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Partner - Specialist III
Partner - Specialist III

Measure's option is missing in Map Object

Hello! Happy New Year!

Need some clarification/help from the forum:

I have QS 3.1 installed on main PROD system and I am porting my applications from QS 2.2 Environment to the new PROD.

There is the bug in 3.1 (QLIK-69321) that causes Measures and Color options in Map objects to be corrupted during applications' migrations/import. The workaround suggested by support was to recreate these Map Objects....

I am trying to do that, but I've noticed that a Measure option is not available now when I am creating a new Area Map Object on the sheet:

Here is how creating a new Layer works in QS 2.2:

Screen Shot 2017-01-05 at 3.22.12 PM.png

This is how it looks in QS 3.1:

Screen Shot 2017-01-05 at 4.20.20 PM.png

No Measure option available for this type of Maps (!!??). It's available for Points Layer, but not for Areas Layer...

Based on Help, for Area Maps you can add Measure for master items only.... But even if you have manage that (considering a usefulness of this "unnecessary" step) this new Measure only works for coloring... No numbers formatting is available.

Here I was trying to display % values:

Screen Shot 2017-01-05 at 4.37.36 PM.png

And yes, my Master Measure is defined properly:

Screen Shot 2017-01-05 at 4.45.29 PM.png

I would REALLY appreciate some suggestions about what I am missing here!



16 Replies
Not applicable

Same here! Any suggestions mto‌ ? Thanks


Hi Guys - taking a look now

Mike Tarallo

Hi Vladimir -

See attached video (.mp4) - I tested this and as I thought this is to be expected - with the default maps, there is only 1 layer which is the area (dimension) - then you can drag and drop a measure - such as Sales - and select color by - I believe this changed when we add the new color by option. However, you can just drag a measure on top of the map.

Let me know how you do.

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Michael Tarallo (@mtarallo) | Twitter


Mike Tarallo
Not applicable

Thank you for the video. And yes, that's the way it works. But it causes some problems. I.e. if you would like to use Set Analysis or just want to review what the dimension was you've used on a map. That's not possible anymore like it was before.




Agreed. I am not sure if they are going to make usability improvements in that area because I think the longer term strategy is to fully integrate Qlik GeoAnalytics as the mapping solution.

Introducing Qlik GeoAnalytics

Just in case if you were not aware, if you want to make a chance to the measure and expression you can go here: Appearance -> Colors and legend

When applicable please mark the appropriate replies as CORRECT. This will help community members and Qlik Employees know which discussions have already been addressed and have a possible known solution. Please mark threads as HELPFUL if the provided solution is helpful to the problem, but does not necessarily solve the indicated problem. You can mark multiple threads as HELPFUL if you feel additional info is useful to others.


Michael Tarallo (@mtarallo) | Twitter


Mike Tarallo
Partner - Specialist III
Partner - Specialist III


Thanks for the video. But there is still one issue with this approach: values formatting. Please see the last two screenshots and comments in the post above.

Any suggestions about how to handle that?

Please let me know.



P.S. I still think that this issues is a bug and support has registered it for me (QLIK-72410).

Partner - Specialist III
Partner - Specialist III


I've heard about Idevio's integration, and I was really excited about it (I've seen the Idevio's functionality).

But I have serious concerns about it: I was told that this component will require a paid license.....

During the last couple weeks I've submitted few support cases related to Chart's object and they all were registered as bugs:

1. QLIK-69321  (Support case #00926856 - "Color options are corrupted on Map object after migration")

2. QLIK-72535 (Support case #00986950 - “Use Expressions for Bubble Size” option is missing in QS 3.1 SR 1 release)

3. QLIK-72410 (Support case #00979415 - Measure's option is missing in Map Object (in Area Mode))

All of these features worked fine in 2.2 release and were broken in QS 3.1 release...

And it looks like Qlik is not going to resolve these issues and will be forcing clients to buy a new feature...

Very disappointing...


Not applicable

Wonderfull option! I've requested the price (why isn't it an online (paid or not paid) download option..) But anyway - I have to agree with Vladimir that the map chart seems to contain bugs now. That's very annoying as I've made several maps in older Qliksense files and now are unable to see how they are configured... I hope Qlik can repair the bugs.

Qliksense is a marvelous product!




Hi Vlad - I will verify this for you.

Mike Tarallo