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Qliksense Sales Application Performance issue

Hi All,

Our Sales application  size is 16 GB   but we have good Server configuration with 512 GB of RAM  and  Processor of 2.1GHz and 56 cores . there are  24 sheets in application  and To navigate between sheets takes  90 to 100 Seconds to completely load the data in each object of the sheet .

Suggest me  how to increase performance of Qliksense application .   I have converted all Date types to Number format and avoided If Condition as well

3 Replies
Former Employee
Former Employee

Hi Mahesh,

These resources may be helpful to you:

You can also take a look at:

I'm not sure how you're set up right now, but you could also look at loading from QVD files:

All The Best,


Not applicable

Carmen Reilly

Hi Carmen Reilly,

Thank you so much, this point helps me for making better performance

Former Employee
Former Employee

Excellent, glad I could be of assistance!!

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