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Hello everyone,
I am quite new to this topic section access. I would like to know if it is possible or any ways to get the information about the roles of a user to use it in the loading script to limit the data view or to reduce it.
Currently, I got a data table with a column "restricted". The "restricted" is a flag column, which marks each data. The flag 0 marks data as "public" and can be seen normally, while a flag 1 means private or it is not allowed to be shown and therefore must be restricted for the data lines.
At the moment I achieved that my user could only see the data lines which has the flag 0
Section Access;
Load *
USER, 1234\hello@web.com, 0
Section Application;
resident XXX;
My goal: If the user have the role "permission_view_all", which is assigned and shown in the QMC, then the user can see all data. In other case, if he has not the role then he has a limited view on data (row-level-wise).
Is there any way to get the roles information from QMC to use it in my Section Access table? I wanna to built my App around the role to limit the data view
Sorry for my english and the repetition 😄
Thanks in advance!
You can set up a connection to your postgres repository and pull the information from public.users (it should be the Userid and RolesString fields, I believe).