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QMC Task Status

Hi All.

We observe strange behavior of QMC, when sometimes (with no regularity) some app could have reload status "failed" while reload logs say that there is no error and application has been reloaded successfully.  And even after receiving status "Failed" we have checked data and there is fresh data in the app. 

So my question is,

1. Does anyone meet this situation and know how it should we resolcev.

2. Could someone explain me, where QMC is taking this status from? what logs, what files?

3. What is the sequence of steps during application reload? I mean, reloading a datamodel, saving it, storing log files and so on.

I would like understand these processes better.



Best regards,


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4 Replies

Hello Halyna,

"Failed" status can be appeared when the reload task failed during the script execution.

You can get a script log that you can download and you can look into.

If the issue still persist, Please raise a support ticket with Qlik Sense logs. 



Hi, this could be related to some caching problems on the QMC.

I also sometimes see a Failed status, only to logout and back in again seeing it has changed to Success.

Check this thread out 



Hi Everyone, 

We are facing a similar issue in our Qlikview environment. QMC is not showing the correct task statuses. Did you get any solution or rca for the same ?

Your guidance would be appreciated.




The task and the reload isn't the same. The task triggers a reload to a certain time respectively on a certain event and then the distribution engine executes the reload in consideration to the settings and the available resources. The reload itself is a quite independent matter. I'm not sure but I assume that there is direct communication between the reload and the task else the task just checked from time to time the document-log to see if the reload is alive or ended with an error or has finished and logged this in it's own log-file.

So there is quite a lot of communication between the QlikView services and the I/O from the OS and network which may fail especially within the end of a reload by storing the (large) qvd's and qvw - which are tasks which may be queued and scheduled from the OS and which may lead to various timing issues respectively timeouts.

Quite helpful in such cases is to look into the various log-files - from the document-log to the task-log as well as within the event/application/performance-logs from QlikView and the OS. I think you will find some pattern between working ones and the failing ones - most probably related to resource consumption respectively the available resources at the time. If so you could avoid the issue in the future by scheduling the task in a different way/time and/or within more layers.

Further you may take a look on the applied security measures because they could also have an impact. Some years ago we had similar issues by invalide signatures from the firewall/antivirus - just blocking the success-message from the reload and then of course the task must be failing.