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Partner - Creator II
Partner - Creator II

Setting up user base on a new qlik sense site

Hi all,

I have just setup a single node qlik sense site. Everything seems to be working fine without any issues. I have created apps and data connections.

Now i will have to create few groups of users in different levels and provide them access, so that they can login and use the apps.

Now, some users will have access to only view the already created dashboards, some users will have access to create new dashboards for themselves and also have the option to publish for other users.

I would need some idea on how to go about setting up the instance so that its flexible enough to scale up in future.

A sample of groups that i will have to define is as below and user of one group should not have access to the apps or data connections of other group.


I would like to know, if i should set up streams for each of these groups and sub groups or is there any better approach for this.

Thanks in advance,


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