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I have made a set-analys this that looks like below, which works fine:
Sum({$<[FactType]={'Actuals'}, [AccountNr]={"3*"} >}[Amount])
Now I want to add to the set-analysis a condition that if the filter "Scenario" is filtered, it should be ignored in this Measure. I.e. something like what I have below, where P* stands for the possible values in Scenario which could be "P202001", "P202002" and so one. But how could I make a set analysis that ignores what is selected in the "Scenario" filter?
Sum({$<[FactType]={'Actuals'}, [AccountNr]={"3*"}, [Scenario] not equal to {'P*'} >}[Amount])
U need to drop Scenario filter in this measure?
{<Fact_TYpe={'123'}, Scenario=>}
Or possible value this scenario?
can you try something like this -
Sum({$<[FactType]={'Actuals'}, [AccountNr]={"3*"}, [Scenario] -= {'P*'} >}[Amount])
not sure if you need to use single or double quote. If that doesn't work, you may also want to try !=.
Thanks for your reply! I tried with your suggestion and also changed to double quote like suggested. However still no output data, it looks like when I had this set analysis: [Scenario] -= {"P*"} it filters away everything, so I get zero output...
Is there another way I could do the set-analysis, to instead say that all possible [Scenario] should be shown regardless of any filtering?
So, you want to ignore anything which is selected or do you want to ignore anything which begins with P within Scenario?
I want to ignore everything which is selected in [Scenario]. I just used "P*" because I did not now how to write ignore everything...
U need to drop Scenario filter in this measure?
{<Fact_TYpe={'123'}, Scenario=>}
Or possible value this scenario?
May be this
If(GetSelectedCount([Scenario]) = 0,
Sum({$<[FactType]={'Actuals'}, [AccountNr]={"3*"}>}[Amount]), Sum({$<[FactType]={'Actuals'}, [AccountNr]={"3*"}, [Scenario] = e([Scenario])>}[Amount])
Thank you Sergio3, this solution seems to work for me:
Sum({$<[FaktaTyp]={'Utfall'}, [Kontonr]={"3*"}, [Scenario]= >}[Belopp])
Again, many thanks for your help, all of you!
Click on "Accept as soluton"
Than you!