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Now to create an alert simply right click on anywhere on your dashboard it can be one of these chart objects and from the menu select alerts and then you can choose to edit any existing alerts
or click create new alert hey guys welcome to this video where I introduce you to our new intelligent data alerts feature now available in qlik sense SaaS business so I wanted to give you a brief demonstration of how this works please note there are tutorials within Qlik help, as well as helpful how-to videos on the click, help YouTube channel so let's get back to the sample app so this app is self-contained where after I reload it it increments a value and it'll kick off an alert for me so we're just going to do everything within this app. So let me go into analysis mode and you can see I have various charts and KPI’s on the screen if i want to create an alert I can right-click anywhere on the screen usually it's when hovering over a chart object when you do that you have the alert menu now if you right-click on a specific object if it has a measure or value it'll pick up that value but you don't necessarily have to right-click on a particular chart object to use that measure from that chart so I’m just going to right-click here select alerts and if you have any alerts created already you can select the name of the alert and it'll allow you to edit an existing alert in this case here we're going to create a new alert okay the first thing we do is we just give it a title and I’m going to call this one sales alert how to give it a description and you can click add a measure now it'll pick up the measures from the chart that you right-clicked on or you can just select any of the measures that are part of the master items in this case here i'm just going to choose sales now if you wanted to reduce this down to a specific filtered selection you could show it by a particular dimension as well as choose particular values from fields but we're not going to do that in this case here and you can see it runs a data preview so we're at 1.9 million, I click next, select our measure that's been chosen in the first step in this case sales operator in this case greater than value in this case here we're just going to say 2 million if we wanted to add a condition or group the condition we can do so but I’m not going to add another condition and you can see here the preview alert is empty meaning it has not met that specific criteria just yet click next then you can choose when to evaluate that alert basically any time the data is reloaded. It'll evaluate and kick off the alert if necessary in this case here you also have the ability to select the fixed time schedule we're just going to choose when data is refreshed snooze notification so you could choose to have additional alerts for example if you have multiple reloads throughout the day and you only want to be alerted that one time you can say snooze notification for the rest of the hour rest of the day etc. in this case we're just going to leave it as off and then share with others if there are other individuals that are added as members to the space you can also alert those individuals as well and then all we do is hit create now before we kick off the alert I want to go into our management console and just show you under the configuration and settings in this case here I have an email smtp server setup, so it could alert me via email and then also within the profile settings under notifications you can see that we have a number of different delivery mechanisms. If I scroll down, you can see under alerts and we have an alert is triggered in this case web push to mobile email and digest basically digest is a summarized email of all the notifications that you could receive throughout the day you can look at my last SaaS and 60 videos to learn more about that. If you have the Qlik Sense mobile app installed and you have this space and app added part of your mobile collection you will also get notified on your mobile device okay so what we'll do now is reload this app I'll just do it from edit mode and upon reloading, we'll get the notification that the app was reloaded successfully and then we should also see our KPI increase to over 2 million and then the alert should be triggered there as well we go so we got that notification here and that's that the sales example alert was reloaded successfully and now we can see the alert sales alert how to trigger and over 2 million and then what you can do here is mark it as read delete the notification or click it and it'll show you more detail about this notification there's the criteria and then you can click view history or view an app if necessary and then also you can see we have anemail alert sales alert how to trigger and there's our sale dollar amount clicking the link will bring you directly into the app as well now if I wanted to edit the alert I can right-click anywhere select alerts and then select the particular alert and then go through the changes for example for finding my data adding more measures or group conditions also if you go into your profile menu and select alerts you can see all the alerts listed here under management and then for example here you can select notification preferences edit alert and app evaluate now look at the date and conditions history recipients etc. okay so that's all I have for you guys hopefully you found this helpful. tell me what you think in the comments below for more videos such as these make sure to like and subscribe and don't forget to join the conversation with myself and others in the Qlik Community. Take care.