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QlikView Governance Dashboard
We have a UDC (Active Directory) on Qlik Sense server. It has a daily trigger. In QMC, I found their last-sync time stamps are different. As you can see, user sync task was last executed on 3/18/2024 22:18. (see User sync task.png). But the UDC was last sync'd on 3/19/2024 14:23. (see UDC sync.png) Why the time are different?
Hello! How can we monitor the use of our QCC licenses?
We only know who has accepted an invitation, but would like to know the courses actually consumed by everyone.
Is there a way to do that?
Hello Qlik Community,
Recently I was posed with a question around .DS_Store Vulnerabilities that came up during a vulnerability scan on a Qlik Sense Server that a customer of mine has. I reviewed the vulnerability, and it seems that if customers uses Apple Products and browse folder structures, they can leave junk files that can open vulnerabilities, like .DS_Store. I was wondering if there was a Qlik Sense Level way of preventing these vulnerabilities.
Outside of Qlik Security, in Windows GPO, you can block extension types. It would be required to remove any of the .DS_Store files to clear the vulnerability, but blocking the extensions at the user GPO level should prevent new .DS_Stores from being added. Regular File Scans for the extension type could also be a good practice.
I would like to be able to recommend a Qlik Level solution as I manage Qlik for the clients, not Windows. Any advice from the Qlik Community?
Hello Everyone,
Need steps for the following.
how to configure or map the existing qlik sense environment to new postgresql server ( linux ). We have qlik sense on Windows and Postgresql on Linux already.
We want to add a new postgresql vm to the existing qlik environment.
Need steps iin how to map this new VM - postgresql on linux to exisitng qlik sense on windows
i have a problem in the application Licence Monitor ,
I can't find all months in the dashboard :
Any solution for this ?
Hi fellow admins,
We have recently implemented Qlik Sense multi-node on premise in our small company. I wanted to use Metadata dashboard specifically to answer following question.
Which Qlik Sense App is using which QVD tables.
I did import the
It is showing me the list of apps and streams but not showing which table is being used in which app.
Am I missing any configuration?
Thank you
is their any new ideas for Qliksense Admins which we can use it in our project apart from montioring tools?We need to implement few things which we havent implemented an where like sending task mails(success or failues) using nprinting...etc..pls let me know if you have any other ideas which admins can be usefu;l
Other than using Qlik Cli or powershell, is there any other way we can configure or develop an app?
Which notifies a group via SMTP/email, when a task(or a batch of tasks) completes or an app loads successfully.
Thanks in advance.
How I can track which streams have a particular CUSTOM PROPERTIES item value or I want to search all the Stream names which contain 1/many custom properties item value same was as tags(list of occurance).
Note: Those CUSTOM PROPERTIES are Resource Type: Streams and has different Values.
I like to get the list of all the task names, Host Server, Where Status=Started
We have 3-4 Qlik Engines, Schedulers in cluster.
This morning, while some ETL pre-processing running, I manually checked each started tasks for the host server name. Found 2 servers where doing all the tasks. So immediately I restarted the Engine & Scheduler services on the 3rd server.
Because I took that proactive action, when the huge number of apps started to load, all servers started participating. Thus speeding the whole process.
So I need a good way to get the list of host servers which can give me a quick picture of whats happening with all the tasks recently processed/processing.
Hope I could explain properly.
*Qlik Sense November 2021 Patch 12.
Same Copies of logs in 2 locations C:\ProgramData\Qlik\Sense\Log and C:\Users\All Users\Qlik\Sense\Log
Are these duplicate or pointed/referenced file?
Exactly same metadata (datetime, attributes, contents).
If duplicate, that means drive space feeling up x2 as much for each log.
Please let me know if any concerns or way arounds to avoid.
And Log>QlikMobilityRegistrar folder seems have millions of log files. Will it cause any performance bottleneck.
Regarding how to configure Qlik Logging Service, please refer to the help: Qlik Logging Service.
QlikView Governance Dashboard
Hey Qlik Admins,
For Qlik Sense on Windows there is a massively useful resource in the Qlik Admin Playbook (https://adminplaybook.qlik-poc.com/) for administrators to guide them in administering a Qlik Sense site. However, more and more of our customers are moving to Qlik Cloud and a lot of tasks in the playbook do not translate directly to tasks in managing a Qlik Cloud tennant.
Is there a similar resource available for managing Qlik Cloud Tennants? If so, please share!
If not, please share below tasks (and if possible the cadence you suggest) for activities that could be in such a playbook, so that we can start formulating some best practices together. To start, I have gone through all the topics in the current playbook to see if I think they are applicable to Qlik Cloud and added some of the tasks I can currently think of that should be added:
Cadence | Section |
Daily | Review Tasks |
Weekly | Check for New Apps |
Weekly | Analyze App Metadata Analyzer |
Weekly | Check for New Tasks |
Weekly | Analyze Tasks |
Weekly | Check for New Data Connections |
Weekly | Review License Allocations |
Monthly | Analyze Data Connections |
Monthly | Audit User Access |
Monthly | Optimize License Allocations |
Monthly | Remove/Disable Unused Tasks |
Monthly | Remove Unused Data Connections |
Monthly | Verify Backup Execution |
Quarterly | Analyze App Adoption |
Quarterly | Analyze/Curate Extensions |
Quarterly | Flag Unused Base/Community Sheets |
Quarterly | Optimize Batch Window |
Quarterly | Optimize Sheet Order for Adoption |
Quarterly | Remove/Quarantine Unused Apps |
Quarterly | Remove Unused Private Sheets |
Quarterly | Review/Optimize QVDs |
Quarterly | Review/Update Capacity Plan |
Yearly | Plan Disaster Recovery |
Yearly | Practice Recovery Processes |
Yearly | Review Architecture/Scale Plan |
Weekly | Check new spaces |
Monthly | Remove unused spaces |
Weekly | Check new AutoML deployments |
Monthly | Remove unused AutoML deployments |
Weekly | Check new Automations |
Monthly | Remove unused Automations |
Weekly | Check new Alerts |
Monthly | Remove unused Alerts |
Weekly | Check new Subscriptions |
Monthly | Remove unused Subscriptions |
Curious for your input!
Ps. My current focus is on the "Analytics Services" side of Qlik Cloud, but feel free to also suggest tasks for the "Data intergration" part if you have any.
Hi Team,
We are trying to do POC for Qlik alerting and Insight advisor integration with Teams/slack. Can you please define the steps what need to be check from server side for integration with teams/slack for insight advisors.
Hello experts,
From the logs Engine>Trace>System_Engine.txt i got the records which mention,
"QrsSecurityManagement: Retrieved privileges in xx ms from the QRS"
What is privleges means here? Is it section access or retrieving privileges from Security rules for app?
In some cases i saw consecutive records of this. Why does Qlik retrieve this info for same user and app three times?
TS | AppID | userid | message | proxysessionid | sessionid |
20211018T093106.812+0300 | App1 | xxx | QrsSecurityManagement: Retrieved privileges in 106 ms from the QRS | d0fb5a12-xxxxxx.... | 6822b675-xxxxxxx..... |
20211018T093106.988+0300 | App1 | xxx | QrsSecurityManagement: Retrieved privileges in 107 ms from the QRS | d0fb5a12-xxxxxx.... | 6822b675-xxxxxxx..... |
20211018T093107.124+0300 | App1 | xxx | QrsSecurityManagement: Retrieved privileges in 69 ms from the QRS | d0fb5a12-xxxxxx.... | 6822b675-xxxxxxx..... |
Also i saw some records of this which takes retrieve info +300000ms which equals 5minute.