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Partner - Creator II
Partner - Creator II

Force a task to be executed by a certain node


I'd like to know if there is a way to ask for a task to be executed by a certain (slave) node instead of the master node.
Any idea?

Thanks a lot

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3 Replies


The challenge here is that the central node will always have access to every application. This is due to the load balancing rule called ResourceOnCentralNode

So if your central node is also a scheduler slave, it will be able to reload any tasks. 

To achieve such requirements, you will need basically two rim nodes scheduler slave and set the central node to master only. In this case, you will be able to create a load balancing rule where some application is only available for a specific slave node.

Hope this helps! 


Bastien Laugiero
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Partner - Contributor III
Partner - Contributor III

Hello, Bastien,

I am working on same case and if I disable ResourceOnCentralNode load balancing rule directly on QRD. 
Load balancing audit shows that my application still lives on Central node even though Load Balancing rule is disabled. Is there any kind of hard coded section inside the Qlik except QRD? Looks strange...





does anyone know if this is possible?

for troubleshooting multi-node issues, this could be very helpful.

when a qmc based reload is done, how does qlik decide which node to send it to?
when a hub based reload is done, how does qlik decide which node to send it to?

do the load balancing rules set up in the qmc affect any of this?

the docs for this

do not actually say what is actually load balanced (app open, app reload from hub, app reload from qmc)