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Load different qvds from different folders using with for loop statement

Hi QV Folks,

My Root folder is D:\TestQVD

Sub folders are Test1


                        Test 3

each sub folder have 5 same type of qvd's same date and time stamp

but no.of records/rows are different imagine(sales1.qvd, sales2.qvd, sales3.qvd, sales4.qvd,sales5.qvd)

Now the issue is

i want a for loop to load 3 qvd's into qlikview (sales 1, sales 3, sales 5) (These will change dynamically as per my wish )

i fallowed the below script but i am getting all 5 qvd's(sales 1, sales 2, sales 3, sales 4,sales 5)

how can i load 3 qvds  from each folder ?

in advance thanks for your support.

Set vConcatenate = ;

sub ScanFolder(Root)

          for each FileExtension in 'qvd'

                    for each FoundFile in filelist( Root &  '\*.'  &  FileExtension)                              






                              '$(FoundFile)' as SourceFile

                              FROM [$(FoundFile)](qvd);

                              Set vConcatenate = Concatenate;

                    next FoundFile

          next FileExtension

          for each SubDirectory in dirlist( Root & '\*.' )

                    call ScanFolder(SubDirectory)

          next SubDirectory

end sub

Call ScanFolder('D:\TestQVD') ;

1 Reply

You could use a loop-counter like this:

Set vConcatenate = ;

sub ScanFolder(Root)

          let vLoopCounter = 1;

          for each FileExtension in 'qvd'

                    for each FoundFile in filelist( Root &  '\*.'  &  FileExtension)                              

                         if match($(vLoopCounter), 1,3,5) then






                              '$(FoundFile)' as SourceFile

                              FROM [$(FoundFile)](qvd);

                              Set vConcatenate = Concatenate;

                        end if

                    next FoundFile

          next FileExtension

          let vLoopCounter = $(vLoopCounter) + 1;

          for each SubDirectory in dirlist( Root & '\*.' )

                    call ScanFolder(SubDirectory)

          next SubDirectory

end sub

Call ScanFolder('D:\TestQVD') ;

In a similar way could be other checks implemented like a wildmatch on '$(FoundFile)' or similar.

- Marcus