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I have a Qlik connection with a PostgreSQL database. I have a table called 'archive' storing a Date, a platform name and a JSON with the following structure
[ { "date": "2019-04-04", "agency": "aaa", "revenue": 55 }, { "date": "2019-04-04", "agency": "bbb", "revenue": 45 }, { "date": "2019-04-03", "agency": "aaa", "revenue": 52 }, { "date": "2019-04-03", "agency": "bbb", "revenue": 42 } ]
I am trying to have each one of these records as a row with this structure :
id, date, platform, record_date*, agency*, revenue* with the *fields coming from the Json.
I tried messing around with the load editor but I can not figure out how to do so, is there any function allowing me to parse this JSON field ? Should I change the structure of those JSON to make this possible ?
Thanks and have a good day.
There is a script function to parse a JSON field. Here is an example:
Table: load '[ { "date": "2019-04-04", "agency": "aaa", "revenue": 55 }, { "date": "2019-04-04", "agency": "bbb", "revenue": 45 }, { "date": "2019-04-03", "agency": "aaa", "revenue": 52 }, { "date": "2019-04-03", "agency": "bbb", "revenue": 42 } ]' as JSON AutoGenerate (1); load * FROM_FIELD (Table, JSON) (json, utf8, no labels); drop table Table;
Hope this helps.
@fosuzuki How I can join those fields, which they are obtained from JSON field, with other tables?
I am working with several fields from JSON format. I use FROM_FIELD instruction but I have to join with other fields and I don't know how I have to do it, because there is not common fields.
Thank you very much.
I'm not sure if I understood what you need to do.
To me, it only makes sense to join two tables if they have at least one field in common.
Can you post a sample of your tables and fields?
I get the following error when I use the From_Field function:
This is my code:
Any help is appreciated!