Tables

Contributor III
Contributor III

Support for the add/drop of data partitions on Db2 LUW source Tables

We need more information on how to mange replication tasks when we add/drop partitions on Db2 source Tables to ensure that there is no loss of Data. We understand that the replication of the ALTER DDL will not be replicated but we need to know that process should be followed to keep replication running when we ALTER the source Tables. Do we stop tasks before alters and then resume. The replication of the ALTER statement is not needed with only change replication but we do need to be able to continue replication after the ALTER is complete. This is a high priority problem with our site --- case 02220050.

Tags (2)
Former Employee
Former Employee

Support will be the best group to work with on how to manage tasks when you add/drop partitions since ALTER DDL is not currently supported.  We will collect feedback from others on adding support here in the future.  Thank you.

Status changed to: Open - Collecting Feedback
Contributor III
Contributor III
Support ask me to close the case and open this idea. Thank You.


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Status changed to: Closed - Archived