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Contributor III
Contributor III

Sort dimension two expressions

Hi, I have a simple table with one dimension and two expressions. I have currently sorted the table base of expression 1.

Problem: The customer requirement is that the expression 1 should be sorted followed by expression 2.

1. Expression 1 should be sorted

2. For similar values of expression 1...expression 2 should be sorted as explained in the image.

Request you to please help me here with the sorting expression.


Thanks in advance

4 Replies

You can choose your sorting priority in the chart properties. Click Promote/Demote change the priority.Skärmklipp.PNG



Contributor III
Contributor III

Hi Vagar,

Thanks for the quick response. As mentioned i have only one dimension so I cant promote or demote dimensions to change the sort properties. 

Instead I have to write a sorting expression which suffices my requirement. Tried something like 


but still does not fix my problem.



I suggest that you don't sort by the dimension, use the expression it self.  Let the expression 1 have the highest priority and the expression 2 the second.


If you look at my prev. attached picture you notice that I have two expression as prioritized sorting.

Contributor III
Contributor III

Hi ..

regarding screen shot:go to sort tab=> enable expression=> purgechar(fieldname,'F')=>enable sort by numericvalue